Ep 2-I met my old crush’s doppelganger!

You're My Eternity Love Life 2
“Hey amber unnie, you go first. We are so nervous.” Nicole said. Na Eun nodded. “wait, let me check my face first” Jessica checking her face with her phone’s blank screen as her mirror. “Okay”
Amber knocked the door a few times then opened the door. They were greeted by quiet atmosphere, student and teacher looks blankly at the new students. 4 girls went inside and stood in front of students. “Oh! Students. Meet our new friends here. Introduced youself please.” A kind teacher asks them.
Amber looked at Na Eun and telepathy with her for a while, “don’t be nervous, na eun-ah. You first, okay.” “okay unnie” Na Eun take a breath in and out.
“Hello, My name is Song Na Eun. I hope we can be friend.” Na Eun said. Next.. “Hai, My name is Song Nicole. I’m her big sister.” Nicole said. “Hey, I’m Jessica Jung.” Jessica said shortly.
“ahem ahem” Amber softly coughed for a while. The girls’ student looked at Amber with their sparkling eyes. “Ssup everyone. I’m Amber. Yes I am Girl. Nice to meet you all” Amber greet them with her dorkily smile. The girls’ students are taking progressing after they know Amber is a girl.
A few second it was quiet, but later it broke into noisy by their classmate. ‘WHOAA, Na EUN. You’re so cute. Be my friend’ ‘Nicole! You’re so pretty!’ ‘jessica!! You’re so hot!!’ ‘AMBER, BE MY GIRLFRIEND!!’
That girl shouting loudly that everyone heard her, including Jessica. Jessica send her eye’s deadly glared to that girl. That girl immediately looked down, scare of Jessica’s glare. Amber just chuckle and politely said to the girl, “sure, but just a friend.”
“Haha, okay. You girls can sit there. There 2 empty seat there and 3 empty seat there. So Na Eun-sshi and Nicole-sshi, you girls take 2 seats. Amber-sshi and Jessica-sshi just take that 3 seat. By the way, I am your homeroom teacher, it Son Dam Bi. Call me Ms.Dam Bi” 
“Neeh, Ms.Dam Bi.” The girls went to their seat. Amber took at the middle seat while Jessica took at left seat.
“Okay, student. Take out your note. We’re starting our lesson now” Ms.Dam Bi starting writing on the board. As Ms. Dam Bi back facing the student. Amber was busily writing her note as she listened well to her teacher. Jessica is just lazily listening at Ms.Dam Bi’s lecture though she know it very well. Nicole and Na Eun just listened and copy it in their notebook.
“Okay, I want you all do it your work, on Exercise 1. If you finish already, pass it to me. Okay?” Ms.Dam Bi said. “Neeeh!”
After 30 minutes past, Amber easily answered the question and wrote on her note the answer. She finished so quickly. Jessica just taking her time only though she also know this. Amber nudged at Jessica and telepathy to her. “I gonna pass my note now. or I just wait for you?” – Amber  “Is okay. Just pass it to ms.dam bi.” – Jessica. “okay”
Amber stood up and went to Ms.Dam Bi. “Whoa, amber. You’re fast finished the work. Wait let me check your work first. (checking amber’s work) whoa, you answers them all correctly. You must be smart one.” Ms.Dam Bi compliments Amber. “Hehe, it was easy because you told us the working. Thank to you, ms.dam bi.” Amber said. “Oh thank, that is my job as teacher. Teaching you all, my student.” Ms.dam bi said.
“okay, you may have a rest there.” Ms.Dam Bi said. “Neeh” Amber went back to her seat and silently yawned. Jessica whispered to her “hey, you can take a nap now. later I wake you up.” “okay” Amber decided to take a nap.
A few minutes, a knock sounded at the door. “come in” ms.dam bi said it out. A girl opened the door and walked inside. The entire student looked awed at the girl’s pretty face.
