I'll See You Soon.

A Goodbye Isn't Always Permanent


A/N: Not going to lie, I sort of rushed through this so I can start a Kaisoo angst. It's short and pretty choppy in some parts but I think I got my point across. I hope you enjoy!

(I'll fix any mistakes tomorrow.)

"That's not an option." Luhan argued at the offer of Minseok and him terminating their relationship.

"It's either that," the CEO stared into the Chinese man's eyes, "or you leave my company." A smirk formed on the man's lips as Luhan's face dropped.

"We don't have to be so irrational." Minseok tried to reason, noticing the way Luhan's jaw seemed to have clenched and his hands balling into fists.

"We can work thi-" 

"Fine. I'll quit." Now it was Luhan's turn to smirk at the look of utter disbelief on the CEO's face.

"No no no." Minseok shook his head as he look back and forth between the CEO and his boyfriend. "That's not necessary."

"It's fine." Luhan smiled down at the elder.

"We're going to talk this out real quick." Minseok said as he stood and pulled Luhan out of the conference room.

"Try knocking some sense into him, Minseok!" The CEO seethed out.


"What the hell are you thinking?" Minseok whispered angrily. Grabbing his boyfriends collar of his suit, shaking him gently.

"It's fine, Minseok. It's better than you leaving me or the group." Luhan shrugged as he grabbed the hands that were on his collar, kissing each knuckle. "We can stay together, Minseok. I'll find us a home in China and when you're ready you can come, we can see Yifan and everything." 

Minseok sniffled as tears started to fall down his face. 

"I don't wan't you to leave though. We'll miss you so much." Minseok layed his face on the others shoulder and cried quietly. "I don't wan't you to leave..."

"It'll be ok, I promise." Luhan sighed as he cupped the elders face in his hands, leaning in to kiss him. "I'll see you every chance I get."

"Promise?" Minseok held out his pinky. Breathe hitching as he tried to calm down.

"Promise." Luhan smiled as he intertwined their pinky's. Kissing him softly before they walked back to the conference room.


"So, you're going to pull a Yifan on us." Sehun basically scoffed.

"Sehun." Joonmyun warned as he ran a hand through his hair.

"I'm right though, aren't I. He and Minseok are so glued to eachother's he's willing to put all of our careers at risk." Sehun stood up and basically yelled at Joonmyun.

"Quit it Sehun, I'm warning you." Jonnmyun said as he tried to tug Sehun back down .

"We all know they won't last! Look at what happened to Zitao and Yifan!" Sehun screamed before theair was knockedout of his as he was shoved back onto the couch by a huffing and puffing Luhan.

"Quit your ing you ungrateful prick!" Luhan yelled as he straddled Sehun, grabbing his collar and landing a hit on Sehun's jaw. 

"Luhan! Stop!" Luhan tumbled back as a crying Tao and Minseok, along with Joonmyun pulled him off the youngest, who was now holding his jaw.

"You're dead to me!" Luhan seethed out and pointed at Sehun before he was pulled by Minseok to their room.


Luhan buried his head in the pillow as he took deep breathes as he held onto Minseok with one arm and covered his face with the other.

"I'm sorry." Luhan apologized to Minseok who was drawing circles on his chest with his finger.

"I think you and Sehun need to talk it out before you leave." He whispered and played with his boyfriend's fingers.

"I know. He had no right saying that though." Luhan argued before Minseok straddled him and kissed him so he wouldn't talk anymore. 

"I don't want to hear it. Don't worry about anything right now. Just.... Just make love to me now..."

Luhan looked up at the elder and smiled, resting his hands on the others thighs as he leaned down to kiss him.


    "Are you ready?" MInseok smiled as they walked towards the stage.

"As ready as I'll ever be." Luhan lookedover at his Baozi and kissed him for good luck. This would be Luhans last performance so all of the members were determined to make it the best. With the adrenaline rushing through their veins as they made their way onto the stage, a last glance was shared between the two before the beginning to the end started. 


