Toothfairy Hyungs

Toothfairy Hyungs

JYP didn’t train its leaders on how to control their groups. They taught their trainees how to dance, how to sing, how to perform and be charismatic in interviews. And Im Jaebum was completely confident in his abilities to succeed in all those areas. This however….this he was very not confident about.


Chaos. It was all absolutely chaos.


He was glad Jinyoung was right behind him. Mostly because when he tried to step back out of the dorm JR was there to bump into.


There was a flustered looking Yugyeom holding a plastic sword mid-swing. And then there was Jackson and there was Mark and there was Bambam, strung out between them. Jackson was straddling the Thai’s boy’s hips, using his legs to pin down his kicking feet. Mark was sat firmly on Bambam’s arms, using one hand to block the blows from Yugyeom’s sword and another to pry open Bambam’s mouth. And Youngjae was squatted down, a big amused smile that vanished when his eyes flashed from JB’s and then behind him to JR’s.


There was a momentary pause in all the action as eyes turned to meet the shocked intruders. Then they erupted.


Bambam was hollering, trying hopelessly to throw off his hyungs. Yugyeom was crying out against the injustices to his beloved Bambam. Youngjae was pleading with his leader to never leave them alone again and Jackson and Mark were trying to explain the whole situation.


“Yah! Noh mi-cheoss-oh! Are you crazy!” JR yelled, pushing past JB and raising a threatening palm at Jackson. Jackson flinched away, rolling off Bambam who was immediately swept into Omma’s embrace.


Bambam threw his arms around his savior crying out “Hyung!”


Mark jumped up, ripping the plastic sword from Yugyeom’s grip “Yah! You punk!” He started bringing it down fiercely on the maknae.


“Mark hyung! Mark hyung!” Yugyeom squealed.


Jackson was cackling with laughter as he hurried over to calm his best friend.


Youngjae sat back on his bum, the amused smile slowly creeping back to his face at the whole scene.


The tickling of a familiar hot anger was reddening the tips of JB’s ears.

“YAA!” JB shouted, slamming the door to their dorm shut.


Six sets of eyes flashed his way and everyone but Jinyoung had the decency to look guilty.


JB took a deep breath, pushing down the heat in his ears. “Mweo-haneun-geoya? What the hell are you doing? JR and I go to get food and this is what hyung comes back to? What are you doing to our Bambam-ah?”


Once again the room was quiet. Then Bambam shouted out and then chaos. Yugyeom joined Bambam’s cause and Jackson and Mark yelled to be heard over the maknaes.


JB shook his head in disbelief.


“YAA!” JB shouted over them. “Ib-tak-chyeo! Shut up! Igeo-mwo-ya-yo Jackson? What is this Jackson?” JB knew that with the situation he had walked in to that Jackson had to be the culprit. The maknae line wouldn’t fight like this in front of hyungs and Mark was too lazy to bother starting anything. That left one very obvious culprit.


Bambam huffed at the injustice of not getting to explain himself. JR, forever caring for the cutest, his hair comfortingly. JB crossed his arms and his eyes were scowled somewhat dangerously.


A charming smile found Jackson’s lips. “Jin-jja-yo really we were playing hyung. Our Bambammie has a loose tooth and we were helping him pull it out. Just being caring hyungs for our Bambam-ah. Ne?


Jackson looked at Bambam, grabbing a pinch of his cheek affectionately. Bambam pushed his hand away.


“JB hyung!” Bambam stood up, cutely pouting as he walked towards the leader. “Jackson hyung and Mark hyung were being mean! They said they were going to tie a string to my tooth and pull it out.”


“Tie the string to Youngjae’s remote car actually.” Jackson said proudly and Bambam threw his hands out as if to say, See! I told you hyung!


“Aish!” Mark huffed, rolling his eyes. “Don’t listen to Jackson. We were just playing.”


“Or tie it to a door handle…” Jackson was glancing at Bambam mischievously “then slam it shut.”


Bambam pleaded his case, “Jin-jja-yo! Really! Hyungs were going use pliers to pull it out!”


“Ne.” Yugyeom agreed, scooting closer to the leader and further from his glaring Mark hyung. “And Youngjae hyung didn’t care!” He pointed at the still quite amused vocal who suddenly became somber with this accusation.


“…tie it to a shoe and throw it out the window!”


“Jackson hyung!”


“Yah maknae!” Youngjae shouted, “Who are you pointing at? Niga-mweonde? Who do you think you are?”


“Ah! Jja-jeung-na! So annoying!” Jinyoung stood up waving his hands at Youngjae, Jackson, and Mark. He wrapped his arms around Bambam’s torso. “How can hyungs be like this to their little brothers? Our baby Bambam-ah?”


“Oh my God!” Mark said frustratingly, “Bambam the tooth has to come out. Hyungs are caring for you, swallowing a tooth is bad for the stomach. Don’t you trust hyungs?”


Bambam looked around at his hyungs.  Even though Jackson eyes still shined with the possibilities of extraction he nodded. “Ne hyung.”


For the first time the room was quiet, even Jackson. JB shook his head, finally noticing the weight of the shop bags he was holding. Thank god they all liked their rice and chicken cold as much as they liked it hot.


He couldn’t figure out why s were like this sometimes. For the most part everyone got along perfectly. JB was always proud of knowing that s had someone they put their full trust in: Bambam with Yugyeom, Mark with Jackson, Youngjae and Jinyoung with him.  However, there were days when Mark and Jackson couldn’t help but bully the maknae line. Cute Bambam, usually the victim of their affection, was the main target of their teasing. Of course that meant protective Yugyeom would somehow get dragged into the whole thing. And Jinyoung was always happy to laugh along to the show.


Even now he could see a small smile playing on Bambam and Yugyeom’s lips as they watched Jackson playfully fight with Mark over getting a hand onto one of his pretty teeth.


“Aish, Mee-chee-geh-suh! I’m going to go crazy!” Bambam whined but he was laughing.


“You’re making me a grandpa!” JB sighed looking over his smiling members. He rolled his eyes, pushing Jackson into the couch as he moved past him. He rose up the bags of food for all to see. “Come eat!”


They followed their leader obediently to the table and as they were eating JB tried not to laugh as Bambam ate his food slowly, making sure to snap his mouth shut tightly after every bite.

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JYPFan113 #1
Chapter 1: Lmao. This is so cute!!!
khunkoala #2
Chapter 1: Hahahahaah. This fic so cute!!!
Chapter 1: Lmao cute hehehe

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