Things have changed

cold product

err hi im so so so so sorry this is late! please comment and suscribe and eat sushi!





            Do Umma was hard working person, a caring person, a loving person. No one knew how the disease came, or how long she endured the pain for her two children. Do Umma worked at a small firm downtown as a secretary, working at ungodly hours to support her small family of three. Do Umma had two children, Yujin who was 8 and Kyungsoo who was 19. Both were just as hardworking and just as caring as their sweet Umma.


            They both worked hard at school, and Kyungsoo had gotten into his university of choice in Business and cuisine, in hopes of becoming a chef and opening up his own restaurant. The children knew how hard their mother worked for them, and in return they worked diligently. Yujin would sometimes do the laundry and Kyungsoo would cook breakfast and lunch. Both often took trips down to the super market when their mother was to busy. But they made a life out of what was given to them. On Friday nights they would play card games or watch TV by stealing the neighbors Internet reception on Kyungsoo’s 2nd hand laptop, and on Thursday night Do umma might bring home a pastry for the two kids at home from one of the firms weekly meetings.


            But a call was made that day they took Do umma away. Pried her body out from behind the small desk at the firm downtown and rushed her to the ER. Unconscious and sleeping in the small white bed at the hospital unaware of the danger her children were destined to cause, and how proud she would be of them.



2 years later.



            Yujin was 10 years old. A lot had changed for the young 10 year old when her umma was rushed to the hospital 2 years ago and never returned. She wore her hair in one braid instead of two, she was in charge of the laundry full time now, and wore a navy blue tie to school instead of a bow. She woke up alone in the small one bedroom apartment she shard with Oppa.


            One mattress had been neatly folded, and on top was a folded blue pororo blanket with matching pj’s neatly folded and the end of the room. Yujin did the same, folding the mattress and her pink blanket then quickly getting dressed and folding her pj’s too. Picking up her school bag she made her way to the kitchen where a small figure was standing by the cutting board as things sizzled and popped in the frying pan, furiously making lunches for the two. She walked in just as Oppa had finished wrapping her lunchbox in the Frozen napkin with Olaf all over it. She picked it up and placed it in her bag.



“Good morning Yu, were having dry cereal today! We ran out of milk, I’ll get some after my shift tonight at the store” Kyungsoo had said wrapping his own lunch for the day in a matching Frozen napkin with the reindeer printed on instead of the snow man.

“s’okay I like it better this way anyways, that way it wont get soggy! And I can eat it with my hands!” she said always a glass half full kind of person, Yujin tried very hard to make sure her brother never had any extra burdens.


            She grabbed the box of cereal from the counter and two, chipped ceramic bowls and made her way to the small coffee table in the living room that they had deemed sufficient enough to call the diner table. She sat down on the ground and crossed her legs, setting the bowls next to each other. She poured the cereal carefully so that none of the small wheat puffs escaped.


            Kyungsoo grinned at her and put his own lunch in his small backpack and made his way over to where his little sister was unceremoniously grabbing fist fulls of cereal and shoving them in , chewing like a cow the swallowing hard while her face screwed up in pain trying to get the dry cereal down . Laughing out loud he quickly went back to the kitchen and filled up a cup of water and returned to see her hitting her chest with her fist in an attempt to get the dry food down.

“Yu! Here have a glass of water!”


            Yujin looked up at her brother with big wet eyes and graciously accepted to glass of water. Mornings for Yujin had changed greatly. Instead of a mother there was Oppa.


            Kyungsoo was a 21 year old boy now and a lot had changed for him as well. Kyungsoo was now the mental and financial supporter of his young sister as well as their apartment, he looked after his sister’s education, his education, and their food, but most of all Kyungsoo looked after his sister’s innocence. He wanted his sister to have the best childhood ever. Like ever, ever. He worked at a super market part time that paid him very well, he worked hard and diligently and in return they gave him small bonuses. With out that pay check he would have been done for. He also went to university 3 times a week on Monday, Thursday and Sunday. He had worked himself to the bone in order to get into the cooking course he had only dreamed about as a kid. He also took a business course which came to him like second nature do to his mothers teachings and wisdom from her years at the firm, and his grandfather had been a business man.


            Kyungsoo woke up next to his sister in the small one bedroom apartment and rolled up his mattress at the end of the room and went to the kitchen. He the oven and whisked the eggs with a fork before throwing them in the fry pan and shoving a cup of rice on top. He stirred the egg fried rice then added spices. Kyungsoos eyes twinkled at the slightest hint of cooking. It had been a passion of his ever since he was little, the smell of spices and the magic of creating new recipes; it made Kyungsoo glow with happiness. Even if times were rough for the two in the small one apartment house, his sister had quickly become the center of his universe. Her attitude and cheering was the only thing keeping him from running strait the hospital everyday crying and begging his mother to wake up.


            After giving Yu her glass of water he stood behind her and ran his hands through her hair.

“Yu how would you like your hair to be done today?” Kyungsoo asked


“Oppa I want a have a bun!” she said, eating the cereal slower than before and making sure to drink water in-between.


             Kyungsoo looked down curiously at the little ten year old. This had never been requested before from his small knowledge of young girl hairstyles.


“a bun?” Kyungsoo asked


“yup!” Yujin nodded


            Kyungsoo was still uncomfortable with giving his young sister such a mature hairstyle so he reasoned with her.

“Yuah, how about I give you two buns? Won’t that look cute? And you wont get any hair in your eyes a school!” Kyungsoo said. The little 10 year old seemed to contemplate about it. Her face scrunched up and her nose became wrinkly making Kyunsoo breathing stop awaiting his little sisters answer.


