Where For Art Thou, Romeo?


Just a little drabble (seriously, it's 409 words, not even long enough to be a one shot) of ZhouRy, brought on by a conversation my twin and I were having about how we describe each SuJu couple. It was interesting, to say the least. Anyway, I hope you enjoy! :)


"-Henry this makes no sense!"


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Chapter 1: Awwww I totally love this....
ZhouMi is soooo cute when it`s about Henry
and ironic Henry being super cute mochi when he with ZhouMi^^
I love it
and thank you
Just... Cute!! XD
AWWH ! That made me faint.
SHINee4ever5 #4
Nawwwwwww <333
Keke, this was SO FRIGGIN CUTE!! Sorry, but it was. Zhoury + Shakespeare = OSM in my math class (along with 'your love + my love = supa luv'). But I was wondering this a while ago, and I know it's weird that I wonder things like this, but just go with me here, but how would Koreans (or Chinese for that matter) be able to read Shakespeare? They don't all speak English or read the English language (though what Shakespeare wrote isn't necessarily 'English'), and I don't really think you can translate words like 'didst,' 'thou,' or 'wherefore' into Korean. So do they read Shakespeare?? Idek.... DD:<br />
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PS. Sorry for the rant, I was just curious... and couldn't control my fingers. Keke ;DD
Haha, so adorable. American, Canadian, same thing :D
when I read the American and Canadian thing,I was like "SAME THING!!"
aww so kwute!!! *_*