Chapter 4 - New Friends


Ji Yeol's POV

I was walking with closed eyes down the straight hall, humming along to the music that was playing in my ear through headphones. Suddenly, I bumped into something hard. "OWW!" I yelped in utter shock and surprise.

"Oops! Sorry!" A masculine voice replied.

"Huh? Oh! Sorry! I should have watched where I was going! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!" I bowed a ninety-degree bow as many times as I apologized.

"Hahah, it's okay," the voice replied. I felt scared to even look up. "Heyyyy.... You're Ji Yeol right?" 

"Huh?!" I looked up, facing a certain Hyungsik.

"Erhmmmm.. .Yeah...? Yeah. That's right.. How did you know?" I asked him, curious. I mean-he already everyone knows who he did he know me?

He gasped. "Eyyyy! Chanyeolo didn't tell you?! I am his good hyung! He really didn't tell you about me?!"

"erm...actually, no. He didn't. has been nice meeting you! Gotta run! Byeee!" I felt my face blushing, so I fleed the scene. 

*Omg! He is so cute!* I thought to myself...*and hot* *wait-omaigoodez what in the world are you thinking Ji Yeol! SNAP OUTTA IT BEFORE YOU EMBARRASS YOURSELF*

Hyungsik's POV 

i swear I have to beat some sense into that Chanyeolo. He didn't even tell his sister about me! Ji Yeol is so funny...she is obviously embarrassed...her whole face was flushing! Perhaps she thought that I didn't see that and ran away ㅋㅋ 

Oh...and her friend..mmhmm...what was her name? Kang something Hyun...She's cute.

However, I heard Kai already called dibs on her though. Just had to make my decision to Ji Yeol then. 

Oh my god this makes me sound like I'm reluctant to even hang out with Ji Yeol, but that's not the case at all! Honestly, Ji Yeol is on par with Se Hyun, it's just that Kai had already proclaimed to me that Se Hyun was his. 

I bet Se Hyun doesn't even know Kai has some interest in her. Oh well. 

Continuing my way towards class, I realised that Kai was gazing at Se Hyun from his seat which is about five seats away diagonally. 

Sitting down next to my best friend, I nudged him, "Dude, you seem like a stalker." 

"She was so cute that day at the library..." He smiled dreamily. 

I smacked his head. "Dude, you're so creepy. And stalker-ish." 

"I want to invite her to our birthday party," Jongin said to me. 

"What the heck are you out of your mind?" I literally shouted at him, causing Se Hyun to look towards our direction. 

Of course, Kai being Kai, he instantly smiled and smirked at her. 

He probably did not see the roll of eyes at the end, or he chose not to see it. 

"You could ask Ji Yeol, since you guys were so close at the hallway just now," he wiggled his eyebrows. 

"You shut up." I smacked his head once again as our Hangeul teacher, Mrs Yoo, stepped into class. 

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