Kyungsoo - Lucky Taxi


Rain poured down over the busy city leaving everyone soggy and in a bad mood, including you. The weatherman had sworn to you that it was going to by dry today. Huffing, you walked down the street, weaving through swarms of people. You refused to walk all the way home, opting for a taxi instead. You walked down the path, looking out into the road for a taxi. Suddenly, you hit something hard.

“Ah!” You shrieked and looked up. Oh, it was just a guy. You were glad you hadn’t walked into a pole or a tree. Looking up at his face you just happened to notice how cute he was.

“Sorry” he said, deeply “are you ok? You looked pretty dazed?” he stuttered. You realised you had been staring and quickly looked down.

“Oh sorry” you mumbled “I’m fine”. You continued to look down, trying to hide your blushed cheeks.

“Uhh” he stammered “would you like to get in the taxi?” He offered quietly, gesturing towards it. You nodded your head and slid into the car, the boy following after you.

“Thanks” you said, looking up and smiling. “I’m _____”. He looked shocked by your introduction but smiled shyly back at you.

“I’m D.O. It’s nice to meet you” he said. You looked out of the window; the rain wasn’t letting up anytime soon.

“Aish, this weather” you said quietly. D.O nodded.

“I know, it’s horrible” he agreed with you.

“I thought that if I tried to walk home it would stop as soon as I step in the door” you told him. He laughed but nodded his head again.

“I’ve had that problem” D.O said. You sat in silence for a few moments until D.O started patting his pockets. He shuffled and looked around frantically before hitting his head with his hand and sighing.

“What’s the matter?” you asked.

“I’ve lost my keys” he replied, annoyance in his tone.

You didn’t normally offer your house to strangers but D.O did happen to be the cutest boy you had seen all day.

“You can stay round mine until the rain stops, if you like?” you offered, shyly. “I make really good hot chocolate”. D.O laughed and nodded his head.

“That sounds nice. Thank you” he said quietly, still embarrassed about how he had lost his keys.

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