Opus Two - Poison Ivy 1: Thorns Uncovered

The Aurum of Vanadis
“Opus Two – Poison Ivy 1: Thorns Uncovered”



          “J-Jaejoong???” as soon as he recognized who it was he immediately rushed to the lifeless body near the blazing truck, and as he does, the light glowing from Jaejoong was fading out.


          “Jaejoong! Jaejoong!” he yelled as he shook the boy’s face, he resting the boy’s head onto his lap.


          He looked at the place again, everything was bedraggled. The road, the front of the café, the wires, the truck, and something inside the truck…

          He finally thought of it, is the driver of the truck fine? He asked himself. Is he alive? He’s not sure, until a sound came from the ablaze truck. The passenger door was kicked open and the injured driver came out of it, he carelessly hit the ground and just lied there.


          “Uhhh…….” An annoyed grumble caught Heechul’s attention back.

          “Jaejoong?! Jaejoong! Wake up!” Heechul shouted as he saw that Jaejoong was coming back. Jaejoong slowly opened his eyes.


          “H-Heechul-shi? W-what happened?” he asked as he sits himself up.

          “Jaejoong? Are you alright?” Heechul asked.


          “I think so…” he simply said and he, all of a sudden, stood up.


          “H-hey! What are you doing?! Are you okay? Don’t stand up!” Heechul shouted but the boy ignores him, it’s like he’s on his own world.


          “Yeah! I think I’m fine…..” he replied as he continued clumping.

          “Yah! Do you even know what happened here? Where are you going?” he bawled at Jaejoong who seemed to be careless of all the things.


          “I don’t care! I’m going home, I want to rest.” The boy said as he continued on walking away, leaving the mess he originally created. Heechul was left dumbfounded by the act.


          “What now?!” Heechul growl as he watched the image of Jaejoong disappear from his sight.


          “The boy! He-he was glowing!” cried the driver which caught Heechul’s attention and another additional sound followed, the siren of an ambulance.


          “No one should know about this… well there is no other option left. I can’t believe I have to clean up someone else’s mess! I mean I’m his boss by the way?” he said to himself as he slowly stood up.

          “Here it goes….” He slowly raised his arms and closed his eyes.


          “I need you this time… Ferrum Rhodon!” he gently shouted and a pink light surrounds the area as strong gust of wind followed suit. It ended by rose petals scattered everywhere. When the light was fully gone, a long vine-like whip with thorns appeared from his once empty hands, he whipped it to the floor.


          “It’s been a long time, it seems the prophecy is coming to life. The long lost Aurum has finally awaken. Actually, I never really thought it exist, but I guess that proves me wrong. What I’ve trained for was worth it after all. Well then, before anything else, let’s finish this up!” he said to his Ferrum, then he raised it again and swirls it in the air. It started with a slow pace until it increased, as it swirls a sort of pink dust emits with its every turn. It fuses with the air and soon spreads to the area. Everyone and everything that was nearby was engulf by the pink dust.


          The fires were extinguished, the injured driver was healed and was put to sleep.


          “That should do it; they’ll forget what happened and just see this as a normal accident. Kim Jaejoong, if ever my guess were right, then I think I must prove it. This explains why I have a deep connection with you.” He said as he finishes his job, he then again whip the weapon onto the floor and the same pink light shines from it and it vanished as the light fades away.


          The ambulance finally came and Heechul sneaks out, leaving the scene. The nurses rushed to the man and carried him into the ambulance as the cops investigates the area.



          The following day…


          “Have you heard?”


          “There was an accident last night near a café just a few blocks away from our school. The police said the accident caused huge damage.”

          “Woah! Really? So are there any witnesses?”

          “None, which was odd. Even the staffs of the café which was open non-stop didn’t know what happened.”

          “What about the people aboard?”

          “It was only the driver of the truck, another weird thing is…..the driver didn’t have even the smallest scratch, when the police said that with the looks of the truck, he must’ve had major injuries.”

