Ep 1 – Beginning of Our College Day! 2015

You're My Eternity Love Life 2

Author POV

“KIDS!! AMBER AH YURI AH!! Come down now or else you all gonna be late on your first day of college!” Donghae shouted from the kitchen, making pancakes and tea for his kids. “NEEEH!!”

A few minutes, some rumbling was heard at the stair as all of them going down the stair.


Soon the families completely together in the dining room and start eating their breakfast while sharing their excitement about their college year.


“Girls, I already bought your apartments. Two room. Each room fit for 5 people. It is just near to your college school. You can just stay either at the college dorm or apartment. It is up to you all.” Donghae told them.


“and your stuff, already did the move-out.” Baekhyun said. “neeh oppa/hyung! Thank you all” the girls bowed to Donghae as their thank greeting. 


“We are so happy and so proud of you all, that you girls fianlly enrolled in the same college as us all.” Kai said and smiled to the girls. “Yeap” L.Joe, Chanyeol and Baekhyun said altogether and also smiling to their girls.


“Soon, your dream will be come true. Dreaming to be idol like us all. I am so proud of you all.” Jonghyun said. “Yeah, finally!! This year. We all will try our best to catch attention of the idol company.” Sulli said. “Yeah, we show them our talent!!” Minah said.


“Hold on girls. Be patient. Don’t over-doing or over-worked hard. Think of your healthy. Healthy is the most important.” N said. “One last thing, Be good student and good record!” Luhan said. “Neh LUHAN HYUNG/OPPA and N HYUNG/OPPA!!” the girls playfully salute to Luhan and N.


The boys are just laughed at girls’ silly action. “Amber ah Yuri ah, take care of yourself and the girls. Okay?” Donghae said, serious tone. “We will, hae hyung.” Yuri said, amber just nodded with their serious face.


“Okay girls. It almost 8am now. Now is 7.12am.” Jonghyun said. “Yeah, My manager is waiting at the company now. Gotta go now. Bye!” L.Joe said after he received text message from his manager. “Same goes to us now.” Baekhyun also received text message from their manager.


“Okay, oppa. Take care. Don’t forgot to greet us at school.” Sulli said. “And watch out of your fans” Minah jokingly said. “I will, girls. Just meet at canteen. And minah, I will.” L.joe pat Minah’s head. “Don’t worry, we will be tour you girls that school.” Chanyeol said. “Okay, take care you girls.” Kai said.


4 boys went out, get on their cars and drove off to their company. “Okay girls, we gonna go now. Going off to our schedule place now. bye girls. Amber, make sure you lock the door and switch hidden on.” Donghae said. The boys also go out and drove off to their schedule.


“Girls, you go wash the dishes now. Amber and I are going to get our car now.” Yuri said as they going out to garage and bringing their bag. Taeyeon, BoA and Nicole also followed YulBer to get their vehicle. “Neh unnie.” The maknae girls said. Jessica and Tiffany are helping them are washing the dishes.


A few minutes

"Okay, all clean. Come on now. Amber and other girls are waiting outside now.” Jessica said.


Maknae girls, Jessica and Tiffany went out then saw them standing leaning at their car, waiting for them.


TAENY   Yuri,Minah & Sulli    Amber 


Jessica & BoA    Nicole & Na Eun 


Sulli and Minah go to Yuri’s car. Tiffany obviously goes to her TaeTae. Amber wanted to ride her bike. Jessica goes to BoA. Na Eun goes to her sister, Nicole. Soon they all start drove to their school. They stopped cause the traffic light. The girls received a text message in their group-chat.


Groupchat – G-10

Llama.M – wanna race?

Pearl.Yul – Sure. Winner get what?

ByunTaeTae – Get treated by Loser.

B.O.A – Treat all our order?

Llama.M – Yeap.

Cole.NIC – Racing to the school? Who reach first in the school is the winner?

Pearl.Yul – Yeap. But the finish line at the few block away from the school.

ByunTaeTae – Are you ready?

Llama.M – HellYeah I am ready.

Pearl.Yul – I am born to be ready.

Cole.NIC – I bet on Yuri and Taeyeon unnie.

B.O.A – I choose Amber.

PrincessSICA – I choose my amber.

FanyMushroom – I choose my taetae.

Brat.SUL – oh uh!

Brat.NAH – Gotta put our seatbelt now.

EunieNA – same goes to me.


