
one more drink

In-between the fading bass and sharp electro, Yoongi asks for one more drink and Jimin forgets why he ever said no.

They talk like they used to. Yoongi teasing Jimin with an adoring smirk. Jimin whining to Yoongi with an ecstatic smile that is brighter than the strobe lights and disco balls.

They catch up on the parts of each others' lives that they weren't part of. But not much has changed. Yoongi still has that job, Jimin is still dancing. Jimin's apartment door still has that annoying creak. Yoongi promises again that he'll fix it. Both too drunk from the alcohol and each other to correct the 's' to a 'd'.

On the dance floor, Yoongi's heavy limbs jumble with Jimin's flexibility. Touches that once again ignites the fire that they created together ages ago. The music becoming not a guide but a hiker to catch up to their rhythm. The familiarity and longing easily wins over their better judgments and suppressed memories; which are all the reasons on why what they're doing is so wrong.

It wasn't Jimin, but Yoongi that leads them back to the apartment with the creaking door. Fervent kisses and deep moans fills up the notes in the measures they compose, the breaks for air becomes their rests, never longer than a quarter before their dynamic is fortissimo once more.

And finally, when the symphony decrescendos away from hazy minds to consciousness, Jimin pulls away with a screech. In his hands are the broken locks to a door that wasn't supposed to be opened again. But a part of him knew Min Yoongi will always be able to push him to the key. He already does sometimes without even being physically with Jimin.

And when it comes to their relationship, there is always a reversal change. Where instead of being the normal rational thinker, Yoongi acts on impulse and emotions. And rather than being enthusiastic energy ball he is, Jimin is calm and thinks about the consequences.

So when Jimin pulls away, Yoongi pushes himself right back. Refusing to let him go, again. But not this time, not this night. Not after everything. Not after so long. Yoongi might have momentarily forgotten, but Jimin didn't.

"Yoongi hyung, stop." Jimin whispers as Yoongi continues to mark a flag on territory that is no longer his. "Taehyung's waiting."

With the mention of the third party name, Yoongi freezes, and it's like an ice cold bucket is splashed on him. He jumps off Jimin's burning body and rubs his face, already laced with regret.

"Taehyung's waiting, ." The realization hits Yoongi like a train and he quickly collects everything he dropped, keys, rings, and mentality. And then after the earthquake, the aftershock hits him hard too and he whips his head to Jimin, "Where's Hoseok?"

Standing up from the bed, Jimin leads Yoongi to the door, opening it with enough expertise to no create any sound. "He'll be back." Jimin smiles the same one that Yoongi sees sometimes in his dreams, but reality is much crueler. "Don't keep tae waiting now."

Fixing his beanie, Yoongi sends Jimin one last look, "Goodbye Park Jiminie."

Jimin closed the door without a response, Yoongi was gone before he heard the creak.

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Chapter 1: You write very well!! Very excited to read more c:
I like your style, the vocabulary was really good, excellent work! Keep going <3
Chapter 1: oh my this is actually something o.O

i really like the way you place things indirectly
SmallestAsme #3
Wrong technique with drinking, I was quitted talking