Teaser 6

CieL Entertainment's Encharme {Apply open until the due date/every app will get a teaser}



     "Okay, okay good. A little bit to the left, okay good. one more one more- okay you did great! If you keep up with this, we can wrap this quicker than we expected," The cameraman praised her and signalled for a short rest. 

She bowed down to the staffs and gave a few gratitude phrases before she walked to Kim Hyun Joong or also known as Kim Woobin who had been waiting for her as he was free by that time. He threw her a mineral bottle, she mouthed a thank you and sat beside him, opening the bottle cap and drank a quarter of it.

"How was it?" She asked. She closed the bottle cap and put it aside, looking back at him waiting for his answer.

"Well, I would hate to admit it, but the guy is right. You did great," he smiled at her and put his one hand on her shoulder, his face showed that he was proud of his sister- oops. Did I forgot to mention that part?

She smiled at his answer, definitely satisfied with it. "Not as good as you, I suppose,"

"Nah, you will never outbeat me," He stuck his tongue out to her playfully. She nudged him and laughed, was about to reply to him when one of the staff called her to do some touch-up on her make up.

"I will one day, wait for it and get the awards ready," she said as she stood up and returned his tongue. She walked away to the make-up staff and he laughed.
 "Okay! We are done for the day!" 

As usual she thanked everyone right after the shoot had finished. The staffs were busy packing everything up, and she found her brother near the resting space with her current manager.He smiled at her when she got into his sight, he said some more few words to the manager and walked to her.

"Your manager said that you don't have anything in schedule after this, so you wanna hang out with me? Jongsuk will be there too, if you don't mind," The question lit up a smile on her face- or to be more precise, the mentioned of Jongsuk's name did.

"Of course not! Wait, let me settle a few things first. You go wait in the car, I promise I won't be long," he didn't even get to reply when she hurriedly walked away, probably rushing to settle whatever thing it was as she can't wait to spend her time with her brother-and his friend.

He waited patiently in the car. Won't be long, you said? He scoffed. He did a few stretching to loosen up his body for a while before he switched on the radio. Shindong was speaking on air, the memories of him visiting Shindong at the radio station for one  of the drama he lead in made him smile.

A knock on the car mirror drifted him back to reality. He looked at the mirror, and Yoonjung came to sight with a face saying "I'm-sorry-for-being-late". He extended his arms and opened the door to the seat beside him for her, and his eyes signalled her to hop inside.

"Sorry for being late, oppa. Things just got out of control just now," she looked at him with a face asking for forgiveness, and can he even said no to that?

"Nah it's okay, it only feels like waiting for eomma to get ready for shopping,"

She laughed. Eomma was always late when it came to preparing herself to go outside. She would spent too much hours on picking what to wear, a few make-up and maybe changed the outfit again if it didn't match her eyeshadows. She would always wanted to come out looking pretty and young, some people would even mistook her for Yoonjung's older sister. She'll then checked each inch of the house for quite few times, worrying of it's safety or if she left anything before she could really be ready to be outside. But she's their mom, althought at times they felt betrayed for some reasons, they still loved her, no matter what.

"Well, if it's like eomma getting ready then it wouldn't be that long," she said. He gave her a look and rolled his eyes to her.

"Yeah, really,"

She chuckled. "Hey, isn't this the ost of your most recent drama?" She asked when Shindong finished talking with the guests and played a song they both recognised.

"Yep." He answered shortly.

"You look good with the female lead," she said. He raised his eyebrow to her in disbelief.

"Seriously? I thought you didn't like all of the actresses I've been paired with. You were always complaining and there's always things that made you unsatisfied," he said and took a short glance at her to see her reaction before he focused back on the streets.

"Well, that was me doing my job as your sister," she said and put one of her hand on his shoulder, tapped it for a few time.

"Then what's with the sudden change of mind?" she shrugged at his question.

"I don't know, I just feel like I like her better, that's all," she said and looked outside, smiling when the sight of a cafe where Jongsuk would be waiting came in sight.

"There!I saw Jongsuk in there!" she half-screamed, her brother laughed at her for being so excited which made her cleared in embarrassement.

"Hold your horses, girl. He ain't going nowhere,"
COCO SAYS. — This is for Imma's character, Kim Yoonjung! Hope you like it, even if you don't, just pretend that you do hehe. Do tell me if I did wrong in writing this, I'll be glad to hear anything and if you were hoping for an interation between her and Jongsuk, then I'm deeply sorry for that, I just feel like writing of her and her brother is more comfortable to me.
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Chapter 4: holla author-nim~
wanted to stop by to tell you that i changed my username from pandarista < 3
Chapter 20: OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG Autor-nim, that was so sweet of you! Thank you very much and I hope 2016 is the best year you had yet.
122496 #3
Chapter 20: wi-fi, finally! oh dear.
happy new year to everyone! < 3
this is too late -
Chapter 20: HAPPY HAPPY NEWWW YEARRRRR~~~~!!!!!! >w<

I updated my friends section with her relationship with Ah yeon < 3
Chapter 20: haha that is cute. lol
happy new year to you too!! =]
Chapter 20: HAPPY NEW YEAR~♡♡
Chapter 16: bwhahaha... wow Raina got scouted just like that... although it was hella awkward no doubt. bwhaha.
but i like it and it's different and interesting. hahaha
but i wonder how her friend Ashley will feel and what not.
or they'll meet each other and the likes.
i just noticed the bg... it's cute!! i like it!