The light change to Yellow. The 5 vehicles starting their engine.
Then GREEN. Amber, Yuri and Taeyeon furiously drove off with their full fast. Nicole and BoA just followed behind. Jessica is watching Amber with her hoping and worried face.
“Don’t worry about amber. Amber can take care there, beside she is pro in her bikes.” BoA reassure her.  “I know. And I hope she win in this race there.” Jessica said. “Yeah” BoA said while focusing on the road.
Meanwhile on the racing scene.
Taeyeon take over first place, beside her is Yuri. Both of them sometime looking each other with their smirk face and sometime focusing on the road. Taeyeon turn on her radio then volume up the music. She opened all door-windows so the music beating loud spread out her car. {Beep Beep-BTOB}
Yuri just chuckle while focusing the road. Sulli and Minah thumb up to Taeyeon. Tiffany just eye-smiled to 2 maknae girls, she looked at the back, and saw Amber is behind them.
“TaeTae, is amber.” Tiffany told taeyeon. “I know. Hell no, I’m not gonna lose this race.” Taeyeon said. She engine up her speed. Leaving yuri behind. “Oppa, amber hyung at the back!!” Sulli exclaimed. “Full speed!!” Minah exclaimed. “I’m trying here” Yuri said.
Too late for them to speed up because Amber managed to passed by them and now chasing taeyeon’s car. Amber engine up her speed and rode faster. Soon amber is beside Taeyeon’s car.
Taeyeon looked at her side and saw Amber there. Amber waved at Taeyeon and speeding up furious fast, rode ahead to the finish line.
Only left racers are Yuri and Taeyeon. Yuri managed to catch up Taeyeon. And they are head-to-head racing to the school. Amber is the first arrived and she turns around to see them. Yuri and Taeyeon are still head-to-head there, as they almost reaching to the finish line.
Finally they reach to the finish line. Followed by BoA and Nicole behind them and looking at the racer with their curious face. Amber pulled out her phone and typing something. The girls received a text messages from their group chat.
Llama.M – I am the first place!!
ByunTaeTae – no, you’re not. You’re in the third place. I AM SECOND PLACE!!
PrincessSica – Congrat amber. For the first place. <3
Llama.M – Thanks Sica-ah.
EunieNA – so? Who is second place and third place?
B.O.A – yeah, who it is? Better hurry up, it almost 8am.
Llama.M – The second place goes to…
Llama.M - …. YURI!!
Pearl.Yul – WOOOHOOO
ByunTaeTae – DAMMIT!!
Brat.NAH – Yuri JJANG!!
Llama.M – You, loser. Must treat us later on break time.
ByunTaetae – FINE (angry emoticon)
MushroomFany – Don’t be mad, taetae-ah. It just a game.
ByunTaetae – I know. Sigh. I gonna be bankrupt.
MushroomFany – don’t worry about that. We both on the same team.
Llama.M – Woohoo!!
Llama.M – Let’s go now. But, we should walk together, okay?
The girls give their sign ‘okay’ to amber.
And they start drove again.
In the school.
A loud music was heard and grabbing attention of the students.
A motorcycle then 4 awesome cars followed behind, drove in and park their vehicle. Soon the students gathered around there as they exciting seeing the new students.
‘WHOAA~ he so handsome!!’ Girls shout at Amber who took off her helmet coolly. Amber getting off her motorcycle coolly and coolly again swing her bag on her shoulder. The girls were just squealing seeing amber’s coolness.
Amber went to BoA’s car. BoA went out her car and received shout from the boys. ‘WHOA!! She so damn pretty!’ (more comment from the boys)
Amber opened the car door for Jessica. Jessica went out and smiled thanks to Amber. It received some comment. ‘Who is she?’ ‘His girlfriend?’ ‘I hope not.’ ‘Whoa, she so damn hot.’ ‘is she taken already?’ ‘is she single?’ ‘is that her boyfriend?’
BoA went to Jessber and wait for the girls getting out their cars.
Taeyeon was the first get out the car, take her bag. ‘omg, she so cute, I wonder if she still single’ ‘heck, she wouldn’t choose you. she rather choose me than you nerd.’ Taeyeon didn’t care about Boy’s comment and hurriedly went to the other side. She opened it and tiffany went out. ‘whoaaa, she so y!!’ ‘she mine’ ‘yah, she mine!’ Tiffany immediately holds Taeyeon’s hand. ‘what the?!’ ‘are they in relationship?’ ‘I hope not’
TaeNy went to Jessber and BoA with their holding hand together.
Nicole and Na Eun also went out the car together. ‘whoaa they so pretty.’ ‘I hope they are not lesbian too’ ‘they look like sister’ Nicole went to Na Eun and putting her arm around Na Eun’s shoulder while Na Eun wrapping at Nicole’s waist as they joining the other girls.
Lastly, Yuri and Sulli and Minah went out the car. ‘that girl! She so hot’ ‘omg she so cute’ ‘that girl also cute’ ‘be my girlfriend!’ Sulli and Minah just smiled to them as they followed behind Yuri.
Soon the girls complete together and walking together like girls’ geng. Taking all the students’ attention to the girls. ‘omg, they looks like girl group!!’
Walking inside the school, and went straight to the teacher rooms. Waiting in there, to get know where their classes are and also getting the timetable class.