“Introduced yourself please?” Ms.Dam Bi asks. “I’m Krystal Jung” the girl named krystal said shortly. “Oh krystal-sshi. You’re late.” Ms.Dam Bi said. “Sorry, is my car. At a sudden broke down. So I take a bus.” Krystal told her.
Nicole and Na Eun looked up to see that Krystal and gasped out. They looked each other then looked at Jessica. But Jessica is busily doing her work.
Nicole make a paperball and threw it at Jessica. It hit to Jessica’s head. Jessica groan out annoying then look for the culprit. Saw it was Nicole. Jessica was about to shot her deadly glare when Nicole quickly pointing to the front as she asking Jessica to look front.
Jessica lazily turns her head and looked in front. She also gasped out as she shocking seeing that krystal. “Yoona?!” Jessica thought.
Jessica looked back to Nicole and telepathy her,
“Is Yoona! What is she doing here?!” – Jessica  “No, that not Yoona. That Krystal” – Nicole “But she looks like Yoona” – Jessica “What will Amber unnie’s reaction if she see this person” – Na Eun.
Jessica POV
Our telepathy was cut off by Krystal. She stood near sleeping Amber. She was about poke Amber, I quickly stopped her by told her “You can take that empty seat.” “Okay thanks.” Krystal thanked me.
“erm, what are we doing?” Krystal asked me. “Oh, ms.dam bi told us to do work this exercise 1” I told her. “Oh okay.”
“I don’t know what will happen if amber saw her. Will she start fall in love to krystal instead of me? If it does, I guess krystal is my new rival. I hope not” I thought of it.
Amber POV
I woke up by the bell. Finally the breaktime. I slowly sat straight and cracking my neck. “okay kids, just pass to me the note tomorrow.” “Neh Ms.Dam Di. Thank You!” We all greet her. 
“Sica ah, what’s wrong?” I asked, saw her worried face. “Oh, you awake. Hai, I’m krystal.” I heard a girl talked to me behind my back. 
I turn around to greet her back. Only then my jaws drop down seeing her face. “Yoona?” I whispered out. “What?” she asked as she doesn’t heard what I said. Jessica quickly broke my trance, “Her name is Amber. I’m Jessica.” Jessica introduced for me and herself.
“Oh! Hai Jessica-sshi. Nice to meet you” she greet and shaken hand with Jessica. “Jessica-sshi, didn’t I heard you say Amber? Isn’t that name for girl?” she asked confusedly. “T-t-that be-because i-i-I am g-girl” I stuttering said to her. “Oh, I’m sorry. I thought you were guy. Hai, I’m krystal. Nice to meet you, Amber-sshi.” Krystal stretched out her hand to shaken hand with me. I accept shaken hand by stretching out my shaking hand.
Finally our hands were connected, I feel electrical spreading out inside my spine. “Nice to meet you too, Krystal. And drop your formal tone. I feel like we are on meeting room.” I finally jokingly said normally. Krystal is just giggling at my joke. We let go our hand.
“Oh, let me introduce my other friend. Nicole-ah Na Eun-ah, come here.” I motion them. “Here krystal, meet Nicole and Na Eun.” I said to Krystal. “Hai, I’m Song Na Eun and….” “… I’m Song Nicole.” Nicole and Na Eun friendly introduced themselves. I know them very well, they also know about my past. They must be shocking to see her.
“I’m Krystal. By the way, are you girls are sister?” Krystal asked Nicole and Na Eun. “Yeah, we are sister. I’m her big sister” Nicole answered. “Oh, I knew it that you were sister.” Krystal smiled to them. 
“Okay, krystal. Wanna join us? Me and the girls are going to meet other girls at canteen.” I invited her. “Is it okay?” Krystal asked worriedly. “Don’t worry, I know them so well. They don’t mind it and they are friendly peoples like us here.” I reassuring her. “Okay then” Krystal accept my invitation.
