One Last Meet

Sooyoung Love Tragedy

Sooyoung is 16 year old girl. She is kind and get along well with everyone. She is clever and happened to be the apple of the school's eyes. She is not a bossy or a too girlish type of girl. 

Tomorrow the school breaks start and Soohyun already have plans for it. She will be visiting and hangs out with her best and most trusted friend Shin Dong Woo which she prefer to him CNU. CNU and Sooyoung have been friends ever since theye were only 5. They also used to be neibourgh but CNU parent received and having to work somewhere else. So every school break if CNU will visit Sooyoung and vice versa. 

"Annyoung Sooyoung!" Cnu greeted her with a warm smile.

"Cnu-ah! How are you?" 

"I'm doing well ta..." They talked for almost an hour. "Sooyoung let go to the park. I'm bored staying in here. I need fresh air to you know..!" 

"Ne.. arasso...Aigoo,," Both of them laughed. 

"Listen. There is something I need to talk to you about. But you must promise me you must never cry after knowing this..."

"Ha? why with at the promises.. ? Just tell me will you..." shouted Sooyoung

"(Sigh) I - I am having lukimia. And I will only a few weeks left. The doctor said it is getting worse and worse. I think this will be our last meet with each other...." 

"What?! You are not serious...?" Cnu just stared at Sooyoung... "But - But..." Sooyoung went silent for a moment and the continued, "First you left me and moved somewhere far and now you are leaving me here FOREVER?" tears started to fall. She cannot hold it in anymore. "I - I love you"

"Why?" Sooyoung look at Cnu..why what? "Why now? Why now you are telling me that? Why must now?" 

"I-I'm sorry.." Before Sooyoung knew Cnu hands were already on top of her gripping it hard. Cnu then slip a ring through her finger. 

"This will be my love towards you. Always wear it with you. I love you too Sooyoung." Sooyoung give him a pale smile at the same time crying. 

"Hey... shhh... don't cry anymore please. You look more beautiful when you smile." Sooyoung then gave him one beautiful smile that is 100% sincere coming from the heart. "See when you smile, as if the world stop and stare for a while..." said Cnu

Just like he said. He did die after 3 weeks since they met. Since that day Sooyoung never the same. She hardly concentrated in class or talked to anyone. The teachers have tried everything also her parent. They even hired a therapy but nothing changed. 

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we havent started dating but i already made a girl cry..wohoo..daebak!!i love that line
sooojung #2
i love your story ! a little bit sad but cute! :)) <3
nice story!<br />