The Aurum of Vanadis


            “Today and on, we will once again reign. The Aurum is calling. We shall recover it and conquer humanity. After millenniums of waiting, we will prevail. Arsenikos, search for the Aurum!” He spoke upon his people and every one of them bowed before their master.


            At the same time in present Greece…

            “Black Knight, it’s time. We can feel the presence of the Arsenikos, we shall prevent them at all cost. Gather all the Thule but most especially find the Phoenix and protect him. You are aware of the secret and we believe in you. The long lost legend of Vanadis has now awakened. Go and save humanity, we blessed you with all the strength.” The eldest of the sorcerers said upon his chosen one, and all the other sorcerers cast their spell on him.


            “Yes my Lord, I will do as you say. I’ll search for the Phoenix and restore peace and harmony.” The Black Knight kneeled down and bid farewell to his elders in search for the remaining Thule.

            “Legend has it that the Roman Catholic Church conquers the ancient world because they possess the Philosopher’s stone, or the stone of life and death. They believed that witches, wizards, warlocks, magicians and sorcerers are demons, but the truth is, they were the ancient scientist of that time and what they practice, as the church names it “Magic” was actually an experiment. They outlawed these practices and anyone caught doing it would be punished or burned under the church. Those who detest shall not be given any mercy so scientists that time were afraid to publicize their research like Galileo, because apart from no one will believe in them, they would also be looked as insane…, Jaejoong? Kim Jaejoong!!!” the chemistry teacher called upon the sleeping student who jerked up with surprise.


            “Yes Sir!!!” He replied as he composes himself.

            “Are you listening?” the teacher asked.

            “Uhhh….. Yes of course I am Sir.” He replied dumbly. Still his teacher seemed doubtful.

            “Then what was the stone of life and death again?” his teacher asked.

            “Uhhhh… Uhmmm… the stone of life and death?... uhhh…”

            “Take your seat, see me after class. No sleeping in my class!” the teacher reminded.

            “Grrr! What a jerk Kim Jaejoong!” he growl as he sits.


            Kim Jaejoong, 18, a very kind and helpful student. Best known for his feminine appearance that makes girls and boys alike fall for him, but he kind of lack in school academics. Adopted by an old couple who never had a child of their own, and though he know of this, it doesn’t crossed his mind to think of his real parents, he is contented with what he has now.

            He works as a delivery boy at a café by day and part time waiter by night, that’s reason why he’s always drowsy at school. He has no particular reason for working, they are financially able, it’s just that he wanted to be busy and to help others and finding this job is the right one for him.


            “Just promise to not do it again Mr. Kim.” His teacher reminded him.

            “Yes sir! I promise, I’m really sorry.” He said as he bowed to his mentor.

            “It’s fine, you may leave now, I know you have work today.” His teacher replied.

            “Yes, I do have. Well goodbye sir! Thank you again.” Jaejoong said as he bids farewell.

            “That kid, if he isn’t that hardworking he would’ve ended in detention, oh well, back to work!”


            “Oh no! Oh no! I’m late!!! And it’s because I slept!!! Oh my god! Excuse me! Excuse Me! Sorry!” he mumbles as he squeezes his way to the crowd.

            “Why is there a lot of people today?” he wonders, and when he passed the crowd he found an empty street so he runs to it before the crowd appeared again.

            “Oh yeah! That’s the market I was in, that explains why there’re plenty of people, haha! Silly me.” He said as he runs not knowing that he was about to bump someone.




            And just like that he was on the floor because of the impact.

            “Ouch, oh god” He said as he tried to open his eyes. He saw the thing, no, the man that he bumped just now. A tall tanned man, wearing a black suit, black tie, black pants, black eyes, uhhmmmm no he meant black tinted shades looking down at him. He find it strange that this black man, didn’t even budge when his was still on the floor because of the impact. The man suddenly removed his shades.


            ‘Am I the one who’s supposed to apologize? N.O. Why would I do that? For all reason, why is he even standing in the middle of the street?’ he thought as he scrutinized the man. He then helped himself up, dusting off the dirt in his back.

            “Excuse me mister? Why in the world are you standing in the middle of the street? Are you some kind of a kidnap for ransom dude or something?” and as soon as he said that, he regret even talking with the guy. ‘Damn! You, Kim Jaejoong, really is a stupid fool. What if he’s really in a syndicate?! Oh god! What if he shoots me? Oh my god! I’m too young to die. Why didn’t I even thought of that in the first place? Hello? A mysterious looking guy in black? They never bring good in movies. What now? Ok, just walk away like nothing happened, that’s the plan.’ He has a habit of talking to himself.


