
Back to Luhan

a/n: I just had to write Sehun's thoughts just because so... here goes nothing lol 




"Tao! I need your help!" Sehun shouted at Tao who is busy buying luxury goods online and Sehun tries his hardest understanding Chinese although he hasn't really been studying the language. 


"What?!" Tao asked rather annoyed at the younger boy who looks pathetic reading Chinese characters, pronouncing every word wrongly. 


Sehun lets out a heavy sigh as he's getting frustrated in his weibo account. He faced Tao with puppy pleading eyes and he scowled at Sehun's look since the latter is not one to throw aegyo at the other maknae. "You see, Tao... today is Luhan's.." 


"So I heard about hyung's presscon and I'm guessing you've been stuck on weibo looking for live streams?" Tao asked with worry on his face since he exactly knows how Sehun feels. 


Sehun just nodded and gave his phone to Tao, asking him to find a link so he could watch Luhan. Tao got his phone and started scrolling through the pages in weibo when suddenly, "Oh no... Luhan," Tao said while he shakes his head as he reads the comments from the people online. Sehun worriedly grabbed his phone to check out what's written but then he realized that he doesn't know how to read Chinese and gave his phone back to Tao and said, "Sorry, I got carried away... but what happened to Luhan hyung?" Sehun asked Tao uneasily. But, how can one expect Sehun to calm down when the subject of the matter is Luhan? 


"People at the presscon said they saw Luhan enter the venue but now he's nowhere to be found..." Tao said as he continues to scroll for more information. Tao then showed Sehun a picture of Luhan wearing an oversized jacket same as Do's and a snapback that Sehun recognizes because it was his and he couldn't help but to feel sad since Luhan's head is bowed down, security escorting him by the arm...


Is Luhan hyung still sick? or is he just nervous? 


Sehun grabbed his phone back from Tao since he realized that even if he watch Luhan's presscon, Luhan will never come back to Korea. It will never change the fact that they're still trying their best to be in a long distance relationship even if it's so damn hard. Tao just patted his shoulders and went back to his laptop and muttered, "You'll be fine. I went through the same with Kris hyung and I just had to accept it." 


Sehun went back to his room, sat quietly in Luhan's old bed and unconsciously went to his phone's contacts and to Luhan's details. He stared at the picture on Lu's contact, it was his favorite picture - the one he candidly took when Luhan was fast asleep. With his long curled lashes, cute button nose and small pink lips. Sehun lets out a small laugh upon remembering his lovely hyung. The boy wanted to dial Luhan's number but he was hesitant and unsure of what he's supposed to say but then an unknown number was calling him. 


"Hello?" Sehun answered but it was silent until he heard muffled voices from the other line and he instantly knew that he wanted to talk to that person. 


Sehun instinctively called out, "Hyung..." he closed his eyes and waited for a response but he didn't hear anything except for heavy breaths, "Hyung." Sehun repeated and this time his voice was firm, he sounded as if he was strong but in fact he was aching all over just to hear Luhan's voice. Sehun can feel Luhan keeping his emotions to himself, not wanting the younger to find out his weakness but Sehun can always feel Luhan even from miles away. 


"Sehun-ah." Luhan managed to say and Sehun held his phone tightly to his ears, he was waiting long enough for that familiar voice to speak up and finally Sehun breathes again. 


"Sehun-ah, I miss you so much." Luhan said, his voice prominently longing and Sehun covers his mouth with his hand to avoid letting Luhan hear the pain he's feeling through the tears damping his face. He wanted to be strong for his hyung, he wanted to be strong for the both of them. 


"Hyung please don't cry. You know I'll always be with you no matter what...just remember that. Ok? Please tell me that you'll be ok." Sehun said convincingly as he tries to fake his own feelings away, "No! It will never be the same. I won't be with the members...I won't be with you," Luhan's voice made Sehun's heart ache so much, he wanted to be with Luhan, he wanted to hug him tight and kiss his worries away. If only Sehun could fly to Beijing right now, he would just to support his hyung but it's impossible. 


"I love you, hyung..." are the only possible words that would make Luhan feel Sehun in every way and he said these words as if it's forever.


"I love you too, Sehun-ah. Thank you." 





Sehun ended up watching the presscon and saw the way Luhan was smiling happily and Sehun felt his heart beat fast like when the first time he saw Luhan.

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