On the way to canteen, I feel a nudge on my side, I looked at Jessica and she telepathy me;
“Amber, can you follow me? I need to talk to you privately” – Jessica “sure, I’ll tell Nicole” – amber
“Nicole-ah, you girls go ahead. I need to accompany Jessica to go back to classroom for a while. She is forgotten something. Later we go catch up.” I said to Nicole. Nicole just nodded. “And krystal, is that okay?” I asked. “Sure” Krystal smile friendly to me.
Outside the school, I check the coast and it no one here. We switched into vampire mode, and sprint away from the school, in a flash. We stopped on abandoned rooftop.
“I know what’s you want say. It is about krystal, right?” I straightforward said to her. Jessica just nodded. “Yeah, honestly I also shocked to see her. But Jessica, she is just a doppelganger of Yoona.” I reassured her. “But what if you caught into falling in love to her?” Her word caught me off.
“she’s right. What if I fall in love to her, not Jessica?” as too much question flying in my mind. Then I feel a soft hand holding my both cheek, I snapped out my thought. I saw Jessica looked into my eyes. Her eyes were full of worriedness.
“Is okay amber. If you were fall in love to her, instead of me. I try to let go of you and try to moving on. I don’t mind it. But we still can be fri-?” Jessica said. I cut her off by crashing against her lip. I kissed her lip, a passionate kissing for a while. We pulled out the kissing.
Jessica looked at me surprised at my action, “Don’t give up easily. I feel like I’m a bad person. All the years you were treating me so specially. You can still courting me. Though if I falling in love to her. But I don’t think krystal would like or love me back and wouldn’t into lesbian relationship. Yes, we still are friend. For me, you’re my special friend.” I smiled sweetly to her. Jessica was speechless at my word.
“Please don’t give up easily and don’t lose that your hope. I’m sure someday I can fall in love to you. just wait for me.” I said again. “Okay, I will try my best to get your heart. I’ll waiting for you.” Jessica said and smile sweetly to me.
I kissed her again for a few second. She gladly kissed me back. “Okay, we should go back to school. I’m sure they are waiting for me and worried about us. Yuri probably very worried about me because of Krystal.” I said after pulled out the kiss. Jessica just nodded. I grab and hold her hand then sprint off to the school.
Meanwhile at the canteen.
Author POV
"NICOLE AH NA EUN AH, OVER HERE!” Yuri waved to Nicole and Na Eun. They saw it and went to them. Follow behind them is Krystal. “Oh, you bought your new friend here.” Tiffany said. “Er, ye-yeah” Na Eun nervously said. Nicole quickly make telepathy group;
“Girls, please don’t be surprised. Don’t say out that amber’s past love name. Please, okay?” – Nicole. “What do you mean, Nicole-ah?” – taeyeon. “You will know what I mean” – Nicole. “Could it be her?” – yuri. “Yes, but it not her.” – Nicole. “Huh, what do you mean that is not her?” – BoA
Niole cut off the telepathy group and move aside to show them. Everyone’s eyes were open widely as they know what Nicole is trying to tell to them. “Er, hello. My name is Krystal Jung. Hope you don’t mind it if I join in you girls.” Krystal awkwardly greet them.
“O-oh hai, krystal. I’m BoA.” BoA immediately greets her then she nudge at Taeyeon. Taeyeon quickly change her face to friendly face. “Ssup, I’m Taeyeon. And This is Tiffany.” Taeyeon introduced herself and Tiffany too. Tiffany just eye-smile to her.
“Hey, I’m yuri. Amber’s younger sister. I bet you know Amber right?” Yuri asked. “Yeah! nice to meet you, Yuri. I’m Krystal.” Krystal greets her. “Lastly, this is Sulli and Minah. They’re our maknae girls in our group.” Yuri introduced Sulli and Minah to Krystal.
