Transfer student is talented?

I Know What You Did Last Halloween

Weeks had past since Alice came to the school. Sure she have a few friends to chatter in class but whenever class is over, she'd hang out 'alone'. Not exactly alone since Taeyeon only allows herself to be seen by Alice. Alice doesn't mind the weird look she'd get whenever she asks Taeyeon something when there's people around although Taeyeon had told her to talk with her only when they are alone in the day or in their own room where sound proof spell is casted by Taeyeon.


Taeyeon/Alice dorm room

Taeyeon floats around the room, bored while waiting for Alice to finish bathing. Although she's a spirit, Alice once casted a binding spell on her when she caught Taeyeon peeping on her few weeks ago. After what seems like hours of waiting, finally the bathroom door creeks open revealing Alice in a pink towel.

"Pink--" -- Taeyeon thought while scanning Alice from head to toe

"What are you staring at, byuntae?" Alice's stern voice brings TAeyeon back to reality as she shook off her thoughts. After Alice dressed up, Alice lies on the bed almost falling asleep while Taeyeon floats above her.

"Alice, do you like pink that much?" Taeyeon asks while literally 'swimming' in the air.

"Eung? Nope. My great granny loves pink more. I don't love it that much. But I feel more comfortable in pink when I sleep." She said.

"I see."

For Alice, pink is cozy and comfortable because her great grandmothers favourite colour makes her feel like she is with her, but for Taeyeon, she misses her lover a lot although she keep reminding hersef that Alice is Alice, sometimes she had the urge to hug Alice as Tiffany and tell her how much she loved her.



The next morning...

"Okay class, we'll have a quick test of your ability." The teacher announces. The other students were nervous except for Alice.


Task 1 : moving objects with magic

Task 2 : Transforms an object to something else

Task 3 : Growing plants

Rules: Passing one task at a time to do another task.

Meaning, who fails task one can't proceed to task 2.


"What does that mean?" Alice whispered to ask the person next to her,

"All you have to do is pass every single task possible. Once you fail a task, you can't proceed anymore." Seulgi said. Seulgi has been close with Alice for a week. They met when Seulgi was getting magic attacked by seniors (bullied) and Alice sort of saved her life. Nobody in school knows that Seulgi is the victim of bully. Magic. Use it in the right way and it saves the world, saves people, help people, Use it in the bad way corrupts the society. Seulgi majors in healing magic. She heals herself everytime after getting attacked. Healing magic is considered as rare as multi-control magic. Only one magician in every 10 or even 100 years will be born with that magic.


For newbie class, Growing plants is the toughest skill. However some of Alice's classmates fails in Task one while the others failed in Task 2. Only Seulgi and Alice is up for Task 3.

"Seulgi yah, good luck."

Seulgi smiled back "You too. Though i'm pretty sure you have no problem with it."

Seulgi failed task 3 as her magic didn't work after 3 tries, but Alice shock everyone when she grew the sunfower seed on her first try easily.

The class applaud for her amazing skills including her teacher.

"Can you revive a dead plant, Alice?"

"...a dead... plant? I.. I.." She looks at Seulgi. Seulgi nodded in assurance for her to try it. Then she agreed.

The teacher kills the sunflower that she just grew.

"This is no longer a test, Alice. So do it comfortably." the teacher said. Alice nodded.

Alice held her wand in both hands on her chest, closed her eyes and took a deep breath before chanting the spells.

In a second, the plant grew twice the size of ordinary sunflowers.

The teacher's expression darkens. "Alice, please come with me."


Taeyeon was just floating around the school as usual, not scaring people but ather just watching the kids learning magic. Until two figures caught her attention. She made sure that even Alice can't see her and followed close behind. Their atmosphere was somewhat familiar to her.

"Alice, could you sit here while I talk to the principal?" Alice nodded in response. Thinking that she might be in trouble.

Minutes later, the teacher cam with the principal and called Alice into the room. Ofcourse Taeyeon sneaks in as well.

"Starting tomorrow, you will be having  a special class. "

Special class,... Taeyeon knows what this meant. Tiffany and her were in special class too.

"You are the chosen one, Alice. Just like your great grandmother. So from now on you will be training differently from before with four others."

"Four others?"

"We were told that there were five chosen one this century from different part of the world. Seulgi was one of them.She was placed in your class to search for the last member of the special class. "

Just then Seulgi walks in.

"Seulgi you're here. Greet the last new member of the Magic Society."

Seulgi smiled to Alice and she iniatied to hold her hand. "Welcome to the Magic Society, Alice. I am your team leader."

"Ah~ Hi."

"Principal, you said there were two person that was chosen previously during my great grandmother's. Who is the other one?"

"Her name is Taeyeon. Taeyeon Kim."



Later, Alice was asked to go back to her own room to rest before her official special class starts.

"Taeyeon!! WHY didn't you tell me anything?"

"What am I suppose to tell you? I don't even know where to start for magic's sake."

"Then start telling me whatever thing you and my great grandmother shares."

Taeyeon sighs, floats dow and sat on the bed with the latter.

"Fine. To summarize it we saved the world before I died and I saved your great grandmother. We were lovers back in the days. But comes to think of it, if I didn't die and your greatgrandmother did not meet your great grandfather, you wouldn't be born.So I am thankful for that."

"Then I believe this is yours?"

Alice digs her luggage bag and take out a silver necklace in shape of a Pisces astrology sign and shows it to Taeyeon.

"It's great grandmother's favourite. She wears it all the time. She gave it to me when she know about my magic. It's weird because none of my family members are born as Pisces. "

Taeyeon smiled bitterly looking at the necklace. "It's as beautiful as when I gave it to her when I huff my last breath. It's yours, wear it and take good care of it."

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frans89 #1
Chapter 1: Why you don't update it? It's good story after all. I want to know what happen next :)
tae1810 #2
Chapter 1: seems really interesting, wanna know what happen next..
update soon (: