baekhyun's POV

i hope you're happy

I recieve a call from a stranger. They said that one of the doctors of the hospital just have an accident in the road. I ran where the wedding of kyungsoo will held. I saw kyungsoo is really worried about the doctor. I also look around whether she's here or not. I also called her phone but no one answered it. After the wedding, the doctor is nowhere to be seen. Kyungsoo called me since i know him when we're in college. He asked where is she. I told him that i dont know where she is. Both of us are getting worried. There's a call came from the hospital it is chanyeol. He said that she is in the hospital. She is really bad. I told kyungsoo to dont worry since i didnt tell him that his friend have an accident while in the road to attend his wedding. As i went there i saw her in bed. Another doctor came in and told me that the patient is really hurt badly and she have an unknown disease. I never thought that the happy and cheerful doctor became sad and ill. I sit beside her give comfort to her while her friend enjoy his wedding day. I really cant imagine that she end up like this.

Days passed she still unconcious. Someone visited her and it is kyungsoo. He is really surprised to what happened. I stared at him then i felt something. She's awake now but still not feeling well. I asked her if she's ok. She told me that she cant see. She said that its dark. She said also that she cant feel the half of her body. I cried quietly together with kyungsoo. I dont why she's suffering it is really unfair.

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