“HELLO!!” Sulli and Minah happily greet to Krystal. “whoa, they looks so hyper huh?” Krystal said, a bit surprised. “Yeah, they always like that.” Yuri said. “Nicole-ah, where’s Amber Hyungnie and Jessica unnie?” Yuri asked. “Oh, they went back to classroom because Jessica were forgot something there. But later they’ll be back.” Nicole answered.
Just in time, Jessber arrived in the canteen and easily spotted their group.
“Ssup girls, did taeyeon already treat us yet?” Amber said. “We’ll wait for you. Hyung!” Sulli pouting.
“Yeah, you making us waiting for you, we starving because you, oppa.” Minah also pouting.
“Aigooo, our bratty girls. Okay okay” Jessica pat their head. “YAH, Taeyeon. Go buy our food now!!” Amber playfully pushing TaeNy.
“Here krystal. You can sit with me.” Jessica pat on right side empty seat beside her. Amber just take a seat on the Jessica left side. and they starting their conversation about their first class.
A few minutes, TaeNy came back to group. Taeyeon bring a food trolley and also bought their foods.
Amber just covered her face, feeling embarrassing at Taeyeon. Yuri exclaimed to Taeyeon, “YAH UNNIE, why you bring that trolley?!”
“WHAT?! Your foods are too much for us to bring it. So got no choice to use this trolley.” Taeyeon said and rolled her eyes, feeling annoying. Tiffany took their foods and put to their table.
“Fine, you better put back that trolley.” Amber said. Taeyeon went to put back the trolley then went back to group. Just then taeyeon’s makes a contact to the seat.
Amber spotted a pizza guy and she waved at him to tell him to come here. The pizza guy spotted and approached to their table. Amber took it the pizza from pizza guy’s grasp.
The girls looked at Amber with their confused face. “Sir, you must pay this.” The pizza guy politely asked. “Oh, she will pay this.” Amber just pointing to Taeyeon. “Oh, miss. It $XX.” The pizza guy asked Taeyeon who feeling disbelieved. “Here” taeyeon gave the money and pizza guy took the money then walked away.
“WHOA!! Taeyeon unnie treat us a pizza!!” Yuri exclaimed happily. All students watching them, feeling envy that girl is treating her geng. “Yeap” Amber innocently said. “YOOOOUU!!!!!!!!!!!” Taeyeon shout out before start chasing Amber who running away from angry taeyeon.
“You girls, just take the pizza now. leave some for Taeyeon and Amber.” Jessica told them.
"Oh, krystal. You can take some” Jessica said to Krystal.
“Is that okay?” Krystal asked. “They don’t mind it. Don’t be shy.” Yuri said while ate the pizza. Krystal took the piece of pizza and ate it.
“is taeyeon really angry?” Krystal asked while watching Amber and Taeyeon running around the canteen.
“no, my taetae is just want teach her lesson. They just were having friendly chasing game.” Tiffany said. “Your taetae?” Krystal asked confusedly. “Taeyeon is my girlfriend. We are lesbian.” Tiffany boldly told Krystal. “Ooh, I didn’t know that” Krystal was surprised to hear that.
“Why krystal? You don’t like lesbian girls?” BoA asked. “No, it just surprised to know that and it my first time being friend with lesbian.” Krystal honestly told them. “ooh” BoA said. Finally Amber and Taeyeon joined back to group from the chasing game. They are feeling tired.
Krystal saw amber holding her cheek. “What’s wrong amber?” Krystal is worriedly asking. “She got punch by ME” Taeyeon answered instead with emphasize ‘ME’. “But there no need to punch me harder. Damn that hurt!” Amber whimpered the pain.
“Okay, here. Put this cold soda to your cheek. Sorry. It just you the one who started this” Taeyeon apologizes to Amber and gave her soda to Amber. “Hehe, sorry. Is okay.” Amber accept and put on her cheek. Amber and Taeyeon took their pizza and ate it.
“By the way, are we waiting for someone else?” Krystal asked while pointing to 4 empty seats.
