el perdedor


it must have been when he wasn’t looking but there’s a new couple at one of the tables in front and for some reason they catch his attention. the couple are both males, one of them having bright blonde hair and the other a coffee brown. taekwoon can tell that they’re laughing and having a good time until he locks eyes with the brown haired man.


a/n: i've been gone a while from writing side of the fandoms and i guess that was because i was angry at things and then school started and then i had this huge scare with my mom so yeah. but this isn't even part of the exo fandom (yay!) and part of the vixx one (allo strlights). i dunno when i'll write more exo things. it'll happen though.

this is dedicated to bokuranomirai because you listened to me rant about vixx and other things. :D

kthxbye. why is this so long?

crossed posted to lj here

oh and the title is spanish for the loser and yes this is a song fic. here's the song: el perdedor


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Chapter 1: awww poor taekwonnie
Chapter 1: Oh my god I almost cry ;;
poor taekkie