Chapter 6



“Yah!!!!” Youngmin and Jin Kyeong darted their head towards the voice. It was Dong Hyun came to fetch his little sister.

Jin Kyeong stood up and turned around to meet his brother. Youngmin sighed and stood up after her. When Jin Kyeong started to walk further away from him, he called her.

“At least tell me that we’re not over?” His face was tight as ever.

Jin Kyeong stopped and faced him. She walked towards him and closed their distance. She grabbed Youngmin by his jacket’s collar and tip toed to plant a soft peck on his lips. After that she gave him a warm smile and turned back around to meet his brother. Youngmin didn’t react by that. He didn’t stop her either. He just needed to know that he was not going to let him go just like that. Youngmin knew her. If something bothering her or she was not in the mood to play good girl friend, she wouldn’t talk. She’s not the kind of girl who would whine at every single unfortunate thing that happened to her. She had been through a lot of hell even before they started to date. This kind of situation was just another mini game for her to play with.

Youngmin trailed her steps with his eyes, watching him with a couple of dim eyes. Jin Kyeong looked at him when she was in the car. He waved weakly and Jin Kyeong replied with a nod. With that, the car slowly drifted away from its parking spot. Youngmin plops himself on the sand and laid there unmoved. He just wanted to get it out of his head so he sits up again and howled from the top of his lung.


“Yah! Babo! It’s freaking midnight!” Youngmin heard the voice but he didn’t move. He knew the voice so well.

“I thought you’re walking Naeun home?” He said instead.

“I came back from there. I knew you’d be here. We have sixth sense when it comes to each other” Kwangmin chuckled. He walked towards his brother and sat next to him. “You okay hyung?” He didn’t look at him but looked at the waves instead.

“Yeah. I guess” He put his arm over his head, covering his eyes. He was frustrated with the fact that Jin Kyeong always had to be the one who’s suffering.

“What did she say?” Kwangmin was the only one he could trust in this world. He knew him like they were one soul separated in two different bodies.

“She didn’t say anything. But I guess we’re cool” He seated up just like his brother. “Ah!! I don’t know” He ruffles his hair hoping his problems would go away.

“Don’t think about it too much. You know Jin Kyeong is not that stupid to blame it all on you. We clearly saw that Krystal was the one kissing you first. She just need some times” Kwangmin put his hand on Youngmin’s shoulder, comforting him.

“I know” He half whispered.

They shared a long silence between them. Both of them are enjoying the breeze and the peace and calm night, so nobody wanted to speak.




“You want to tell me what happened at Kristal’s house?” Dong Hyun peeked at his sister from behind the wheel.

Jin Kyeong shook her head. So donghyun touched her head and her hair. She felt better whenever he does that. She felt like there was at least a person for her to lean on after all this times.

“All right I’m not going to force you, but Youngmin seemed so miserable” He let out his concern.

“I know. It’s not his fault. I’m just not in the mood to talk” She replied.


Dong Hyun looked at her sister again when something caught his eyes. Something around her neck that bothered him. He did not realize that before she got out from their house.

“Why did you wear that necklace?” Dong Hyun looked at her curiously then got his back on the road and back on her again.

Jin Kyeong touched the black pendant and looked at it.

“Why?” She asked.

“That’s a treasure that you have to guard with all your heart Jin Kyeong. What if you lose it? It’s from omma, donsaeng-ah. It’s the only thing we have to remind us about her” He nagged.

“Ani. I’m not going to lose it. It’s around my neck the whole time. I won’t wear it anymore. Tonight is going to be the last time. I promise” She vowed.

Dong Hyun sighed.

“Just don’t lose that. It’s our family treasure. Omma said that her her omma gave it to her before she died and you have to pass that necklace to your daughter too one day” He said.

“What if I don’t have a daughter but I have a son instead?” She never asked about that necklace before. Her mother just willed it to her without even knowing that she have to pass it down when she have a daughter.

“You have to give it to your son’s wife” He knew everything about their family history.

“It has to be a girl?” He nodded.

“What if I don’t have a child at all?” She looked at him curiously.

“You have to give it to my daughter. Don’t ask. I know what you’re going to ask. If I don’t have a daughter, or we don’t have a descendent, we have to throw it away. In the Red Ocean”

“End it like that?” He nodded. “Why Red Ocean?” She asked again.