            “Well I’m gonna go now if you don’t feel like apologizing.” He said as he carefully stepped passed the guy. All was going well but then the guy grabbed his wrist. He was panicking inside, ‘Oh no! Jaejoong! This is the end, he will kill me now!’


            “Uh…. What are you doing?” he manages to ask but the guy didn’t respond, instead, he held Jaejoong’s arms higher to look at Jaejoong’s elbow.


            “You have a bruise…” the man plainly said. Jaejoong was in a relief, he does have a bruise, maybe because of the bump earlier. The man suddenly took off his tie and was about to tie it in Jaejoong’s bruise but Jaejoong snatched his arm back.

            “Oh yeah, I had a bruise, I can take care of it myself, so yeah, I’m going now, coz I’m really really late… see ya mister…” he said and runs away from the scene, he can feel the guy’s eyes was staring at his back, like boring a hole in it. He let out a heavy sigh, ‘what a weird ahjussi, I do hope he’s not in some kind of a drug.’


            “Oh nuts! I’m really late!!!”

“So… here’s my number, call me pretty boy.” The girl gave him her number and sent a flying kiss afterwards.

“Sure, I definitely will sweetie.” He responds as he said goodbye catching the kiss with his hands. His partner came out of the police station after that unnecessary exchange of act.

“And what was that for?” he ask, crossed arms, foot tapping on the floor.

“Oh that was nothing, I guess my powers doesn’t only work with metals but with humans too.” He joked as he approached his hot tempered partner.

“Shut up!” he answered to his flirt of a friend.

“Awww… someone’s jealous…” he teases.

“I said shut up or else I’ll shoot you, you know I barely miss.” He threatened.

“Okay Okay!” his friend surrendered with both hands in the air, though he’s laughing, he is scared.


“So… have any missions today? I need a bounty to hunt lately, I have some good source. Or a missing kitty instead? I’m always honored to help.” He said as they walk abreast each other.

“You betrayer, you’re a criminal yourself.” His friend said.

“Haha! That was before, I’ve change…well not completely, I still have eyes for jewels.” He said that eyeing his friend.

“So do you have or we have something to do?” he asked once more.

“Sadly, it does not concern the police, but we do.” He replied.

“Oh yeah! It’s almost time, I can sense the Aurum, I just hate this feeling, it’s like we have no choice but to follow its aura. So what now? Do we need to look for our allies?” he asked feeling lazy.

“It’s us finding them or us being found, what do you prefer?” he intelligently proposed.

“I guess I’ll go with the second one.” He quickly answered as his friend chuckles.

“Same old you.”

“Well you asked me, you know how lazy I am.”

“Yeah, you’re a lazy .”

“Another question. Have something to do tonight?”

“No, why?”

“Care for a date?”


“Hey! What was that for? He said as he nurse the back of his head.

“Quit joking around, enemies might be anywhere, you’re even a legendary Thule and you act like that.” He lessoned.

“Alright! Alright!” they continued walking and joking the way.

“Changmin… it is time… We can feel the Aurum’s presence calling for you; you have to do your duty. Search for the other Thule and bring us peace, our prayers shall guide you with everything, and your guardian spirit as well. Be careful with your journey.” His elder said.

“I will, I will my grand elder…” He said bowing to the floor. As he stood he let out his staff and called his guardian spirit.

“Pollux!” his guardian spirit appeared by his side and goes inside of his staff.

“Farewell my elders, I will bring you no failure.”

“Goodbye my son…” and the tribe started playing music in honor of his heroism.

He walked away from the village as strong winds with snow accompany him; he wear his hood up, ready for adventure.


But then…




“They are having a feast without me, how sad is that? I should’ve eaten first, even just a bite of that roasted chicken.” He said as he touched his grumbling stomach, feeling lonely as hell.

“You already ate, what’s your problem?” His guardian spirit said.

“But I’m still hungryyyyyyy!!!!!!!”

“Stop whining!”

A/N: And that was the prologue! A bit of introductory of the Thules (pronounced as “tools” and Thule is “tool”) and of the Aurum. Hope you liked it! Leave your comment! :)



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Opus One posted! :)


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Chapter 2: dont bash me but when i read your foreword i was really impressed but your writing is a bit hasty, in a chick-flick manner-your chapters seem like a story on a high school kid who woke up late and bumps into a pretty boy. you should write like this when you're writing a simple girl meets boy thing but for a strong plot like this you should have a bit more description and prescriptive view. if i have to give you an example, i'd suggest you read some of bleedlikeme's stories.
Kattan69 #2
Chapter 4: Can't wait for more to reveal.
yunjaemrcnn #3
Chapter 1: Sounds so good!
Neng2ovid #4
Chapter 2: Changmins funny always hungry.
Neng2ovid #5
Ok this looks interesting. It looks like a fun adventure.