“you girls saw that? Their reaction? Their faces are so priceless. hahahaha” Amber asked as she burst out laughing. “Yeah they are. Damn, it so funny!!” Yuri also laughing. Amber and Yuri high-fived “That boys keep saying that ‘she mine’, it annoyed me.” Taeyeon rolled her eyes. “Aww, don’t mind them. Remember, I’m your. Your Pany. And You’re mine. My TaeTae” Tiffany eye-smile to Taeyeon. “You so sweet, pany-ah” Taeyeon smiled sweetly to Tiffany.
“You know. Those students mistook me as a guy.” Amber said. “Duuh, that because your style.” Yuri said. “I bet, those girls falling to you now.” Nicole said. “I’m sure those girls might ask you out later breaktime, dude” Yuri jokingly said.
“I’ll be the first girl to get amber before they does. They have to come through me first.” Jessica said. “Aww, sica is jealous now~” BoA teasing Jessica. “Aigoo aigooo, don’t be jealous. Don’t be too hard on them. Remember Luhan’s word” Amber said to Jessica. “But amber..” Jessica pouting to Amber. “Stop pouting, sica-ah. Here here, *Mwah*” Amber peck Jessica’s lip. “Don’t mind them okay” Amber reassure her. “Fine” Jessica give up. “Good” Amber pat Jessica’s hair.
“Err, I think not just amber. Jessica unnie also got the boys. What if they asking you out?” Na Eun asked. “I just straightforward say to them, NO” Jessica emphasize the word ‘NO’ with her poker face.
“Okay then~” Na Eun said.
Then a woman walked to their direction and called their name.
“Amber Liu.” “I am” Amber lifted her hand up. “Erm, pardon me. Why your name is Amber? Aren’t this girl’s name?” a woman asked politely. “Well, I am a girl.” Amber told her. “Oh, I’m sorry. I thought you were a boy.” The woman apologizes to Amber. “Is okay. She get that a lot.” Jessica said.
“Oh. Anyway, I just wanted to tell you girls that some of you are in different class because you’re taking different activities.” That woman told them. The girls just patiently waiting to woman continued her word.
Jessica secretly praying in her mind, hoping she can be classmate with Amber.
“XXX class, Amber, Jessica, Nicole and Na Eun. XXX class, Taeyeon, Tiffany and Boa Ah. XXX class, Yuri, Sulli and Minah” woman told them.
Jessica is celebrating herself in her mind. Feeling so happy to know that she is same class with Amber.
“Okay here your timetable. My name is Kahi. I’m also teacher obviously. So welcome abroad to our school. The rules are a rules. No fighting, No smoking, No drugging, no over-exposed clothes. This is school is being famous as some idol studying in this school too so please make a good point reputation of our school. Be manner and Good Luck. You can register in here about the dorm if you want too, anytime. But NO cooking inside the dorm. Not allowed that. So any question?” Kahi asked them.
“No. thanks” amber bowed to Kahi. “Since you girls are first time here and I have someone can be guiding you girls around the school. I bet you girls will be surprised. Okay, you boys may come in now” Kahi called out.
Chanyeol, L.Joe and Kai came inside. Kahi looked at the girls, expecting their reaction. But their reactions are just okay.
“Ssup L.Joe, Chanyeol, Kai” Amber coolly greet them.
“Hai, so you girls already got your class?” L.Joe asked. The girls just nodded.
“Eh, you all know each other?” Kahi asked confusedly.
“Sort of.” Chanyeol answered. Kahi just nodded with her shock face.
“Okay girls, we bringing you girls to your classes. Later we tour the school on the breaktime or finished class. It almost started. So shall we go?” Chanyeol said. The girls just nodded again. They bowed at Kahi before walked away.
TaeNy and BoA with L.Joe.
Jessber, Nicole and Na Eun with Kai.
Yuri, Sulli and Minah with Chanyeol.
Going to their class in separate way.
“Here we are. Hope you can make a friends here, be good to them. And Good Luck. Lastly Enjoy!” Kai said. “Take care yourself now, girls. Bye Amber. See ya later at canteen” Kai boy-gesture shaken hand with Amber.
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author, where are u????
Chapter 2: Nice update author.... i wish this story is jessber because jessica really loves amber, but i think its not gonna happen because its a kryber fanfic.... update soon
Chapter 2: chapter 2: krystal so lucky join amber group,meet her bias..and amber already falling for krystal,,,T_T i'm pity for jessica.they conversation in kakao so funny,good job author keep it up,and thank for updating
Chapter 1: chapter 1:finally you updating author...i'm really miss your story
jealous jessica...kyaaaaaaaaa so cute
hope krystal meet amber soon,,,curious about amber reaction and jessica jealous mode if her know that krystal is yoona daughter...kekekeke
Chapter 1: Excited about the next chapter...update soon
author-shi when you update this story?????/
please be patient, im still working on this story.
juny98 #8
yeahh my another favorite story is coming back hehehe
Thank you for continuing this. I really liked the first one.