
You are you. And that's enough.
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Jin Hwan is the smallest in the team compared to the others. It’s their hobby to sometimes for his short height. Even Han Bin does too, but to be honest, he loves Jin Hwan’s small feature. For Han Bin, it is easier to have his hands around Jin Hwan’s shoulders or to wrap him into his arms thanks to that. If Jin Hwan was taller than him, it would have been the other way around and even the mere thought of that makes Han Bin uncomfortable. So secretly, Han Bin thanks God for creating a “tiny” Jin Hwan.

Jin Hwan used to drink a lot of milk because of the simple hope that it would help improve his height, even just a bit. Han Bin wasn’t a fan of the milk’s smell, it was way too sweet for his liking yet he used to buy milk for Jin Hwan. Only so that he could see the elder’s lovely wry face and heard his pouty whiny voice while complaining about how much he had drunk but it didn’t seem to have any positive changes. Han Bin couldn’t describe how cute Jin Hwan looked and how childish he sounded at moments like that.

Jin Hwan’s skin is soft and smooth, plus his baby face look, who would think that he is actually the oldest among the members? That is why he became the main target for the group fun prank all the time. Jin Hwan usually let all their jokes go, knowing fully well that they didn’t mean any harm or disrespect with it. Still, Han Bin had to admit that sometimes he enjoyed the feeling of being leader a little too much when he could “accidentally” ignore the “hyung” part to call Jin Hwan casually.

Jin Hwan is a warm-hearted, enthusiastic and caring boy. Even Yang sajangnim acknowledged it. Jin Hwan is everyone’s favorite hyung, they would come to him when they have problems, they would want to share a room with him, and they would like to cuddle with him on lonely nights. The mother-like aura that came from Jin Hwan brought them together in the past when the team had arguments. He divides his attention to each of them equally and he would take care of them with all his love. Han Bin is grateful to have Jin Hwan in his team, especially of how the elder put up with all of them patiently and lovingly. However, at the same time, he feels jealous often if he sees his Jin Hwan too intimate with anybody else. Wait, since when does he call Jin Hwan his huh? Han Bin ah, don’t be so possessive like that, Jin Hwan isn’t yours~ (not yet)

Jin Hwan sometimes worries too much, worries about the present, worries about the future. Han Bin hates seeing the uncertainty in those eyes. He’s always willing to listen to Jin Hwan murmuring his confidences, the feeling that Jin Hwan trusts him with his secrets, that Jin Hwan relies on him makes Han Bin proud of himself. And in exchange Han Bin tells the elders about all his stress, his missing Hanbyul, his pressure. Because talking to Jin Hwan always gives a different feeling, peaceful and comforting, being heard and being understood. Just like his Jeju island hometown, tranquil and pure, Jin Hwan gives off a gentle and empathetic atmosphere.

Jin Hwan is gifted: he is the main vocal, the main dancer, he can do the difficult acrobatics part well, he is a fast learner, and his language skill is impressive. Han Bin heard a lot of compliments about himself but personally, he doesn’t like being compared to GD sunbaenim. He doesn’t want to become the second GD, he just wants to be remembered as B.I himself. More than that, he wants Jin Hwan to be noticed too, he wants people to recognize his talents too. Whenever he said that to Jin Hwan, the elder only dismissed the idea with a nonchalant wave off: “it isn’t important anyway Han Bin ah. I’m not that special, I still have to try and improve a lot. But you are different. You have that charisma that not everyone has and it distinguish you from others” Han Bin wanted to tell off but the other’s signature eyes smile stopped him. Anyway, being complimented by Jin Hwan was far much better.

Sajangnim said that he and Bobby hyung would participate in Show Me The Money 3 to test and develop their individual skills. Han Bin knew it would be a great chance yet he couldn’t ignore his anxiety and fear. A fear like a child being forced to leave its sanctuary and go face the world. An inexplicable fear, the fear of a normal 18 year-old boy Kim Han Bin, not the charismatic leader B.I that people used to see on stage. Han Bin wondered where Bobby hyung got all his confidence. He tried to hide his nervousness away yet somehow Jin Hwan seemed to notice it. The night before their casting day, lying next to the elder on the bed and listening to his soft voice singing an ancient lullaby, Han Bin felt all his nervousness slowly disappearing and confidence back again.