"Yeah, we are waiting for the boys. Oh there they are. I bet you must be surprised to see them” Taeyeon said.
Krystal looked at where Taeyeon pointing to. Her jaws drop down as she is so shocked to see the familiar boys.
After the boys sit down, Krystal immediately exclaimed to Kai, “OMG!! KAI OPPA!!! I’m your big fans!!” Kai was startled by Krystal’s shout but burst out laughing. “Dude, you got your fans here” Yuri high-fived to Kai. “Yeah, I didn’t noticed that my fans here too” Kai said.
“Hai, what’s your name? What’s class are you in?” Kai asked with his charming smile. “Hai, I’m Krystal!! Er, I’m in XXX class” Krystal nervously answered. “Oh, you’re in same class with Amber and the girls” Kai said.
“Yeap” Amber said. “Wait?! You know them too?” Krystal asked. “yeah, they are my friends” Kai answered.
“I bet you’re feeling lucky becoming friend with amber and the girls here.” Chanyeol jokingly said. Krystal just feeling unbelievable.
“I bet she is! High-Five!!” Baekhyun high-fived to Chanyeol.
Krystal is immediately blushing hard. “Boys, you’re making her embarrassing!” Tiffany said. “Sorry, krystal. I just saying only” Baekhyun said. “Don’t mind them” Kai said. “So krystal, what make you choose this school?” Kai asked. “When I heard about you and the boys are schooling here, so I choose this school. I want to be friend with you guys. And want to learn from you guys about becoming idol!” Krystal honestly said. “OMG, Same goes to us all!!” Tiffany exclaimed.
“Really?!” Krystal said. “yeah, we. The girls are also dream to be idol like them.” Amber said. “Yeah, these girls are planning to give out their dancing skill and singing skill to the company this year. You can join them too, if you want to.” L.Joe said.
“Really?! I wanna join you girls! You don’t mind it??” krystal begging to them. “Why don’t you ask Amber directly? She our leader” Taeyeon smirk at Amber. “Can I join your group, amber? Please please!!!” Krystal pleading at Amber. Amber can’t resist at Krystal’s cuteness, “Okay, you are officially joined our group” Amber said.
“YEAH!!” Krystal is feeling happy and unconsciously hug Amber. Amber was so surprised at sudden hug. Jessica just gasped out surprising too. {Dup-Dup Dup-Dup} “OH NO!! it beating!!” Amber thought. Amber gently pulled away the hug. “okay, no need to hug me. You should just hug Kai instead” Amber jokingly said. Krystal just playfully slap amber’s shoulder and blushing again.
“But, our dancing skill is extremely hard one. So if you feeling exhausted, just sound it.” Amber said. “Okay.” Krystal playfully salute. 
“Er, can you ask kai oppa for me? Can I take picture with him?” Krystal shyly whispered to Amber. “Krystal, don’t be shy. You’re amber’s friend is my friend too. Sure, you can take picture with me. But you must take a picture of my member too and L.Joe here.” Kai said and he was sharply heard Krystal’s whisper.
“Oh yeah, I just realized that. I didn’t expect EXO and Teen Top were friend too.” Krystal said. “My member, also didn’t expect that I friend with EXO member. Same goes to other EXO members” L.Joe said. “Oh” Krystal said
“Why don’t we take a picture group of us? Good thing I bought my monopod here and my instax camera.” Tiffany take her instax mini and monopod out from her bag. “Great idea!!” Krystal agreed with it. “You and Kai first. 2 times okay! First smile then second make a EXO sign. Okay?” Tiffany said.
“No Problem” Kai said. “hey krystal, don’t be shy. Be comfortable with me” Kai said to Shy Krystal. “o-okay” Krystal trying to comfortable with KPOP Idol kai. “Okay smile! 1.. 2.. 3..” Tiffany pressed the camera and it flash out. Tiffany just took out the instax paper that sliding out and put on the table. “Last shot, EXO!! 1.. 2.. 3..” flash out.