          “Wow! So does the driver knew what went wrong?”

          “The police said that it must have been drunk driving or that the driver was stoned, because when the driver woke up and was asked, he said he didn’t remember anything and that the last thing he saw was a blinding light.”

          “Wow… what a weird news, I’m sure he’s in some kind of drugs.”


          “Jaejoong have just arrived to school when he heard his classmate’s chit-chat. He was curious as he take his sit. Jaejoong really hate gossips but he can’t help but to get curious of this one.


          ‘An accident near a café just a few blocks from here? Could it be?’ he thought then he faced his classmates to prove his thoughts.


          “Hey! Do you, by any chance, know the name of the café?” he asked one of them.

          “Uhmmmm……I think….it was, P-pasta Espanya?”

          “Actually, it was Pasta…Espanioles” he corrected and then he ignores them completely and again thought of the café. Suddenly his phone started ringing… “Who could this be?” he fetched his phone from his pocket and put it in his ear.



          “Jaejoong-ah!” a very energetic voice greeted him from the other line.


          “Yes! Correct! How are y-”

          “Hey! Is every one okay there? Did anybody got hurt? How about the café, is it okay?” he started throwing questions of concern.

          “Hey! Hey! Hey! Everything is fine here, no need to worry, wait a minute… you don’t remember anything?”


          “Never mind… after school I want you to be here immediately okay? Don’t be late… oh well… bye!”

          “Wait-“right then the other line was cut off before he could say a word.


          “What’s that for? He didn’t even let me finished…well he said they’re fine, so no need to worry…I guess…” he said as their teacher came in to start the class.



          They are dismissed earlier today and Jaejoong checked the time, he still has plenty of it, then he remembered… ‘Don’t be late…’ the voice of Heechul echoing in his head.

          “I still have a lot of time, I don’t need to hurry.” He said as he packed his things and started leaving the school.


          He carelessly walks his way to the café. While doing so, another aura was following him, hiding on the walls where he could not be seen; guarding the innocent Jaejoong.


          Jaejoong continued on walking, then he suddenly felt another presence, he is used with these kind of feelings, because of the constant stalkers following him. Before, he has a lot of stalkers creepily stalking him wherever he goes but that was back then, they stopped when he confront all of them to quit stalking him and get on with their lives, but somehow this one seems to be different, it feels scary and exciting at the same time. He took a quick glimpse from his back but he didn’t see anyone. The stranger immediately hid from the wall before he was seen by Jaejoong, he inhaled deeply and exhaled for he was safe. He counts 1 to 3 and he looked back at Jaejoong again, but to his surprise Jaejoong was already in front of his face.


          “WHY ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME!?” Jaejoong shouted as he caught the stranger. The stranger surely is surprised, he was wearing a big reading glass with a thick black frame and his hair was overly comb but he got quite the height, Jaejoong could tell by the looks that this was a nerd.


          “I-i-i-i-i-i…” he was panicking.

          “Who are you? And why are you following me? Don’t you know it is bad to stalk a person without a reason? Who are you?” Jaejoong confronted again.

          “I-I-I am, S-Siwon… Ch-Choi S-S-Siwon…” the stranger introduced.

          “Do I know you?” Jaejoong asked.

          “I-I-I don’t know, but m-me I-I know you, we’re from the same Cl-class.” Siwon said.

          “Really?” Jaejoong can’t remember him.

          “So… why are you following me???”

          “Uh… I-I’m here to return your notebook, y-you forgot to get it while our teacher released it, h-here…” he said as he shakily handed the notebook.

          “Oh! Thank you! I got so excited to go I forgot. Thanks again…..?”   Jaejoong forgot the name again, he’s not really good with remembering.

