CH.3 (FIN)


“You guys are sick. So very sick.” Sunny rolls her eyes at us.


“What Sunny? I don’t get it.” I play the clueless card.


“You and Miyoung. Very very sick.” Sunny points at you and then to me, who is snuggling and leaning my head on your shoulder.


“Popcorn anyone?” Sooyoung walks out from the kitchen and puts down a boil of popcorn.


My eyes twinkle seeing that bowl of snacks.


“Jessi you want?” You turn your head to me and I just open my mouth wide as a reply.


Chuckling, you pinch my nose and say, “You big baby.”


You reach forward and grab a few in your hand, turning back to me you say “Ah~”. I open my mouth immediately receiving that sweet crunchy bite.


“Tsk sick. So damn sick.” Sunny says again.


“Sunny we’ve all been through this phase of yours. Consider yourself lucky since you were seldom at dorm due to the Roommate shooting, you skipped the sickest part.” Sooyoung pops some popcorn in nonchalantly.


“What!? There were sicker times? Oh god. Thank god.” Sunny spares us one last glance and pays her attention to the TV instead.


“I prefer them like this though.”


“Yuri please, it’s because you and Yoona are both the victims of Jessica’s sleepless nights.” Sooyoung doesn’t look up to Yuri and just keep munching.


“Yoona took it most, I was just uh, a cameo okay?” Yuri sends me a wink which I retort with a glare.


“Right. You were the victim of her physical abuse, I almost forgot how Sica loves hitting people when she cries about – “ Sooyoung looks up from her bowl of popcorn sensing the thickness in the air.


I can feel that you tense up a bit beside me, must be the topic these pabos are talking?


“Guys excuse us.” I pull you up from the couch and drag you to my room.


Once you step foot inside, you start to cry.


“Jess I know I’ve been an , a jerk, a , whatever you would like to call me but please her me out. I need to tell you this even – even you are so forgiving to take me back.”


When it comes to you, I’ll forever be forgiving. I nod, signaling you to continue.


“The dinner date that those paparazzi caught Nich and I having was our first date, he and I have never gone out before, and it was that first date made me realize how different the two of you are. It made me see clearly that it’s you who have my heart.”


What matters is we are together again, but if talking about the past would make you feel happier; better, then talk all you want. I smile and nod again.


“Jessi you remember we are polar opposites? It’s that night with him I saw it very clearly that why opposites attract. Khun is warm, just like me, while you are cold, the opposite. That night, he surprised me by singing me a song with a guitar. I unconsciously compared you with him, you did the same thing back then.”


I keep mum, wordlessly asking you to continue what you want to say.


“You and him both learnt how to play the guitar because of me, but the difference between was that you were never interested in learning any other new instruments while Nich was so enthusiastic about it. He wanted to learn the guitar long ago, surprising me was just one of the many reasons he learnt it. But when it came to you, you learnt it just because of me, me only.”


I recall how difficult it was for me to press on the right chords to produce the perfect harmony. I got so agitated every time the sound went alien like. There were so many times I wanted to give up but when I thought of you, I will do anything.


“It’s sacrifice Jessi. That’s what counts. To learn something you have no interest in is torturing, I know, yet you went all the way with it, just for me. I realize you will do anything for me, unconditionally.”


Tears roll down my cheeks silently. “I – I was so b-broke when you left, I kept – kept asking myself what did I d-do wrong…you didn’t l-love me anymore…but I – I can’t do a thing, b-because I gave you my heart and it – it will forever s-stay there…”


You wipe my tears away and smile, “Jessi I was never in love with him.”




“I said, I was never in love with him…it was just a little crush, I crushed hard and fast but it also – faded quickly…”


“Steph…who knows you’ll crush on somebody again? I – maybe I should not have – taken you back?”


You look me in the eyes and then leave the room. You regret this now do you? I shouldn’t have –


“Jessica.” You stand in front of me again, and the members behind.


I look at you with swollen eyes but I’m not planning to say a word.


You take out three rings and you grab my hand, placing them on my palm.


“Jessi, these rings represent different parts of me, the parts that I’m made of.” You point at the rose-gold one, “Miyoung.” Then to the silver one, “Stephanie.” Lastly to the space-grey, “Tiffany.” “In return of you giving me your precious heart, I would love you to keep all of me. Members here are the witnesses and I swear if I ever hurt you again, they will tear me to pieces.” You put up three fingers in the air, swearing solemnly.


“Steph, I – “ I love you.


“Jessi let me prove myself to you, that I worth your second chance.” You hug me and I close my eyes enjoying this moment as a weight has just been lifted up from my heart.


“I love you Sooyeon ah.” You whisper beside my ear.


I release the hug and smile at you, showing my own eye-smile.


“Oh my god this is sick. So very super duper sick. God help me!” Sunny groans among the members.


“Sunny shush! Now you’re finally at the same level with us, you’ll soon be immune~” Sooyoung grins and drapes an arm over the shorter.


“Yah let go giant!”





A/N: Woohoooo so how was it? :D

You guys like it? :D Give me a thumbs up yea?


Till next time surfers falalalala~

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AlphanumeriC9 #1
Chapter 1: Jahat...
Chapter 3: I really don't like the KhunFany relationship topic... but i can deal with it as long as JeTi end up HAPPILY EVER AFTER in fics! So GOOD JOB, author-chan! ;D

Me gives ya a belated upvote! >~<
Chapter 3: JeTi always worth a second chance and moreeee heh <3
SoshiiTricia #4
Chapter 3: This is jjang. I hope you'll write more JeTi stories. I've been badly hurt bcause of Khunfany dating ang Jessica getting kicked out and reading fanfics is the only thing I can do to escape from reality. I'm looking forward to your next fic ^^
Chapter 3: This is a happy ending. Phew. Thank heavens! I don't know what I would do to you Author if this was angst. Haha. Kidding. Although, part of it was true. Ohwell, I enjoyed reading.
Chapter 3: Haha CooL
Sunny kkk
GooD JoB
Chapter 3: Lol! Poor Sunny... XD
This is really a cute and great sequel!
Wwoohhooo JeTi!
Chapter 3: it's awesome :) Sunny is so frustrated haha :) thank you for making this sequel :) JeTi Forever :)
Chapter 3: this is awesome I love this, esp the chapter 1, jeti hot make out hahaha

too bad soo saying something and jeti stop being lovey dovey XD

great fic author
JheiSii137 #10
Chapter 3: Thanks a lot for the sequel author.. happy that JETI are together again... yayaaaaaaayyyyy