It continuing flashing out as it taking picture of BaekHyun,Chanyeol&Krystal and L.Joe and Krystal. Lastly it group picture shot. Amber put her phone on the monopod, stretches it longing the monopod. Amber used the timer of 5 seconds and she click the capture button then she lifted up as the timer started counting. “SAY CHEEESE!!!” amber shout out.
“CHEEEESE!!!” everyone said it out until the camera took their picture. “Okay, we should eat now before the bell” Amber said. And everyone continued eating. The boys finished quickly and they stood up then waved bye to the girls.
“Here” Tiffany 6 instax paper pictures to Krystal. Krystal scanned her pictures and squealing in happiness. “thank you tiffany unnie!!” Krystal thanks to Tiffany. “No Problem.” Tiffany just eye-smile to Krystal.
“Hey, krystal. Can I have your phone number?” amber asked. “oh yeah, we should exchange our number” The girls did exchanging their phone number. A few minutes, their phones are vibrated as a new group was formed on their KaKaoTalk.
KakaoTalk Group Chat: We are GG11
Llama.M – [Picture]
PrincessStal – whoa thanks. It was so pretty picture.
PrincessSica – I didn’t know that your username is princess too.
PrincessStal – same here. It just my parent loved to call me princess.
Llama.M – ohhh. Sica also act like princess. Hehehe
PrincessStal – I can see that. And Amber, why your username is Llama?
PrincessSica – that because she looks like Llama.
Krystal burst out laughing after she looks closely at Amber. “SHE hahaha Does hahaha Looks like hahaha Llama hahaha” Krystal said while laughing.
ByunTaeTae – Hoho!!
Llama.M – SHUT UP
PrincessStal – why is the username byuntaetae? Why there words like ByunTae?”
Llama.M – that because she is truly byuntae. LOVED MY LITTLE FANY MUSHROOM’S !! she love to her , by the way.
FanyMushroom – Yeap.
PrincessStal – LOL
ByunTaeTae – Haish
Llama.M – HO HO HO. I WIN!!
PrincessStal – Fany unnie, why mushroom?
Llama.M – she looks cute and looks like a cute mushrooms.
PrincessStal – I see… suit for you, unnie.
B.O.A - <- just my name.
PrincessStal – NICE NAME!! [thumb up]
B.O.A – Thanks [Peace sign]
Pearl.Yul – I am pearl.
Llama.M – Black pearl by the way -.-
ByunTaeTae – true true
Pearl.Yul – yeah hehehe
PrincessStal – suit for you.
Pearl.Yul – thanks!
Cole.NIC – just my name.
Eunie.NA – same here.
PrincessStal – pretty!
BratSul – How about me!!
BratNah – ME TOO!!
PrincessStal – Erm, cute. Suit to your nickname.
Llama.M – hahaha
PrincessSica – LOL
And then the bell has ringing.
Author POV
“Okay, it class time again. It is so fun to have you join in our group” BoA said. “Yeah, it was so fun to be friend you all.” Krystal said.
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author, where are u????
Chapter 2: Nice update author.... i wish this story is jessber because jessica really loves amber, but i think its not gonna happen because its a kryber fanfic.... update soon
Chapter 2: chapter 2: krystal so lucky join amber group,meet her bias..and amber already falling for krystal,,,T_T i'm pity for jessica.they conversation in kakao so funny,good job author keep it up,and thank for updating
Chapter 1: chapter 1:finally you updating author...i'm really miss your story
jealous jessica...kyaaaaaaaaa so cute
hope krystal meet amber soon,,,curious about amber reaction and jessica jealous mode if her know that krystal is yoona daughter...kekekeke
Chapter 1: Excited about the next chapter...update soon
author-shi when you update this story?????/
please be patient, im still working on this story.
juny98 #8
yeahh my another favorite story is coming back hehehe
Thank you for continuing this. I really liked the first one.