Chapter 1

ABANDONED, But now I found my SUPER GIRL..


 Credit to King-me for the awesome poster..





“America, it’s you once again” I say under my breathe..Once again we’re in California..Everyone is here..Leader Hyung, Chullie (and yes this is before he goes of to the army he’s gonna be here for a month), Yesung, Shindong, Minnie, Mimi, Hyukkie, Kyu, Kibum, Wookie, Wonnie and our Mochi Henry..

 We’re going to be promoting here for 5 long months.. So SM rented out a nice house here for 5 months..We haven’t seen what it looks like yet so I’m very anxious.. This reminds me of the old SMTown..When Yoona and I were dating..Those were the good days..But they didn’t last long but they were still good..

I had gotten all my bags from the plane..Jet lag took a big toll on us but it didn’t stop me..”Hyung where are we?” The maknae Kyu asks no one in particular..”We’re in Los Angeles, remember?” Siwon responds..

“Ah yeah” Kyuhyun says..I chuckled..Once everyone got their bags we headed in the airport to be crowded by millions of screaming fans..
In the crowd I had saw a few american fans in which made me smile more

looking forward to seeing and meeting some american fans..We all waved at the fans and hurried out the airport and to the van..

“So all my wonderful Dongsaengs and evil Kyu..what do you think?”.

“What do you mean?” Shindong asks..

“We’re gonna be in america for 5 MONTHS..can you believe it?!?!”

“But not all of us can speak fluent English” Sungmin says and that makes Leeteuk think..

“But Henry, Siwon and Zhou Mi can speak it pretty well” EunHyuk says..

“Well of course, Henry’s from Canada”


“But you’re not fluent in it” Heechul says..

“Well neither are you” I say..

“Lee Soo Man has informed that we have English lessons..” Leeteuk says to resolve the situation..

“We have some time, our next schedule is next week right?” I say..

“So yeah everything is going to fall in order..” He replies..

So for the next 20 minutes we just talked about..California, being in america period..INCLUDING our world tour too..We’re going to be back in forth but it’s worth it..

“We’re here” The driver says..And all of us were in shock..We couldn’t believe where We were going to be living for the next 5 months..This was the biggest house I had ever seen..Lights were everywhere..It was huge..I loved it..


It was wonderful..and we have a pool..Straight up awesome..We enter the house and the living room is huge..


“Hyung there’s only 7 rooms?” Yesung says..
“Yes we’re sharing rooms” Leeteuk says taking out a piece of paper..

“Henry and Kyuhyun will be sharing a room, Heechul and I will share a room, Yesung and Ryeowook will share a room, Sungmin and Zhou Mi, Kibum and Siwon, Eunhae..”

“YESSS” I yell while hugging Eunhyuk..

“Of course” Shindong says..

“And..Shindong will have his own room”

I heard everyone groan at the same time..

“Not fair..” Hyukkie says..

“Don’t chu want to share a room with you’re fishy..” I say.. He walked away with a smile on his face..

“Let’s go find a room before we get stuck with a crappy one” I say pulling Eunhyuk around..
                                        Shindong Bedroom


                                      Kyu and Henry’s room

Kibum and Siwon’s room


Teukie and Chullie


Yesung and Ryeowook


Sungmin and Zhou Mi


And last but not least EunHae’s room




I plopped on my bed.."What will these 5 months turn out to be..?" I ask..


Firts chapter <3..what did u think?? Was it boring?? was it good and sorry it took 4ever to update..

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prose-from-a-potato #1
Chapter 2: "It's not stupid you ugly mochi!!!" haha I died there.
Aww... Donghae is so hopelessly romantic!
omg! eunhae?! omg that hella crack me up! This seems intersting. plz update soon
baekooniim #4
Fighting for your story!!!<br />
Update soon <3