Ridin' Down Seoul City

Transitional Love
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A/N 1: Uh I lied last time when I said this chapter was going to easier to write than the last one. I became so worried about length, and I really tried to make it shorter than the last one. But it turned out longer by >1000 words!! T.T But I felt that this chapter had a lot important information, so I couldn’t cut out much . . . So I apologize. Please forgive me! ^^

Anyways thanks again for all the comments and subscriptions. It really motivates me! And I was flattered when one commenter said it’s like I am her. I just hope I can do everyone in this story enough justice ^^

I hope you guys stay interested in the story and keep the feedback coming. BTW Fishy appears next chapter.


The following day; Seoul, South Korea

                        Since the high speed train, the KTX, line connecting Seoul to Busan was yet to be completed, Sandara had to get up at three just to make the 4 o'clock bus that would take an hour and a half to reach the Daegu KTX. When she was finally on the the high speed train zipping its way to Seoul, the girl was able to fit in two hours of sleep. Finally after five hours of travel and multiple transfers later, Sandara hopped off the last subway line she needed to take. She looked at the location instructions the CEO's assistant had given her just so she can situate herself as to where she was at. The girl crinkled her eyebrows as she reread it over. It said to go straight on the main road for four blocks after exiting the Hapjeong Station until she comes across the GS 25 convenience store then turn left, and it's the building right next to it.


                        The directions seemed pretty vague, but simple enough. Sandara hoped it was as easy to find as it sounded. Knowing she had to keep track of the time in order to make it to her meeting on time—it wouldn't look good on her if she showed up late—Sandara checked her Power Puff Girls wristwatch. Bubbles’ plump arm pointed to a little before 9:50, and her meeting was for 9 o'clock. She knew she would have to rush in order to make it on time.


                        So with that thought in mind, she began running. Sandara ignored the penetrating cold of Seoul's winters while the harsh wind hit her face and seeped through her jacket. She ignored the looks people were giving her at seeing someone who obviously wasn't dressed for exercising running like a maniac. At this moment, she didn't care if she caught a cold or what those people thought of her. Her only care in the world was to make it to the appointment in time.


                        As she ran, the petite girl kept her eyes on the buildings.  She shifted her head frantically from one side to the other. Sandara was getting a little worried since she noticed all the buildings on the narrow strip of road looked alike. Most of them were four story, brown brick buildings that housed many businesses. Because of the likeness, Sandara made sure to count every time she passed a block. Her sneakers thwacked against the asphalt while her bright pink mini-backpack thumped against the small of her back like the pounding rhythm of a drum.


                        It seemed like these blocks were stretching on forever to Sandara. She began to question on maybe she miscounted a block when she finally saw it. Like a plastic, turquoise oasis amidst a brown stone desert, the GS 25 convenience store appeared to her. She turned left at the corner of the convenience store and slowed her pace in order to begin searching for the building.


                        Sandara believed she would have missed the building completely if it wasn’t for the crowd of adolescents and adults filtering in and out of the building; it was so inconspicuous. It was just a four story building with a carport and a small entrance with small, silver letters above it claiming it’s “YG Entertainment”.


                        The girl followed the crowd inside while looking at her watch. Sandara smiled triumphantly; even though she was one of the worst runners in her school, she still managed to make it with minutes to spare. The entrance opened up to a simple lobby. There was nothing special about it. It was a small space with cream-colored walls and just enough room to fit two rows of chairs that looked like they came secondhand from a doctor’s office. The only thing that hinted at this building being home to a talent agency was the posters of the successful Se7en and various other artists that have debuted from the company. This was not the image she expected Se7en to come from Sandara began to worry that maybe she was being scammed; anyone could put up posters of an artist as a way to claim it was YGE.


                         Sandara noticed that the crowd of teenagers she entered with chatted amicably with one another as they confidently walked through doors she had no idea where they led to. While within the small lobby, there were others—like her—who were waiting anxiously to be met with. In the center of the lobby was the secretarial desk. Sandara quietly told the secretary that she had an appointment with the president. Once the secretary found her name in her datebook, she pointed at the door to Sandara’s right and told her that the stairs would take her to the fourth floor where the President’s office is.


