Because I Love You

Idol and Peasant

a bright streak of sunlight shone through seulgi's room. (yes, taehyun slept in the living room last night)

"rise and shine, pig."

seulgi reacted almost immediately to those soft and delicate words. she rubbed her eyes open and found taehyun's face enlarged 10 times on top of her. taehyun leaned in for a peck on her lips and she giggled a little.

taehyun grabbed her hands to help seulgi up. she stretched her hands slightly and sniffed the fragrance in the air.

"mm that smells nice... what's that?"

"i made breakfast. quickly wash up and come out to take a look. you'll know then."

as though those were royal orders, seulgi immediately washed up. she stepped out into the living room to see taehyun laying out the dishes on the table nicely. she took a closer look, and saw what was for breakfast: french toasts, bacon, scramble eggs and orange juice.

the two chatted happily over their breakfast and energized themselves properly. before leaving the house, taehyun put on some disguise - sunglasses and a cap. hand in hand, they arrived at the yg building.

taehyun knocked at the office door a few times and asked politely, "sajangnim?"

"come in."

upon going in, the couple bowed 90 degrees.

"taehyun, who's this girl?"

"ah, i must have forgotten to introduce myself. hello, i'm kang seulgi. nice to meet you."

"sajangnim, i would like to tell you that i have a girlfriend... which is seulgi."

"but, taehyun, you do know that..."

"that artists in the company are not allowed to date so soon after debut?"

"yes. if you know that, then why would you still want to date... seulgi?"

"because i love her, sajangnim. she's the only girl that i'll love in my life. and to tell you the truth, i have been loving her since childhood. and i'm sorry to say this, but... i will never ever leave her again."

"are you trying to defy our rules stated in the contract?"

"if you really do not consent... then sorry. i quit. i quit this job."

standing up, taehyun bowed to the ceo for the last time and grabbed seulgi's hand. running behind taehyun, seulgi bowed to the ceo before leaving the office. once they were out of the building, seulgi asked:

"but, taehyun-ah... are you sure you want to do this? i mean, it's been your dream to be a singer since you were young..."

"it's okay, seulgi. because it's you. for you, i'm willing to give up my dream job. because i love you, kang seulgi."

seulgi was moved to tears by taehyun's words. it was the first time in her life that words actually touched her.

"pabo-yah. why are you crying?" taehyun smiled while wiping seulgi's tears off her cheeks.

seulgi smiled amongst the tears that were constantly flowing out. taehyun grabbed seulgi's hand again and they walked back home.

"that... seulgi-ah..."


"can i move over to your house? i mean like since now i can no longer stay at the dorm with my members... ex-members i mean."

"sure you could. my house welcomes you anytime."

taehyun patted seulgi's head. she loved it when he patted her head - it gave her a sense of security and belonging.

"nam taehyun, i love you too." seulgi whispered as she placed her head on taehyun's strong, sturdy shoulder.

and since that day, they led a happy life. nearly everyday passed by with no worries and no one or nothing bothering them.

why do you love me?

because it's you, kang seulgi. the one and only girl who i'll love, the one and only kang seulgi in the world.

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Chapter 14: Nice story. Thank you :)
sunsillver #2
pls make mino-seulgi fic~~
nolovenolie #3
Chapter 4: oh my little seulgi :(. Update soon author-nim, i wanna know how will taehyun react. and please make wendy and mino a couple, i just love them so much !
mrschenchen #4
please make more winner & redvelvet stories author-nim!!!
fairuzzahyusof95 #5
Chapter 2: It so good!!!update pleaseeee....
Chapter 2: Longerrr pleasee
hyeyamong #7
Chapter 2: Wow ... first kiss huh ? Omg thank you for this update !
hyeyamong #8
Chapter 1: Omg finally !! I wait for your update very long time ! Thank you very much for update
aswadinie #9
excited~ cant wait^^