"Break a sweat!"

Who are you?

The first morning in Seoul was lovely. Thierry brought some coffee and croissants over. He complained about the croissants not being the right shape but ate them all the same. "What are we expected to do today?" Kelly asked him. "Go to the practise rooms and meet your teachers." He took another bite and continued: "They're going to see what you can do." Sarah grinned at you. She knew exactly what you were planning on doing and that was one thing and one thing only: impress.

Your forte was singing, but you had always enjoyed dancing. When you joined your company, you were 13. You sang your version of 'I Have Nothing' and signed a contract straight away. You were the third to join the group, Kelly and Sarah being the first and became friends immediatly. When Melissa and Hannah arrived, the original members greeted them with open arms. The three years of training had been easy for all of them. They felt unbeatable when they were together and were often praised for their teamwork. It was no surprise when their CEO gathered up all the trainees and announced that your group would be debuting. Your debut song was a huge success and your group travelled to many countries promoting your first album. You hadn't had a break in a year and just when you finally got it, you were expected to move to Seoul without a complaint. 

You all changed into tracksuits and tanks and drove to the YG building once more. Thierry dropped you off. "Don't stress, be yourselves." He smiled. "Show them why you're loved by thousands and let them help you be loved by millions." He drove off. "That was rather poetic of him." Melissa said, and you all laughed. "Right. Let's find our teachers then!" The YG building turned out not to be where you were destined. You had to go to a smalled building a bit away from the main one. No one really knew where to go, but since you were the one with the best orientational skills, you lead the team down some stairs that seemed promissing. Sure enough, you made it to the administrative desk. "Um. We're ____, the girl group from the swap?" The lady at the desk smiled at you and nodded. "Your teachers are waiting for you in room 5D! It's down the hall, to the left and then left again." You thanked her and made your way over there, sneaking a peek in some of the rooms. Most were occupied. You all gawked at the talented and hard working kids in them. "They're so good!" Hannah wouldn't stop saying that until you reached your own little room. Opening the door, you noticed three men sitting on chairs. You all bowed and introduced yourselves.

The older man started to speak first: "You can call me Mr. Choi. I'll be your singing intstructor. I've heard all of your songs and you could say I'm a bit of a fan." Everyone chuckled and accepted the compliments he gave to each of the girls. Next was the man wearing the sunglasses. "My name is Nam Youngjae and I'm your dancing teacher!" You all assumed the next man would be some kind of teamwork teaching guy but instead he turned out to be a rap teacher, Mr. Kim. You were surprised. Only one member of your group rapped. Why would you all be recieving rap lessons? "Mr. Yang wants me to teach all of you how to rap. He said that you're in a hiphop based company now, after all." You sighed. Rapping wasn't too difficult for you, but you just didn't enjoy it that much. Kelly, on the other hand, really loved rapping and looked the most excited. "We'll be starting with your dancing lesson today!" You all nodded and said goodbye to your two other teachers.

Mr. Nam started his lesson by warming everyone up. He made you run around the room 20 times and them do 50 star jumps. It was tiring, but it definitely warmed you up. Next, he made everyone dance to some songs to see at what level each individual was. He smiled and said: "I honestly thought they were exagerating when they said you girls were the best at dancing, but now I think so too. Even so, there's always room for improvement! So! Break a sweat!"

You danced with all you had in you. Moving powerfully, then elegantly, then powerfully, ... By the end of the 3 hours you could barely stand. You rarely got so tired after training, but somehow it felt good. Sarah and Melissa sat down and Kelly fell on the floor, groaning. You and Hannah stayed standing, beaming at each other and laughing at the girl's reactions. Mr. Nam applauded. "I'll look forward to every lesson if you provide me with such energy every time!" He laughed and helped Kelly up. You all thanked him for the great lesson and rested until the next lesson with mr. Choi. He was a slightly older man who seemed to carry a keyboard around with him constantly. When he arrived, everyone was prepared for another tiring lesson. "Let's see what you can do." He said, taking the keyboard out of it's case and setting it up. First, he made everyone sing a few silly little songs he made up on the spot. Testing everyone's articulation and volume. Next he asked everyone to sing a song they were confident in. You went with your trusty old 'I Have Nothing' and recieved the praise you expected. Sarah and Melissa got plenty of compliments too. The only people he wanted to practice harder were Kelly and Hannah. He was a bit harsh, but they weren't singers. Hannah outshone everyone with her dancing and Kelly would get to show off her rap the next day.

When training was over, you decided to take a walk and get some fresh air. The others went back to their new home to get showered and rest. You took your i-pod along with you and hummed to the music softly as you walked. "Today was tiring", you thought to yourself. "I know we'll all improve a lot though. Especially Sarah." You had worried about the older girl since she joined. She was always the one to be scolded during the monthly evaluations back when you were trainees. She had improved tremendously and proved the teachers wrong when they debuted. Now she was an unmisseable part of the group.

You headed back to the practise room, only to find it occupied by someone else. "Hi." You popped your head into the room. The boy turned around and smiled at you. "Hi." He said, "I haven't seen you around here before. You new?" You smiled back at him. "You could say so." You walked in and picked up your bag and jacket from the floor. "I left these when I went for a walk." He nodded. "It's okay. My name's Jinhwan." You smiled again. "I'm _____." As you bowed, your long golden hair nearly touched the ground. "I hope I'll see you around again!" You heard him call as you left. "Oh, I bet you will be seeing a lot more of me." You though to yourself.

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callmedongsaeng #1
Chapter 4: please update><
SaraGM #2
Chapter 4: I love this story!!! Hahah update soon
diannan #3
I love this story (new reader btw) please update!
jasminexl #4
Chapter 4: I just pasted by your story and I like it a lot! Please update soon!((:
Chapter 3: This is so cute! I love this, I hope you continue with this story~ :D
SugoiMasta_ #6
Chapter 2: You should keep on going, its really good !