                        After saying her thanks, Sandara rushed up the stairs and took a deep breath before opening up the fourth floor door. This floor seemed to be used for all the office workers as there were four individual offices for the higher ups and multiple rows of cubicles for the other employees. Sounds of ringing phones and typing filled the room. There was yet another secretary to check with. She led her to the back of the room and instructed her to take a seat outside the door of the largest office.


                        While waiting to see the CEO, Sandara was reminiscent of her school days. Back in middle school, there were times where she would have to wait outside the principal’s office to receive her punishment after defending herself against the girls who were bullying her. She just hoped this experience would be much more pleasant.


                        Finally, the door to the office opened. The man that stepped out was not the image Sandara was expecting for a powerful CEO. The older man was wearing a grey long-sleeve shirt, khaki cargo pants, and a black cap that obscured his sharp features. The man turned his head to Sandara and looked at her up and down. “Sandara Park?”


                        The young woman quickly got up out of her chair. She bowed deeply. “Eh yeh. It’s nice to meet you, Yang-sanjangnim.”


                        After he returned her greeting, Hyun-Suk stepped aside to allow her into his office. Sandara glanced around the room as she took a seat across from him. The bright, smiling cartoon action figures posed as a confusing contrast to the photos he took with famous people and all the awards he had gain from his time as a rapper. What kind of CEO is this guy, Sandara began to wonder.


                        When Sandara turned her attention to the front of the desk, she was startled to Sanjangnim resting his face in the palm of his hand and staring at her intently. Sandara uncomfortably shifted her eyes away from his gaze.


                        “You know, you’re even more beautiful in person~”


                        “Kahmsamnida,” Sandara blushed.


                        Hyun-Suk didn’t really mean it to sound like a creepy “come-on” an older guy would pull on a much younger girl. He was just stating the obvious. Even though it seemed like she didn’t have on any make-up, her skin was so flawless and pale—it seemed like it glowed. Her small, oval face was well proportioned with striking features that were slightly softened by puffy cheeks. Her most alluring feature was her eyes; they were surprisingly wide for their angled shape. In a culture that was increasingly becoming more focused in achieving “beauty” through artificial means, Hyun-Suk could see where Sandara’s natural beauty and unique features would have a marketing appeal.


                        “But I see you didn’t bother applying make-up or fixing your hair,” he remarked on her unkempt appearance.


                        Sandara self-consciously brushed her fingers through her raven tresses to try to straighten it out; she completely forgot that running through the condensation from the cold winter air would throw random waves into her straight hair. Looking back on it, she probably should have worn her hair up. “Ah I had to leave so early, and I didn’t even think to apply any on the KTX,” she apologized.


                        “The KTX? You’re not staying in Seoul?”


                        “No, I’m staying with my grandparents in Busan,” she trailed off insecurely.


                        The former rapper nodded his head in understanding. He knew first-hand how expensive finding a place in Seoul could be expensive, so staying with family was often the most economical choice. But he was amazed that she was staying so far away. He also knew that the KTX bridging Seoul to Busan was yet to be completed, so with the additional bus transfers she would have to take he knew would take at least over four hours.


                        Hyun-Suk looked at her with a hint of concern. “You know we could have changed your appointment to a later time, so you could have left at a more decent hour.”


                        Sandara shook her head once again and resolutely said, “I wouldn’t want someone’s schedule to be moved around just for my convenience. Your time is more valuable than mine. You suggested 9 o’clock, so that’s the time I was going to show up. No matter what.”


                        Hyun-Suk nodded his head in admiration; it was tough to find young people that would go to such lengths to make sure they aren’t a burden for someone else. “That’s the main reason why you’re here today; you have such dedication in your work. Even though you feel like you have no talent, you still keep working at it. It’s hard to find young people with such drive; most would quit once they felt they weren’t talented, but you keep pushing through.”


                        “I can’t give up. Even if I achieve the fame I want, I can’t see myself ever not trying to improve myself.”


                        They continued to talk for the next hour. Hyun-suk brought up her fame in the Phillipines and asked Sandara what “krung-krung” meant. The petite girl bashfully explained that it meant cute or crazy, and she got the nickname because she would do random things that they found weird and cute. This led to him mentioning that the songs on her album were cute and asked her what her opinion of it was. She deprecatingly admitted that although the songs were okay, she felt that her voice wasn’t that great. He then mentioned all that she was going to do for her two month stay to prep her for her upcoming extended training.


