Crazy, But Mostly Cute

Crazy, But Mostly Cute

“Whatcha reading, Bummie?”

Having just returned to the dorm after an afternoon out with his friends, Minho finds Kibum sitting cross-legged on the sofa with what he thinks is a magazine in his lap. He naturally joins Kibum in the living room and sits right beside him, putting his arm around his boyfriend and leaving no distance between them. Just as Kibum turns to look at him, Minho looks down to see what Kibum has been reading. There, in his lap, is the November issue of Cosmopolitan opened at the pages of his photo shoot in Finland. A smile breaks out on Minho’s face.

“What do you think?” Minho asks expectantly, almost eager for Kibum to swoon over him now that the real deal has arrived.

Kibum looks at him like he’s studying his features for a moment and then glances back at the magazine before looking back at him again. When their eyes meet the second time, Kibum lets out a huge sigh and shakes his head.

“What?” Minho questions, confused, “What’s wrong? Why are you sighing?”

“Nothing…” Kibum shrugs but doesn’t hide his disappointment as he goes on to grumble while looking at the magazine, “I just wish he was my boyfriend.”

Minho follows the direction of Kibum’s eyes and stares at the photos of himself.

If Minho was confused before, he is absolutely bewildered at this point in time, feeling as if Kibum has spoken some sort of alien language.

“I am your boyfriend, Kibum.” Minho says in all seriousness.

“You?” Kibum scoffs, “Yeah, I’m stuck with you. You’re an idiot.”

“What are you-”

Kibum cuts Minho off as he raises the magazine to eye level and points at Minho-in-the-magazine, “But him? Look at him, he’s so darn attractive.”

The confusion is gone in a flash and there’s now a smug little smile on Minho’s face.

“You finally admit I’m attractive?” 

“Not you, Minho.” Kibum groans in frustration as he holds the magazine right in Minho’s face and points at the charming model gracing the pages of the popular women's magazine, “Him!”

“Alright alright.” Minho laughs, pushing the magazine away so he can see Kibum, “I get it. I’ll try to aspire to be like him when I’m with you alright?”

Kibum narrows his eyes, “Try?”

Minho stops playing around but he’s completely amused by his boyfriend, “Kibum… I look all gloomy and distant in the shoot. Do you really want me to be like that all the time?”

Kibum sticks out his bottom lip, puffing his cheeks in the process, as he looks wistfully at the magazine, “He looks really good like this though.”

Placing his hands on Kibum’s shoulders, Minho turns Kibum back towards him and smiles helplessly at him, “I like that you’re going crazy over me but can you stop treating us like two different persons, baby?”

Kibum acts confused like he’s hearing something for the first time, “Who’s going crazy over you?”

“I believe I’m looking at him right now.” Minho is more than happy to give Kibum an answer.

“Urgh, get away from me.” Kibum shrugs Minho’s hands off him before he stands up, deciding to go back to his room so he doesn’t have to be teased by Minho anymore.

Even though he knows it’ll annoy Kibum even more, Minho can’t hold back his laughter any longer.

Irritating Kibum has always been one of his greatest joys in life, besides loving him that is.

Just when Minho decides he should probably stop laughing and go after his boyfriend instead, Kibum suddenly comes back into the living room and stops right in front of him. He doesn’t acknowledge him though because the next thing Minho knows, Kibum bends down, grabs the magazine off the sofa and heads right back into his room.

Minho blinks, replaying what just happened in his head, unable to believe that he has lost to photos of himself.

But never mind, Minho thinks, at least Kibum only has eyes for him.


Author's Note: completed this while taking a break from writing Inevitable, Uncontrollable, Irreversible! lol this is my attempt to advertise this current baby of mine (if anyone missed the news that i'm writing a "sequel" to that short drabble i wrote originally)... it's what brought me back to writing productively. :') anyway! like i said, i'm working to clear my WIPs so do expect to track back in time for any upcoming fics. hee. alrighty! as always, thank you for subscribing and reading! even if you don't comment, the views say something so thaaaank you. i love you all~ ^^♥

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Chapter 1: Aaw...cutie bummie
Minho why so adorable
I need minho in my life... Hewhewww
This is absolutely CRAZY and overloaded with CUTENESS!!
Chapter 1: no idea what key wants actually xD
he amused me :D
Ahh another flawless story of yours ;A;

That sounds pretty much like a thing Kibum would do. xD
eskulapka #5
Chapter 1: Kibum would totally do that... :) I like that unreasonable side of him:P
Sorry I haven't talked to you lately, I've been really busy. I'm not sure when I'll have time to catch up on your fics, but I'll try to do that once I find a spare minute. You're my favourite MinKey writer after all and you made me like that ship (thought JongKey is still my otp...)
Chapter 1: I have always liked ur Minkey stories..short and sweet...and our Bummie is crazy...<3<3
Chapter 1: naww cliffhanger, but i love it ;w; ♥
Kim_Luxita #8
Chapter 1: Omg this was soooo flipping adorable!! I have missed you and Minkey!!! Ughh have u seen how much Minkey there has been in Japan ughhh adorable babies!!!
keny_shawol #9
Chapter 1: You don't know how much I missed your MinKey. Like a lot.
The model couple attacks again. It's just like I imagine the MinKey, and especially Kibum.
Kibum, you're lucky to have a boyfriend like Minho. I need a Minho in my life soon.
I really loved this <333333.
Chapter 1: Bwah ha ha ha ha. Too funny, especially THIS - Minho blinks, replaying what just happened in his head, unable to believe that he has lost to photos of himself. OMG that was hilarious.