Monsters in the closet

Five nights at SUJU

He wasn't scared. At least, not of make believe monsters, that was for kids. But, the scratching sound coming from the closed closet made him shiver. Just a few steps away was his roommate Sungmin, he could sneak in bed with him right? No, he was brave, he was Cho Kyuhyun!

A low growl made him whimper before more furious scratching had him rushing for his hyung's bed. Sungmin yelped as his covers were tossed off him and Kyuhyun clung to him.

"What the heck?" The older asked as he the light. Kyuhyun looked up at him with teary eyes before the scratching sound filled the room.

"There is a monster in the closet." He whimpered out as an answer. Sungmin blinked before yawning and moving to stand from the bed. Kyuhyun grabbed his hyung's pillow, clinging to it like as lifeline before his hyung opened the closet doors.

Several things happened at once. A black streak raced across the room to under the bed, Kyuhyun raced to cling to the wall in fear, and Sungmin just stood by the open closet door looking to tired to deal with any of the sudden mess.

"Hyung it's under the bed, the monsters under the bed!" Kyuhyun shrieked. Sungmin stumbled to the bed exhausted, questioning why it was him up at three thirty dealing with this.

"Come to bed, it was just the cat trapped in the closet." Sungmin explained before once more snuggling in his blankets. Kyuhyun nodded his head knowing his hyung could not see the action.

"I'll just sleep with you incase you're still scared." Kyuhyun whispered as he snuggled beside his hyung. Sungmin smiled at his roommates childish act before turning off the light and warning the other the cat may jump in bed and join them. Making sure everything was right once more, Sungmin yawned and tightened his hold on Kyuhyun, his little scaredy Kyu.

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eunsihae1987 #1
Chapter 1: "every asian for himself!" that was so funny!!
MyeolchiHyuk #2
Chapter 5: thanks for the story..

turyka #3
Chapter 3: kind of it.. so short..
turyka #4
Chapter 2: OMG cute Kyu!!! i bet he's like that inside their room..
turyka #5
Chapter 1: LOL por Wookie... love Sungminie the most :D
MyeolchiHyuk #6
Chapter 4: so this is part of hyuk diary?
getting thrilling..
MyeolchiHyuk #7
Chapter 3: is it wook in the end?
TaiShanNiangNiang #8
Chapter 3: Ah, don't tease me like this! You could really expand on this from a short drabble into a longer story! =)
MyeolchiHyuk #9
Chapter 2: awww... hahaha.. kyumin are soo cute... hehee...

MyeolchiHyuk #10
Chapter 1: hahaha... poor wookie.. he is so funny.. hhahhha..
he thought was real.. ahahha...

min and his stories.. hahaha