                        “For your workshops, you’ll be going through pretty much everything the official YG trainees do. You’ll be getting lessons in singing, dancing, and acting. As a lot of our trainees come from other regions with different dialects, we provide language lessons to help them communicate when they’re on broadcasts. So, you’ll also take part in language lessons—while you have a decent concept of Standard Korean, I noticed you occasionally slip into your Busan dialect. You’ll be working six days out of the week—Monday through Friday full time, Saturday partial day, while Sunday is your free day.”


                        Sandara nodded her head as she tried to keep up with his fast instructions.

                        Hyun-Suk pursed his lips as he considered what they talked about earlier. “Normally, the trainees would have to start their training in the early morning hours—sometimes around 4am depending—and would end super late, depending on the situation. But because of your circumstances of living away from Seoul, I would say try to get here when you can and you can leave whenever you feel ready. But when you begin your extended workshops, we can come up with a place for you in Seoul for your longer stay.”


                        Sandara’s cheeks flushed in chagrin. She hated that she couldn’t meet the same commitments the other trainees had to do because of the fact that it took her nearly half a day just to commute back and forth. The young girl vowed right then to train as hard as possible with the hours she did get to spend in this building.



                        The YG President glanced at his limited edition Robot Taekwon V clock and abruptly stood up. “I—or one of the other sunbaes—give a lecture at eleven on Mondays and Wednesdays on company behavior and on individual image. We should start heading out for that.”


                        As the room that was used for lectures was on the first floor, Hyun-Suk gave her a quick tour of the other floors. He quickly waved off the fourth floor as a place most trainees have no need for because it was used for all the business aspect of things—Public Relations, Marketing, Financial Department, and what not.


                        He took her to the third floor which he said was reserved for all things related to the music itself. The floor was made up of a recording studio that took up more than a quarter of the floor, two rooms to practice vocals in, and a room to practice instrument.


                        Sandara noticed that most of the rooms must be soundproofed pretty because although she can see the passionate faces of young men and women belting out songs, she could only hear the muffled few high pitches that manage to project out.


                        “In your documentary you said you liked Se7en’s music,” the president drew her attention back to him, “He’s often up here recording music

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17rose17 #1
Chapter 5: What happened authornim??the story is daebak!keep on coming authornim?!update soon ..
jp123090 #2
Chapter 5: Hi. Please update. The story is interesting and catchy. Somehow, I'm hoping that this is actually what happened in real life. Update! Update! Update! Soon. Hugssss. :)
Chapter 5: I love how you can write your fic that is something similar as to what had originally happened before (I hope). It is so realistic! Fighting for your next update!
ant12345 #4
Chapter 5: I really like the way you write...and how you seemed to have fleshed out daras character to the very last bit. I think i have never understood any other dara character as much as i do yours. You know, stories about idols before they became idols for some reason makes me feel sad. Its like watching them live out their last days as their own before tghey debut afterwhich, in a way, they are 'owned' by the public/their company and their fans/
jetpitchblack #5
Chapter 5: its beautiful... both Hae and dara are really naturAl "beauty".... and yeah dArA is definitely not tHat heartless girl who broke DHs heart.... thaNks for putTing it Here.... hOPe you incluDe the "gLances" Hae is trowing to Dara eVEry Award shOw.... darahae figHting!!!
Estrellita16 #6
Chapter 5: KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! its beautiful the update! more more more give me more please! <3
LilMissSanShine #7
Chapter 5: Hahahah! Hae downplaying it so his friends won't get interested in her. Sneaky boy!
Jmgirl #8
Chapter 5: "Just alright" huh donghae???It seems your oblivious protecting dara from your friends...haha omo this is it the start of darahae friendship cant wait for the next chapter...thanks authornim for the update...
Chapter 5: Ah that was so good! I loved how you described their reactions of each other. And if this fic extends as far Come Back Home era, I'm excited to see them reminisce on this meeting. Really love your writing! Thank you for the update.