Toothfairy Hyungs


There was a flustered looking Yugyeom holding a plastic sword mid-swing. And then there was Jackson and there was Mark and there was Bambam, strung out between them. Jackson was straddling the Thai’s boy’s hips, using his legs to pin down his kicking feet. Mark was sat firmly on Bambam’s arms, using one hand to block the blows from Yugyeom’s sword and another to pry open Bambam’s mouth. And Youngjae was squatted down, a big amused smile that vanished when his eyes flashed from JB’s and then behind him to JR’s.






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JYPFan113 #1
Chapter 1: Lmao. This is so cute!!!
khunkoala #2
Chapter 1: Hahahahaah. This fic so cute!!!
Chapter 1: Lmao cute hehehe

Now you can mark it complete :)
Why is it marked complete?

I can't see any chapters