          “Siwon… Choi Siwon…”

          “Oh yes! Siwon! Okay… so Siwon, I got to go now I still have to go to work… see ya later!!!” Jaejoong bid farewell, it’s weird having stalker especially if you’re a guy, but sometimes it is good if you think of it, as long as they didn’t do anything bad to you.

          “Bye…” Siwon said, when he didn’t see Jaejoong anymore he remove his glasses and reveal a very handsome man, different from the guy a earlier, he also suddenly changed appearance.


          “I wonder if he already knew. I guess not, we got to have to wait for that. My sire it’s my will to protect you, now that the advent is near, let me be your cavalier. But you have to discover your power all by yourself.” He said to himself as he goes separate ways.



          Jaejoong finally arrived at the café and everything seems to be fine, the front of the café where the truck crashed was now under repair, other than the electric cables already fixed, there are just some marks on the road, probably the truck’s tires.


          “I’m here! And I’m not late!” he proclaimed as he entered.

          “Jaejoong-ah!!! Gladly you’re here!!!” the annoying voice finally greeted him.

          “What is it you’re going to tell me?” Jaejoong ask.

          “How’d you know I’m gonna ask you?”

          “I didn’t, it’s just too obvious, now really, what is it? I’m gonna change now.” Jaejoong said as he goes to the staff’s room, but Heechul grabbed him and forced him to sit at the chair on the counter.

          “Wait, wait, wait, and wait. Let me do the asking first… so you don’t remember anything weird last night?” Heechul asked the first question.

          “What exactly happened? I don’t know okay.” Jaejoong innocently said.

          ‘So he didn’t have memory of last night?  But he already left when I used my Rhodon.’

          “Next question… when again is your birthday?” Heechul asked the second question.

          “January 26” Jaejoong answered.

          “And if I’m correct, you’ll be turning 19?”

          “Yes? And Why?”

          “Fabulous!” ‘This is getting to the point, few more questions’

          “If you think I’m a girl… I don’t celebrate parties, it’s so insulting.”

          “No, no, no, no. next question… you say that you’re adopted, am I correct?”


          “Then what is the name of your real mother?”

          “I don’t know. I haven’t met her nor did my foster parents, she gave me away for heaven’s sake, my god Heechul-shi what is this, some kind of interrogation?” Jaejoong became sensitive whenever the topic is his parents.

          “I’m sorry Jaejoong, another question… do you possess a silver pendant with a Letter T and vines coiled on it?”

          “I don’t know!? But maybe… I don’t know. Let’s stop this, there are lots of costumer today.” Jaejoong said as he stood up.


          “Jaejoong! One last question…” Heechul stopped him again.

          Jaejoong rotated his eyes and look at Heechul.



          “Do you know anything… about the Aurum of Vanadis?” Heechul asked the last question.


          “No? What’s that? Another fic you are reading? I’m gonna work now…” ‘Sometimes I think you’re weird but this time I think you really are.’ He whispered.


          Heechul seemed to be incomplete, ‘I only got two questions for the criteria, and he didn’t know anything, what if he does have the pendant? That would be my turning point. I have to know if he possessed it or not.’ Heechul thought as Jaejoong left him alone in the counter. 



          A/N: And here’s the second chapter, I divided it into two parts… Hope you like it! :) Please leave your comment! :)

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Opus One posted! :)


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Chapter 2: dont bash me but when i read your foreword i was really impressed but your writing is a bit hasty, in a chick-flick manner-your chapters seem like a story on a high school kid who woke up late and bumps into a pretty boy. you should write like this when you're writing a simple girl meets boy thing but for a strong plot like this you should have a bit more description and prescriptive view. if i have to give you an example, i'd suggest you read some of bleedlikeme's stories.
Kattan69 #2
Chapter 4: Can't wait for more to reveal.
yunjaemrcnn #3
Chapter 1: Sounds so good!
Neng2ovid #4
Chapter 2: Changmins funny always hungry.
Neng2ovid #5
Ok this looks interesting. It looks like a fun adventure.