a new partner

my beautiful lover


“I can’t hurt a heart anymore, or even more, I need to stop this”


It was in the middle of crowd inside the cafetaria, most of the tables were full of students who were studying, chating, or eating. A girl was sitting next to the window, she is facing her laptop, her eyes were stuck on the screen, none of the cup nor the books seemed to be seen by her.

Next to her table, a group of boys were chatting, one of them was standing when a boy was rushing from the entrance right to her table.

“hyerima!!! i think i’ve lost my sheets!”, he was frankly holding his books

“GOD! My...” she suddenly turned her head to him

“huh? Is it in your map?”

“what? No, you’ve just made me lose! Don’t you know that?”

“please, forget the game, see, i’ve lost my whole project” suddenly he grabbed her face right in front of his.

“WHAT? You must be kidding, that all night long project? The one you-“

“yes, that project, did you see it somewhere? “

“i..i don’t know, i think you’ve kept that since we finished it in my house”

“i think that’s too, but see”

Desperately, he sat on a chair next to her, laid his back on the wall.

“this” she held the cup to him, they were silent for a minute

“i don’t have any idea where is it”

“you should think clearly, it may left on somewhere you’ve been there”

“i know, but maybe, i should start to redo it”

“i can help you, and you can come to my house then, it may left there somewhere...” she brought her face in front of him.

They both smiled, and then laughed together. A pair of eyes were staring at them.


“the lost project doesn’t make sense at all.. you still able to make the new one ASAP”

“but, i just can’t believe that i lost it, i think i’ve kept it right”

The younger boy in the room, who was in the middle of playing a game suddenly faced him,

“hyung, why you still want to study if you’re already this smart, i won’t go into a university if i were   you”

The girl landed her hand straight on the boy’s head right after he finished his sentence


“noona,” but he suddenly kept his head down and hid his smile

“you will understand if you already get into a university...bet that”

“i know, the girls right. None of them are beauty in high school, but, they will in university, i’ve learned it”

She turned her face to her brother,

“what? What have you learned about? The girls? What? Is that the only thing you’ve learned?”

“yes if you have a sister like you”

“what do you mean?”

“you’re so ugly back to highschool, people won’t recognize you as my sister though-“

He hadn’t finished his sentence yet when the magazine landed on his head again.

All of them suddenly bursted into a laughter

“she’s not that bad. There were a lof boys who wanted to be her lover...”

“the boys from ‘the ugly’ gang in your school”

Again, they all bursted into a laughter.

“stop it you rascal! You too kev, you can leave now if you keep talking to that ugly boy”


They were walking on the corridor with each brought  seemed heavy books in their hand.

“i don’t think that it may come to this”

“huh? What do you really expect from a visual communication design major then?”

“making a lot of graphic designs, posters, or anything that seems to be an interesting one”

“this is a part of that”

“i don’t think i can read all of these. They may end as my pillow after all”

“huh? Oh, i’ve got something that might energize you”

She started to be interested

“what? “

“i think that i would’t be able to finish my project without your help, and-‘

“okay, a thank is energizing enough for me, thank you...”

“oh, you have known this? that 2pm will have their album signed in starbucks this evening?”

“WHAT? 2PM? STARBUCKS? The one right across the street? Today?”

He nodded

They were talking when a boy was going to pass them with his phone on.


They were crashed, the books from her hand were all down on the floor.

“sorry” the boy was taking the books and going to hand it to her

“oh, that’s okay, i, my self are too careless, that’s okay, thank you”

Suddenly he paused, freezed with the thick books on her hand,

“oh, this”

She grabbed the thick books and was going to walk again when he suddenly turned his head

“Mr. Park’s class, we are in the same class tomorrow”

She was talking to Kevin about the album signing so that she couldn’t hear a thing from him.

“don’t you see his sight”

“huh? who?”

“that guy, you’ve just crashed”

“emm, why? is there anything wrong, mucus?”

“God, not that, it feels like, ah, i don’t know”


This what they called Mr.Park’s class, many thick books were on everystudent’s table. The only in a visual communication design, where the other classes were full of projects. He was standing in front of the class, wrote something that was ended with the students searched for a partner.

She was in the middle of  doodling when the boy she had crashed was sitting next to her.

“So, have you got a partner for this?”

“huum, i will think about it later”

He peeked at her paper and suddenly bursted out laughing, it was surprising her, who was still concetrate on her paper until she realized that a guy now was laughing in front of her.

“that’s hillarious!”

She was still puzzled to see him commented on her doodle

“you think so? I don’t think this is the same with-“

“with the one who now is reading a book with his glasses that seems to slide on her nose all the time”

She turned her head to the front of the class, and suddenly laughed

“how can you know that?”

“your picture is exactly the same and a lot more funny!”

Just like that, they were ended to be a partner.


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