             Multiple songs later, the familiar medley started, they all danced and hopped around the girl in the middle, then came the moment, the couple seemingly froze on stage, and with the help of the members, they hopped towards one another to meet halfway and spin into eachother, far enough from eachother as to not hit their heads but close enough for a kiss to be shared that no one but eachother would know was real.


"I'll miss you a lot, you know." Minseok teased as he and Luhan's hands swung back and forth. The moment was nice, few people were at the airport, no crazy teenage girls trying to rip off their clothing or hair so keep in their diary. Just a peaceful buzz of people rushing to the secuirty checks to move to board their planes.

"I'll miss you more." Luhan whispered in his mother tongue and raised their joined hands to his lips to keep at his boyfriends knuckles. "So much."

"You'll call and video chat me every night?" Minseok questioned though he already knew the answer. 

"Of course. I'll even send you letters because I'm romantic as hell." Luhan laughed as he pulled Minseok into a small store in the airport to get a magazine to read on his way home.

"You're so cheesy." He laughed along and skimmed over the selection of magazines they had.

"You love it." 

"I do." Minseok wrapped his arms around Luhans and rested his head on the youngers shoulder. "I love you."

Luhan looked down at Minseok and pecked his lips then his forehead, mouthing an 'I love you' on his forehead.

"You should get going now." Minseok trailed off as Luhan paid for the items and walkedout of the store.

"I wish I didn't have to."

"You'll be fine big guy." Minseok knocked his shoulder against Luhan's playfully.

"I'll still miss you." Luhan pouted as Minseok led him to the security check, pulling him under the escalator to give him a deep,passionate kiss before he sent him off to go through the maze of security ropes. 

"Be good!" Minseok yelled in Chinese, loud enough for Luhan to hear and send him a wave goodbye. "Be good." Minseok whispered to himself as he watched Luhan go through the security and disappear behind the doors that would lead him to his plane home.


"You're drooling." Luhan informed Minseok as the Korean sturggled to keep his eyes open and continue the conversation he and his boyfriend were having.

"Shut up." He mumbled and opened one eye to look at Luhan on the screen.

"Why are you so tired?" Luhan laughed and tilted his head, movinng so he could lay down also.

"Beacause I hadto work today and my idiot boyfriend doesn't understand that he is a whole hour behind." Minseok smiled as he heard a dramatic gasp.

"I see how it is Minnie." Luhan fake sniffed and smiled. "You should go to sleep though." Luhan nodded his head.

"I love you." Minseok said as an agreement and puckered his lips and waved at the camera.

"I love you more." Luhan blew a kiss and disconnected.


It's been years since Luhan and Yifan left. Exo are coming off the stage with sweat dripping off their bodies, Just recently ending their newest comeback, running backstage to get undressed and into more comfortable clothes, when upon reaching their destination are greated by two familiar faces. Both standing as all 10 of EXO freezing in their spot, locking eyes with both of them before a teary eyed Minseok breaks through the wall of men to embrace his lover.

"Why didn't you tell me you idiot." Minseok laughs through his tears.

"Because I'm romantic as hell." Luhan laughs before pushing Minseok slightly by his shoulders to create a distance between the two, enough space for Luhan to sink to one knee and pull out a velvet box, a silver band with three diamonds on the top.

"Minseok will-"

"Yes!" Minseok cries and falls onto Luhan who barely had enough time to brace himself to hold himself and Minseok up.

"You didn't let me finish." Luhan laughs and looks at Yifan who gave an amused smile.

"I know what you were going to say." Minseok laughs and wipes his eyes before kissing his now fiance.

A celebration was an absolute must for the newly engaged couple. Friendships were rekindled, Kisses were shared, and Yifan passed out way too soon.

It's like nothing ever changed.

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myra_mirza #1
Chapter 1: This is a nice consolation. Especially since I've been worried about how Minseok's been dealing with all this. And Kyungsoo too, although he's not in this story. They're both so quiet but I hope they won't just keep to themselves about how they feel regarding the whole situation. Thanks for the story.
lalice2 #2
Chapter 1: Wow its so amazing I wish this happen in reality <3
The story seems to be interesting, update soon. :)