The show was a tougher and more competitive fight than what he had depicted. Other rappers were very good and they seemed to be familiar with these kinds of battles more than him. Han Bin believed that he didn’t lack in skill compared to them, not that much though. However, the failure from WIN and the news of an upcoming survival show haunted him. And when he can’t be comfortable to show off his talent, he made mistakes. Not once, not twice, but quite a few. Han Bin just wished someone could lead him out of his own mess, someone could be there and cheer for only him while he performed. That’s why when he saw Jin Hwan came to support them on their first episode, he couldn’t be able to prevent his grin from spreading over his face. Han Bin would search for Jin Hwan image from the stage whenever he faltered. As seeing the elder encouraging smile and “thumb-up” finger gave him strength and Han Bin was determined to do his best, not only for himself but to make Jin Hwan proud also.

Unfortunately, his result was not as good as expected. Han Bin was embarrassed and disappointed. He avoided the way others looking at him, too afraid to face their sorry or sympathy, he didn’t want to be pitiful, and he hated the idea that he was too weak. Bobby hyung did great, far better and exceeded all expectations and Han Bin was proud of his best friend. But at the same time, it made him more ashamed of himself. Han Bin decided to lock himself in the studio, drown in the work of composing and writing new songs, yet failed miserably as no words formed from his empty brain and heart. His time passed aimlessly until one day, when Han Bin was on the verge of exploding from frustration and depression, he was pulled into a sudden back hug. Jin Hwan. With his small hands, warmth and soothing scent, pulling him into a tight embrace. For the first time, it was not Han Bin who wrapped his arms around the other’s body, it was not Han Bin who said comforting words and cheered the other up. But he found it alright to change position for once, alright to let his strong shell break and show his true feelings. As long as it was Jin Hwan, it would be fine, because in front of Jin Hwan, Han Bin can be Han Bin, not a perfect image or something else.

Mix & Match finally came. Their new survival show. Han Bin wondered since when he hated that “survival” word this much. Despite being confirmed from the CEO that he, along with Bobby and Jin Hwan, would debut as iKon, Han Bin didn’t feel any less nervous. He still had to be a part of the program, still had to see his beloved members fighting against each other. He never wanted to imagine his team B to be separated in the future. Selfish, yes, but what is the point in debuting without the six of them? They were inseparable and Han Bin was determined to protect his precious team. Though, he knew that deep down inside, he was sighing in relief at the news for a few seconds. In that moment facing his realest feeling, Han Bin knew it would be fine if Jin Hwan would be there to stand by and balance him.

Mix & Match was worse than his imagination. They were divided into three different teams to compete against each other. They had to blend and get on well with the three new trainees. It was not easy to open your heart with someone else, especially in situations like this. There were times when Han Bin can’t put up with Chan Woo, Jin Hyeong or Hong Seok. Arranging choreography, leading and instructing them was nothing new to him. B

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bthebest #1
Hello, i'm a reader of your fanfic. And i really want to translate it into Vietnamese. I'm looking forward to your answer. Thank you so much!
Queen_gabriel #2
Chapter 3: So cute omggg! Please write another fff sbout binhwan again!
rainbowjoey #3
Chapter 3: Chapter 3 : so sweet:))))
Ma5Kris #4
Chapter 3: God i love it, is was just too cutee
Ma5Kris #5
Chapter 2: Soooooooooo cute i love it, i love jinhwan too♡♥♡
Indyie7 #6
Chapter 3: so cuteeee~ :)) you made my day <3
jiyongieeeah #7
Chapter 3: soooooo cute i'm squealing!!!!! oh gosh binhwan is life i cant stop smiling throughout this :')
Chapter 3: It's so good and so cute *-*
That almost kiss. .. I search the video.... *-*
Chapter 3: SO CUTE~ i loved reading this!