“ok Oppa…. But one day I’m gonna wear my hair in a bun!”


            Things had changed very much for the Do siblings, but in some ways for the better.



            Kyungsoo and Yujin left at 7:30 in the morning in order for Kyungsoo to be able to drop Yujin off at her bus stop that was a 15 minute walk from the run down apartment building, it took another 15 minutes for Kyungsoo to get to his bus from Yujin’s school that took him to the metro that lead to the university. On the bus Yujin would talk to Kyungsoo excitedly and bounce around on the seat, she was small enough that her backpack could stay on so there was never any hassle. Sometimes though the seat would be occupied and they would have to stand and her Oppa would cling to her protectively, using his already small body to keep his little sister away from strangers on the bus. Yujin waved goodbye using her whole body and her backpack would bounce up and down with her, but her buns stayed in place. On the next bus Kyungsoo listened to his Ipod and finished some last minute homework from his business class. At the metro station Kyungsoo met up with one of his old friends from elementary who was taking a fashion course at the same university.




A small slim guy who had been leaning against the wall, looked up and smiled then made his way over to Kyungsoo. Baekhyun was a short like Kyungsoo but where Kyungsoo was soft and curvy, Baekhyun was slim and smooth. He had big brown eyes that had been lined with thick black eyeliner, and his deep pink lips stretched into a quirky smile that spoke of mischief. Baekhyun was Kyungsoo’s best friend for many reasons. Baekhyun was daring and sassy, he was confident and loud and out spoken, and he was someone who Kyungsoo looked up to very much.


“Oh my god Kyungsoo! Your outfit is horrid!”


Not that Kyungsoo would ever admit it to his face. Baekhyun’s traits that made him admirable person would also be the death of him. Kyungsoo sighed and looked down at his choice of clothing. Tight black pants that Baekhyun had bought him for his 20th birthday and a forest green long sleeve shirt, and on his feet were a pair of navy blue converse. Looking at his best friend he knew he was not the more fashionable one. Baekhyun wore a white graphic tee with a leather jacket with studs on top, he had on a red leather snapback and ripped blue jeans.


“Not today Satan, I have a paper due in two days.” Kyungsoo said brushing past his friend and they started walking in sync towards the station.


“All I’m saying is a little on the edges! You have such big eyes already a little eye liner could really make em’ pop!” he flicked his fingers in and outward motion in front of Kyungsoo face to emphasize his point.


“Baek, not today” Kyungsoo said, finally letting his exhaustion show in his voice and Baekhyun knew immediately that his friend really needed to cheer up.


            So for the rest of the ride to the university Baekhyun ranted about the latest fashion trends, and the newest makeup brands he had found and of course about Chanyeol. Chanyeol was a music major at our school infamous for his height and his idol like personality. He was always seen around campus with his signature hat and a guitar case in his hand. Baekhyun had been in love with him since first semester and never had enough courage to go up and actually talk to him. Kyungsoo only knew Chanyeol through his friend Yixing who was dating one of Chanyeol’s, bestfriends Kris. He sometimes came and sat with them at lunch and Baekhyun would become very silent as he tried not to stare longingly at the tall boys face.


“….But anyways Yixing and Chen wanna go out for Coffee you wanna come?” Baekhyun asked his friend. He waited for a few minutes until he sighed and snapped his fingers in front of brunettes face.


“Soo! Kungsoo! Wanna go out for lunch!” he shouted and the other people on the bus seemed startled by the loud noises coming from the small stylish student.  Kyungsoo jerked a bit, his eyes coming back into focus and looked over at his friend.


“huh? What? Lunch? Sure, yeah” Kyungsoo said his face burning a bit as the whole cabin turned and looked at the two. Baekhyun huffed, unaffected of the attention and pulled out his phone and started playing a game. Kyungsoo sighed and settled down once the people started to pay less attention to them.


            They finally made it to the university and the two parted ways, heading for their own classes and the day started. Today was Monday so Kyungsoo had cooking classes today. The thought made him walk faster down the pale blue hallways and a small childish grin broke out on his face on the way to class. Opening the doors to the small yet spacious, he sat down next to his intimidating friend. Tao was tall and slim; he had dark bags under his eyes and sinister looking piercings.


“Hyung! Do you think that Sehun would like this new recipe I’ve been trying? It’s kinda like a giant meat sushi!” Tao said showing me a picture of a giant black ball that looked slightly patchy. Tao was the complete opposite of his appearance. He had the feelings of a teenage girl, and the expressions of a love sick puppy. Kyungsoo sighed and looked down at the tanned male clutching his phone.


“Tao, I’m sure Sehun would love anything you gave him but really, how are you going to sell that to Xiumin?” Kyungsoo asked but he already knew the answer to his question.


            Xiumin was the professor for their course but he looked younger than all of them with his cute chubby cheeks and big brown eyes. He was er for his small elite class and was always soft on the maknae, even telling them to call him hyung. ‘We’re only 3 years apart Soo, don’t make me feel so old’ had been his reasoning. Everyone knew that Xiumin was a kind man but they also knew not to get on his bad side. The man had been a serious chef for many years and had the arm of a body builder, he was also an ex football player. A lot of people still wondered why he was still teaching the course at the university, with his skill he could’ve easily gone to a high class restaurant or even opened his own.  Tao smiled up at his hyung and thanked him then went back to texting his boyfriend; you always knew it was Sehun from the endless giggling and blushing coming from the Chinese man.


            Then the rest of the class filed in, including Kyungsoo’s other two friend Yixing and Chen. They both offered smile but then rushed to get them selves set up for when Xiumin walked in the door and they started that days lessons. Yeah… things had changed.

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