Chapter 14

Not Alone

When I thought everything was going well, a phone call from auntie ruined everything. When we were on our way back to apartment, auntie called Luhan and told us to go to her house. Luhan’s grandfather, Mr. Lu’s father, came from China and he was at the Lu’s house. Luhan turned solemn when he heard about it. He was nervous. Later did I found out that Luhan and his grandfather’s relationship was not really good either. More like his grandfather looked at him as a rebel because Luhan never listened to his grandfather’s words.

We arrived at the house thirty minutes later. I already prepared my heart for the most awkward situation I’ll ever face, but it all melted down when I saw that old man. He was sitting in the single couch, walking stick with dragon as the handle lying beside him. The walking stick itself screamed expensive in my ears. Mr. Lu sit in the left couch and auntie was no where to be seen. Luhan’s grandfather, looked so kind, made me wonder why Luhan scared of him. He smiled when he saw me and Luhan coming.

“Hello Grandpa. I didn’t know you were coming.” Luhan said nervously.

“I didn’t mean to come here too, but I heard you had an accident. That’s why I came. How are you now?”

“I’m good now. No need to worry.”

“Good then. I didn’t come here only because your accident though. I heard from your father that you do good in the company, huh? No more rebel?”

“Yes I think. I’m a mature man now, grandpa.” his grandpa laughed loudly.

“What a great change! I still can remember how you always runaway every time I asked you something about business.”

“Well, things happened.”

“Like the one who stand beside you?” he looked at me.

“Oh, sorry for not introducing myself Mr. Lu. My name is Minseok. I am—”

“Boyfriend. He is my boyfriend.” Luhan said, squishing my hand behind him.

“Ah.. So you finally find a boyfriend. Isn’t that great?” he laughed. “Can I have a time with Minseok alone please?”

“Why do you need time alone with him? You can just say it all here, now.”

“And what’s the problem if I want to talk with him privately? If he is the one for you, I’m sure he will be part of the family soon. I just want to know him a bit more. If you may just leave please..” he gestured his hand to the door.

“Will you be fine?” Luhan asked me, squishing my hand.

“I will. Don’t worry.” I gave him and reassuring smile.

Luhan and his father went out from the room and closed the door. There were only three persons left in that room. Me, Luhan’s grandfather, and his butler. He looked at me from head to toes, scanning me.

“You are so cute for a boy you know?”

“People say so. Oh, and thank you.”

“You must have something to make Luhan choose you, right?” I can’t give him an answer. “When did you two meet?”

“When we were five. But we met again and get closed when we were in the first year of high school.”

“I see. Would you mind to tell me a little bit about yourself?”

“Emm.. I only live with my grandfather since I was small. My grandpa said that my mom passed away when giving birth of me. I don’t know about my father. And grandpa died years ago. I graduated in business major with Luhan and used to work as a barista.” I said slowly.

“Interesting.” he leaned back on the couch, said something to the butler, and looking back at me. Find out who is he. I need all the detail. I want to know if he is the same person.

He thought that I don’t understand mandarin. But in fact, I’m really good in mandarin. My grandpa disliked it when I learned or speak mandarin. He said it was for a better if I don’t know, so I learned without him knowing. I had a big interest in mandarin, but because of grandpa, I had to pretend to anyone that I don’t know at all about it.


Luhan asked me what do we talked about. He even asked me if his grandfather had threatening me or something. He got really suspicious with his own grandfather. But I assured him that there was nothing happened, although his grandfather was somehow freaked me out.

We ended up spending the day in the Lu’s house and decided to stay the night after auntie’s persuasion. We didn’t joke like how we used to because Luhan’s grandfather was there. There was so much tension on that house.

I was sleeping in a different room from Luhan. The room where I used to stay in when I was living in this house. Luhan insisted to have the same room with me but I shrugged it off. His family were still adapting with our relationship, so I didn’t want to ruin it up with us being lovey dovey in front of them.

“Hello?” Jongdae called.

“I have an answer for your question.”


“You asked me about the donor for Luhan, right? I found him. They didn’t want to give me the name. Hell, it is my hospital and they still keep secret from me. But thanks to my handsome face that finally that nurse want to speak up. You know she was—”

“Who is he?”

“Hyung, you are no fun.”

“I’m so sleepy right now, Jongdae. Spare me the detail about how you flirt with your nurse, just give me a name and that person’s address. I really need to thank him.”

“You know him actually. Kim Daeyong.”

“Kim Daeyong? That cleaning service uncle you talked about?”

“Yes.. I was so shocked too at fist. So I went to ask the other nurse and I got all the same answers.”