“I don’t know about that. Omma never tell me”

“Why is this necklace so important that we have to give it only to our heir? Can’t we just give it to our best friend instead of throwing it in the Red Ocean? Where the hell is that anyway?”

“Yah! I don’t know! It’s our family history and halmony once told me that nobody should ever lay a finger on the necklace except for our family. The original Kim. Got it? So don’t try. Respect your family history” He rolled his eyes.

“Tsk! Our family is so funny” She chuckled.




When they got home, Youngmin slump his body on the bed and dozed off asleep instantly. He didn’t even wash himself or bothered to change his clothes. He just slept. He was too worn off, so Kwangmin had to do it for him. It had always been like that. One of them with helped each other if the other one did not complete his task. They relied a lot on each other.

Kwangmin opened their closet and took out a couple of shirts and clean pants. He finished washing himself so he changed his party outfit to the shirt he just got out of their closet. Oh yeah. They shared their clothes. He moved to Youngmin, with a basin of warm water and a small towel inside the basin, soaking it with water. He put the bucket on the lamp table and started to his brother’s jacket and took off his shirt. He started to wipe his face and moved down to his neck and wiped his bare chest. He then slid the towel to his left shoulder and wiped it down to his arm and fingers. Youngmin didn’t even bother to move. He was too tired.

Then kwangmin moved to the right side of his body. He was about to clean his right shoulder when he stopped. He spotted the black dragon tattoo on his left shoulder. When did he get a tattoo? Fake? He looked at his hand. Will water work?  He shrugged. I’ll just wipe him today and ask him to take the tattoo off tomorrow. He knew his brother won’t get a permanent tattoo, so that didn’t bother him too much. But as soon as the wet warm towel made contact with his skin, it disappeared instantly. Kwangmin barely put any pressure on the towel. He just let the skin freshen up a bit with the water, but the tattoo disappeared completely without a trace after the water touched it. He paused.

What the hell? He sighed. Cheap fake non-waterproof tattoo. He chuckled low. He continued to wash the rest of his body before taking off his pants and put back on a new pair of pants and shirt. He picked up the jacket, jeans and shirt on the bed and went out from the room carrying the basin of now cold water, downstairs. Youngmin didn’t even stir in his sleep, so there he was sleeping like a log.




Youngmin woke up that morning feeling rather sick like he just had a hangover minus the alcohol. When he realized he was wearing a different shirt from last night, he quickly checked his right shoulder. No tattoo. He rubbed his chest in relieved.

“You’re checking your tattoo? Cleaned it last night. Tskk! You got to stop wearing cheap fake tattoo. It disappeared as soon as the water washed it. Stupid” Kwangmin stood at the door frame leaning his shoulder on it.  

“It was there?” Youngmin asked.

“Why are you asking me that? You should know it yourself that you got yourself a fake tattoo” Kwangmin walked inside the room and grabbed his bag pack. He paused when he saw his brother was frozen at his spot. He peaked at him over his shoulder. “You don’t know?” He asked.

Youngmin shook his head and got back to his senses. “O-of course I know” He was stuttering.

“Yeah. Right. Hurry up yellow headed troll. We’re going to be late for school” Kwangmin slump his back pack over his shoulder and went down.

Youngmin was still on his spot not moving. He was confused. He didn’t know how and why.

“Why did it keep appearing? How?” He scratched his head. 


p/s : Final is almost over.. :3.. This monday I have Biology papers and Chemistry on the 31st.. and IM FREE!! xDD.. I'll update as much as I can.. :3.. I'm aiming to finish this story and Inconscient before semester break ended.. :3

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reading this again :D IT'S TOO GOOD!
Chapter 40: oh well i reads it once again cuz it's too beautiful lol
I just found this story. :x subscribed and gonna slowly read it. ^^
happyday #4
one of the most awesome story I've read....:D
Wow that was amazing and it was sad too
too bad youngmin and Kwangmin werent reborn again
And I thought youngmin was reborn again but it was Hyunjoong
Well awesome story
lol~ *winked back*<br />
<br />
this story is really great~~~~~~~~ :D
bubble123 #7
This story is cool T^T<br />
it's unexpected ! I was shock that Bora is PaRang, and Kwangmin is the seeker !
I love this story!
Oh... Kim Hyunjoong...well ,you leave me speechless. Thanks for the wonderful story, but it still made me sad that the twins weren't reborn again... So sad.