
Selfish Love
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Kyungsoo let out a sigh of relief as his body fell onto the soft mattress of his own bed. It felt good to be home, lying on his own comfy bed, after a week of being stuck in a dull and boring hospital room. He was finally deemed healthy enough to go home by the doctor this morning. He couldn't describe how glad he was to finally leave and he was convinced that another second spent in that hospital room would cost him his sanity.

Being the son of the CEO of the company had its own perks. One of them being that he could easily take a few days off of work without getting fired. By a few days, he meant two whole weeks. It wasn't even his idea, it was his father's. Mr Do had insisted asked him to stay at home for two weeks to recuperate. Kyungsoo knew that his father was feeling guilty about what had happened, so he opted to accept the offer to make him feel better.

He lay on his back, staring absentmindedly at the white ceiling of his room. His mind drifted to a certain brunette who had not stop fussing over him since the day he regained his consciousness. He smiled at the thought of her. She had been coming to his room once in every hour to check up on him. He looked at the clock. It was about time for her hourly 'visits'. As if on cue, he heard her knocking softly on his door. "Come in." He called out to her.

She came in with a tray of food and a glass of orange juice. "I brought you dinner." Soojung set the tray on the table next to him before proceeding to scan all over the room to check if he had everything he needed. He rolled his eyes at this. She was worrying too much. "I'm fine, Soojung-ah. I have everything I need and I can go get it myself if I need anything. Stop worrying and go get some rest. You look like a panda with those dark circles under your eyes." He chuckled when she playfully pinched his arm.

"You don't have to worry about me also. I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself. Besides, I don't feel sleepy at all." Kyungsoo almost rolled his eyes at the obvious lie. She looked as if she was ready to fall asleep at any second now with how droopy her eyes looked. 

"Fine, if you say so," He decided to not press on the matter further when she gave him a stubborn look.She grinned in triumph but soon let out a exasperated groan when he continued "But, you have to stop coming and going so much. You're making me restless with your constant moving. Just sit here and be my company,would you? I'm bored." He scooted over the king sized bed to make room for her.

"Sit here and do what? Talk?" She raised an eyebrow at him. He looked thoughtful for a moment. "Hmm. How about we watch a movie instead. We haven't had a movie night for ages." 

Soojung shot him a disapproving look for a second before finally giving in after he looked at her pleadingly. His big, round eyes shone with excitement as she slid under the cover next to him in bed. Judging by the mischievous grin on his face, Soojung had concluded that he was up to no good. She could practically hear his inner evil laugh as he selected to watch Sinister 2. 

She groaned at his choice. He always did this when they watched a movie together. He knew prefectly well that she was a scaredy-cat and couldn't tolerate horror movies. Soojung shot him a dirty look and he replied with an innocent one. "What?" He asked, feigning innocence, although his eyes shone with amus

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Hey, guys. I'm so sorry for not updating yet.. I'm kinda sick lately. I have kidney problems and may have to undergo surgery so I can't promise to update soon:(


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Stealmygirl #1
Chapter 8: Ommoooo.. This is so good and cute. Even though i really have an urge to punch kyungsoo in earlier chapters lmao. Btw, this is the very first kyungstal fanfic that I ever read authornimm and I must admit that I like it very much hehe
sooju_ #2
Chapter 8: Woahhhh finally. After everything. Yeaaaaah kyungstal ><
Chapter 8: Thumbs up for this chap!!!!! Heart heart heart
Chapter 8: I completely understand you! And its okay that you could not update the story often :) I hope that you'll get even better and stronger than you are now! And I really really loved this update!! Its giving me s o m u c h FEELSSSSSS! Like, I know that I commented on the last chapter that I was totally READY if Kyungsoo finally kisses Soojung but...... I guess I wasn't- OH MY GOSHHHHHHHHH. It was really worth the wait and it was cute reading how Kyungsoo was jealous! This story really makes me feel like I'm on a rollercoaster of emotions! Ughhhhhhhhhh yaaaaas.

Good job, Rara-chan! I loved this! :-)
KateChance #6
Chapter 8: Hahahhahha!!! I love the update so much!!!
meimeipai #7
Chapter 8: OMG kyungsoo finally fallin love with soojung uhh that's so sweeet. I love their moments <3 <3
sooju_ #8
Chapter 7: Ah how sweet. Comeee onnn make sure about your feeling faster and soojung dont try to avoid him. After all this time. He finally tries to accept you.
karl_rocks12 #9
So hurt... huhuhu