Kai - For The Cookies


Kai walked through the aisles with this son trailing next to him. You had sent them out to buy food for the week after giving Kai a bit of a lecture about how he ate all the food. He huffed as they tried to find the things on the list.

“You know” he spoke to his son “I think your mum is mad at me”. The boy only nodded at the comment; he was quiet and just a little ditsy, like his dad.

“Do you think it’s because I ate all the chicken?” Kai mumbled to himself “or all the cookies”. He continued quietly talking to himself as he continued through the aisles. He honestly didn’t know how you managed to go shopping like this every week; there was just so much choice. Spicy, hot, extra spicy; what was the difference. He looked down at the list, then back up, then down again. Wait. He looked around him and back down the aisle. Where was his son! Oh. You were gonna be so mad. He nearly laughed at the fact that that was the first thought in his head.

Kai ran down the aisles but couldn’t find his son. Where could he have got to? How long had he not been there? Well, wasn’t he the best father. Suddenly, his phone buzzed in his pocket. Ohhh, , it was you. 

“Heyy, Y/N” he called, all too happily. You knew instantly something was wrong. It was the same voice he had used when he accidentally let the dogs eat all the ice cream or the time when he had left your son at the park because he was too distracted by the dogs. Oh, Kai and his dogs. Oh, Kai.

“What did you do?” you asked.

“Nothing” he said, too quickly “of course, nothing”

“Kim JongIn, what have you done?” gosh, you sounded like your mother.

“I lost (Son’s name). I’m so sorry. I don’t know what happened” he spilled quickly. He rushed through the rows, searching desperately for his son.

“What? How do you even lose a child?” you cried. “This is the second time this year!”

“I know, I’m sorry!” he called back.

“Kai!” your voice was shrill “do you remember what happened last time!?”

“Yes, yes, yes. Ahhh I’m so sorry” Kai didn’t want to remember what happened last time. The people around him looked confused and he speed walked past them.

“Find him” you cried, worry taking over your system “please, Kai”. Guilt ran through Kai. How could he lose his 4 year old son. He had almost reached the end of the aisles when he spotted a small boy. Kai rushed over to him. Thank God, it was (S/N), holding a packet of cookies.

“Found him, Y/N. It’s all good” Kai smiled down at his son. He held the cookies up in his small hands, a smile on his chubby face.

“Cookies for Mumma” he called. Kai laughed at his cuteness and picked him up, so he wouldn't lose him again.

“Good” you sighed “come home quickly”. These boys.

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