“Okay, I get it. Thanks Jongdae. I’ll find him tomorrow morning to thank him.”

“You’re welcome, hyung. And you owe me big for this information.”

“I know. Tell me how I should pay it.”

“I haven’t thought about it yet, but I’ll come out with something. Wait for me.” he laughed in the phone.

“I will. Thanks again.”


I woke up in early next morning and made some food. Luhan has not awake yet. I put the food in the container and brought it out all the way to Uncle Kim’s house. If he is the one who help Luhan I sure have to thank him.

When I was there, he wasn’t home. Instead I met that fuzzy auntie again. She told me that uncle was going out for some groceries and she told me that it’s okay to just go in to Uncle Kim’s house. I hesitated at first, but since it was freezing outside, so I ended up going in to the house. I have waited for a while but Uncle still didn’t come. That’s when my curiousity win over and made me take one of the gift displaying in the cabinet.

I took the note and it read 5 years old, I opened the note, there was a photo attached to it. I wasn’t sure how Uncle Kim has it, but in that photo, it was.. me. Looked like I was running to something when he took this photo. I didn’t remember if I have ever let anyone take a photo of me. This Uncle must hide something important. I wondered who he really is.

I pulled out the photo and read the written note. Appa found you today. The first sentence gave me goosebumps. I read all of it and I suddenly regretting my decision to even touch people’s thing in the first place. I didn’t know what to feel or think. This can’t be. It’s impossible. Out of everything, how can faith played like this?

I grabbed my bag and ran out of the house. I met him on my way out. He was walking towards me with hands full of groceries. His smile faltered when he saw my stoic face. I can’t help my expression right now. I bowed to him once and ran away.


Well, I have a son. He must be around your age right now.


Once in every year, around February.. March.. or is it April? He always bought a gift for his so-called son, and just collected it in his house. He even bought cakes and treated us.


How can faith played like this. This is really something I never think of. I didn’t know what to think. I drove away from that neighborhood, tears started to leak from my eyes. What should I do? How could he lie like that?

The next time I realize, I was back in the Lu’s house. I walked my step on the stairs towards my room. But I heard Luhan shouting, more like yelling at someone. I followed the voice and it was from Luhan’s grandfather’s room. I asked one of the maids and she said that Luhan and his Grandpa were quarrelling over for awhile. I walked my way to the room and stood in front of the open door. All of them were there. The oldest Lu was in his bed, resting on the headboard with an angry face. Luhan was standing in front of the bed, looking as pissed as his grandpa. Auntie sit in on of the chair, looking at the floor, she looked scared. Mr. Lu was sitting in the opposite chair and kept quiet.

“Minseok ah? What are you doing? Don’t come here. We have something to discuss first. I’ll find you after this.” Luhan said when he realized where I was.

“He should be here because he is involved, Luhan!” the oldest Lu said in mandarin.

“No! I will never agree, so we should stop this meaningless talk.” they kept talking in mandarin.

“This is not a meaningless talk Luhan! I do this for you! You and Minseok can’t be together no matter what happen! I will never accept it!”

“And tell me a reason why I should care?”

“Because both of you are men!”

“The last time I checked, uncle Bao Yong is gay and you are fine with him! You even gave your blessing in front of the all family!”

“But your case is different!”

“I see no difference grandpa. I will still be with Minseok, with or without your blessing!” Luhan walked to me and grabbed my hand. “Let’s go!”

“Because you are brother!”

That words halted our way. We were suddenly frozen on our step and looked back at him. They thought I didn’t know what’s happening because they speak in Mandarin. But I knew just as much. Mr. Lu looked shocked too, but auntie kept quiet without any changes of expression.


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KimHyunaTaeyeon #1
Chapter 20: Although there were some confusing and dramatic parts, I did enjoy this story: Sweet, innocent & faithful love
haeri0610 #2
Chapter 21:
202226 #3
Chapter 20: I love this story so so much!!
markmeon #4
Chapter 21: yehet for taohun sequel >,<
Chapter 20: Aww~~dis fic is just so amazing n i cnt get enuf of it....ill miss NOT ALONE so much.....yes im also a taohun shipper
Chapter 20: awww~ i am so happy for xiuhan. finally~ they're married! yeyy~ thank you so much for this story authornim. hope you'll make more xiuhan stories in the future.. :)
Chapter 20: this was so stinkin cute!!! i love this story so much! <333
macysmiles #8
Chapter 5: Choose you words wisely Luhan it's either you or that plushie your pick
Chapter 19: Awwww ill miss dis so so much.....yes plz do make an epilouge.....n were same minseok is my ub...ill miss dis great ball of fluff cutey pic beautifully written....