Tiffany or Alice Hwang?

I Know What You Did Last Halloween

As usual Taeyeon strolls around in the dark corridoor and stopped at the window lookig down to the green field where the young sorceress practicing their wizarding skills. She laughed along with the others when one messed u transforming the teacher's wig into flowers instead of making the stone given to them float.

"WHat the heck. HAhahaha. My goodness. Kids these days. " Taeyeon laughed while rolling around in mid-air hoding her stomach as she laughed hard.


But seems like the time stopped when she heard a familiar voice.

"Excuse me?"

Taeyeon wonders if she heard right.

"Excuse me." The voice calls again from behind her. She halts her breath and turns around. There... that familiar face. That familiar voice... That familiar eyesmile.

Swallowing the lum i , finally Taeyeon manage to reply. "H-Hi."

"Hi. I'm a new student here. Where is the office?"

Taeyeon blinked at the question. Her brain registered Tiffany standing infront of her but something doesn't feel right. But she can't figure out what is.

"O-Office? Erm. It's right downstairs. Far on the right. " After earning a nod from the girl, Taeyeon resumed her entertainment - Watching the young beginners casting spells and laughing at them.


Then Taeyeon looked to her side as she still feel another presence.

"Why are you still here?" --Taeyeon

"Could you lead the way. The hallway is dark downstairs."  --Tiffany

Taeyeon sighed and thought for a moment "This is just getting to a good part. My favourite mess-up-spell of all time. But she--"

"Let's go then. I ain't got all night. " Taeyeon walks ahead with her hands in her pocket of her jacket and walks down the stairs.

'Tiffany' followed Taeyeon quietly.

"I'm Alice by the way." 'Tiffany' said. Taeyeon halted her step and turned around.

"Say what?" -- Taeyeon

"My name. I'm Alice. Alice Hwang. "

"I knew it was wrong. She isn't Tiffany. It's not that I lost my feelings for her." -- Taeyeon lost in her thoughts, feeling a little heartthrob.

"What about you?" --'Tiffany''s question snapped Taeyeon back from her deep thoughts.


"Your name."

".. Taeyeon. Kim Taeyeon. And please don't mention my name to anyone else. Especially the teachers."

Taeyeon pushes Alice lightly into the teacher's office.

"She seems...lonely." -- Alice thought to herself as disappeared when she turned around.

"Is there anything I can assist you with?" A teacher asked, getting Alice's attention.

"Ah~" Alice bows. "I'm Alice Hwang. I just arrived minutes ago because I was lost."

"I see. Well, Miss Hwang. Orientation is delayed due to some technical difficulties. Further noticed to be informed. And here's your key for you dorm. Dorm 3, Room 9. "

"Nae. Kamsahmida." Alice bowed and took the key.

The moment Alice stepped out from the office, she calls for Taeyeon.

"Psst. Taeyeon-ah~ Taeyeon-ah~" in a half-whispering manner. Taeyeon mischievously sneaked up behind her, near her ear and Said "BOO!" making Alice screamed in shocked.

The teacher peep his head through the door and asked "Are you okay, Miss Hwang?" Giving an awkward smile, Alice smiled and said "Yes. I'm okay. Just scared myself over some leaves."

"Very well, then." The teacher closes the door. Both sighed in relief then Taeyeon comes out from her hiding spot.

"Yah~ Don't scare me like that. I almost have a heart attack." Alice whines, calming her racing heart.

Taeyeon chuckled. "Sorry~ So why do you call me for?"

"Where is Dorm 3?" Alice asked innocently.

"Mwo? Yah. Since when I became your tour guide in this school?"

Alice frowned. Taeyeo have a soft spot for Alice since she look alot like Tiffany. Even her voice which made Taeyeon gave in.

"Fine. Fine. Geez. Follow me." Taeyeon floats ahead leading Alice to Dorm 3.


Dorm 3, Room 9

Alice throws herself on the bed and was about to fall asleep when suddenly the table lamp flickered. Wit a soft "boo" from Taeyeon near Alice's ear is enough to make her scream her lungs out. In quick response, Taeyeon casted a spell to make Alice's voice couldn't escape from the room so people outside the room won't be able to hear them.

"Calm down. That's the last. I promise."

"Seriously, what are you doing here? My room." -Alice

"YOUR room? Ha ha ha. Please. This was MY room. And MY bed. Well, was. No one had this room for years and you are the first." -Taeyeon

The room fell silent after. Alice observing Taeyeon while Taeyeon admiring her own past room.

"Taeyeonie~ May I ask you something?"


"Why are you still here?"

"I missed my room"

"Not that.I mean why aren't you going across........ to the other world."

Taeyeon faced Alice. Looking at her with a soft expression.

"I'm waiting for someone."

Alice and Taeyeon locks gaze for a log time. Taeyeon was the one to break it.

"And excuse you. Who you calling Taeyeonie?!" -Taeyeon

"Aww come on. Seniors can be friends too~" -Alice

"I don't remember agreeing to that." -Taeyeon

Then both of them giggled at their childish bickers.

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frans89 #1
Chapter 1: Why you don't update it? It's good story after all. I want to know what happen next :)
tae1810 #2
Chapter 1: seems really interesting, wanna know what happen next..
update soon (: