
You are you. And that's enough.
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Jin Hwan used to hate his short height. It’s not like he wanted to be born that way and he tried a lot to become taller: drink milk, have a healthy diet balance, do pull-ups etc but it seemed like his efforts went in vain. Jin Hwan got familiar with being teased for his height and although he was upset with it at first, gradually he found it not bad at all. Especially after he realized that a pair of arms often naturally wrapped around his shoulders and pulled him closer protectively. Jin Hwan didn’t remember since when he became so comfortable with Han Bin’s skinship, no matter whether it’s a tight hug or just a casual random touch.

B.I is a charismatic kid. Jin Hwan have always felt it since their very first time meeting three years ago. Seeing how he managed the stage and turned it into his own show, Jin Hwan could clearly depict B.I’s glorious top-star future once he debuts. But it is B.I. Han Bin is not always that charismatic. When he takes off the image of a perfect B.I and lives his normal teenage boy life, Han Bin shows his real personalities more. And Jin Hwan loves that. A different Han Bin who likes to bicker with Bobby about petty stuff, likes to fight with Jun Hwe from video games to food, likes to order Dong Hyuk around, likes to brag with Yun Hyeong about his baby sister; a different Han Bin who is easily embarrassed because of lovely things; a different Han Bin who would suddenly become all childish whenever Mickey Mouse or Sour cream & Onion Pringles involve… And, especially, a different Han Bin who only Jin Hwan is lucky enough to observe and have for himself. Shh, don’t ask, it's his own secret and he won’t share with anyone else.

B.I has a lot of responsibilities, all of which come along with his being the leader. That is a tough and tiring position yet Han Bin never complains, instead he devotes all his time and ability for his job. It is incredible and unbelievable sometimes how Han Bin managed to complete every task perfectly without any mistakes. Jin Hwan always feels sorry toward Han Bin because he couldn’t provide the leader with much help. Jin Hwan is grateful to yet also jealous of Bobby because the younger could share Han Bin’s work of composing. All Jin Hwan is able to do are to help Han Bin teach and instruct the others with their vocal training or dance practice and to remind him to rest and eat enough. It upset him every time he saw Han Bin fall asleep on the studio’s coach overnight, he wanted to get mad and scold the leader but then Han Bin would smile sheepishly at him and started acting all cute and whinny. Han Bin’s aegyo is Jin Hwan’s weakness and he is mad at himself instead for being way too soft-hearted with Han Bin.

B.I is a perfectionist. That’s the reason why he displays the cold and strict leader image during their practice time in order to bring great shows for their fans and to prove that they are ready for their future debut. Everyone understands it, thus, they all try their best to live up to B.I’s standard and expectations. No one ever blames him for his harshness yet Han Bin sometimes bothers too much about it. Jin Hwan still remembers those times when the younger asked him whether their members would hate or scare of his sternness or not, concern and sorry filled his eyes along with tiredness. Moments like that remind Jin Hwan of how caring and sensitive Han Bin is despite his apparently blunt appearance. All Jin Hwan could give are his smile and assurance that none of them would ever be able to hate him, all the while wishing for netizens to see this side of Han Bin and stop attacking him with negative comments.

B.I is confident, and he’s sure to have enough talents for his confidence. But the WIN failure seemed to shatter B.I and his confidence into small pieces. Jin Hwan could never forget the hard time Han Bin went through during the first two months after WIN. Depression, guilt, regret and hatred toward himself. Han Bin locked himself in his room, ignoring his health and refusing to listen to others’ consolation, begging and even threats. Yun Hyeong and Bobby were worried to death because of Han Bin’s stubbornness, Dong Hyuk kept on crying and Jun Hwe was so pissed off that he almost got into a serious fight with Han Bin when the leader finally showed up. Never in his life did Jin Hwan feel so useless and frustrated for witnessing the situation without being able to do anything. Therefore, when he sensed Han Bin’s worry and hesitance before participating in Show Me The Money 3 and when he heard about his elimination, Jin Hwan was determined not to repeat his mistake in the past one more time. Hugging the leader and listening to him pouring his heart out in the middle of the night, Jin Hwan saw a raw Han Bin with his normally hidden insecurity and fragility being revealed one by one.

Mix & Match came, like a sudden volcano’s eruption in their-just-return-to-peaceful daily life after WIN. Jin Hwan wasn’t sure which would be the right reaction to this news. The first time meeting the new trainees, Jin Hwan didn’t know what he was supposed to say or do and how he should face them. The selfishness inside him made he want to act cold and ignore them, to protect his precious 6-member team. Jin Hwan had always imagined that it would be the best day of his life if he would get the chance to debut. The fact was completely opposite, when he was confirmed to be a fixed member of iKon, everything felt so wrong and he was sorry. He was afraid of the thought that one of his dearest brothers may not get to debut with them. Jin Hwan couldn’t help the guilt raising inside his heart, although he also couldn’t help the relief at the news for a few second. In that moment facing his realest feeling, Jin Hwan knew that it would be fine as long as Han Bin was still his leader.

Mix & Match was worse than his imagination. They were divided into three different teams and compete against each other. It was his first time having to actually take the lead and be responsible for the sake of two other people. The challenge was totally new and overwhelming for Jin Hwan. Being apart from Han Bin and Bobby, he had no one to rely on and no matter how hard he tried to believe that he could do well, Jin Hwan was struggling with all the obstacles in his alone path. He kept on reminding himself that he was the oldest among the three and he had to learn not to depend on them, not to depend on Han Bin too much. Especially after the time when Han Bin disappeared for a few hours without telling anyone. The younger had his own problems and limitations as well and Jin Hwan couldn’t bear to be another burden on him. Hearing Han Bin’ clumsy lie afterward, Jin Hwan decided it’s high time to put his problems aside and become stronger. He would be Han Bin’s mental pillar, wouldn’t he?

Pre-match, Han Bin’s team ranked the first place, his team ranked last. Disappointed, yes, but Jin Hwan thought it would be understandable. He just felt so bad and sorry toward Jun Hwe and Hong Seok. They were very determined and hard-working, they spent more time practicing than the other teams yet their result was the worst. Jin Hwan tried his best to give Hong Seok the spot light and help him get recognition from the judges but it seemed to be counterproductive. They failed to show their teamwork and therefore deserved that place. Jin Hwan’s self-doubt and depreciat

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bthebest #1
Hello, i'm a reader of your fanfic. And i really want to translate it into Vietnamese. I'm looking forward to your answer. Thank you so much!
Queen_gabriel #2
Chapter 3: So cute omggg! Please write another fff sbout binhwan again!
rainbowjoey #3
Chapter 3: Chapter 3 : so sweet:))))
Ma5Kris #4
Chapter 3: God i love it, is was just too cutee
Ma5Kris #5
Chapter 2: Soooooooooo cute i love it, i love jinhwan too♡♥♡
Indyie7 #6
Chapter 3: so cuteeee~ :)) you made my day <3
jiyongieeeah #7
Chapter 3: soooooo cute i'm squealing!!!!! oh gosh binhwan is life i cant stop smiling throughout this :')
Chapter 3: It's so good and so cute *-*
That almost kiss. .. I search the video.... *-*
Chapter 3: SO CUTE~ i loved reading this!