4 - So Sick

Bara no Hanabira

November 22nd 2014

Rose hadn’t been feeling well for a few days. Her hands had been shaking, her head had been fuzzy and light… Her chest was often getting tight and she felt exhausted all the time. A nagging thought at the back of her mind told her that it probably wasn’t normal, that she should probably go and see a doctor, but the more controlling side of her brain told her that she was most likely run down and experiencing a mild version of the flu.

Taking a deep breath to steady her spinning head, Rose left her last class of the day. She really was feeling terrible, and Fu had mentioned several times that she’d been looking really pale for a while now. She’d smiled and passed it off as nothing, but she couldn’t deny that it was starting to worry her. The lightness of her head was beginning to affect her focus, she was struggling to study and if her grades dropped, so did her chances of debuting successfully without her parent’s being annoyed with her.

She began her slow walk to the bike shed. It was a strange distance away from her school, the practice studios, too far to walk with ease but too short to warrant a car or a bus trip. So she’d gotten a  bike bought especially for the trip.

“Rose-chan!” She heard a call from behind her, turning to see Aiko and Airi hurrying towards her. She smiled, waving slightly towards them.

“Hi guys, are you coming now?”

Aiko nodded with a grin. “Yeah, we are, Dad’s going to give us a lift though, do you want to join us?”

“Oh, I couldn’t impose like that…”

“It’s not imposing,” Airi pushed. “He told us to come and ask you…you look terrible though, are you feeling okay?” She asked, frowning a little and leaning over to the older girl and gently touching her face. “You’re not fevered…”

Rose laughed slightly. “Don’t worry, I’m fine, I’m just not really feeling like myself today is all. Are you sure your father won’t mind giving me a lift?” Seeing the twins shake their head, Rose sighed. “Alright, let’s go then, okay?” She gave them a smile before following the two to their car, bowing to the driver. “Thank you very much, Sir, I am very appreciative of this kind gesture.”

“Don’t be silly,” Mr Kawaguchi said with a smile. “We’re going over there anyway, it wouldn’t be polite of me to leave the person looking after my children for me to make her own way there. Make yourself comfortable in the back, although it is only a 10 minute drive.” Rose lifted her head, stumbling slightly as it swam, but gave the man a large smile.

“Thank you again, sir.” She told him politely, before carefully getting into the back of the car next to Aiko, since he was the smallest, he was sat in the middle. She frowned slightly at the canister of oxygen that was lying on the floor in a backpack. Slowly, she turned to look at Airi, who gave her a sad smile.

“It’s for when he gets bad, don’t worry.” She told her, to which Rose only nodded in confirmation, his heart aching slightly at the pain her young friend must go through with his lungs, and the stress his poor family must go through knowing that it would only grow worse as he got older.

Mr Kawaguchi put the car into drive before pulling away from the curb and driving them to the practice studios. It was an uneventful short drive, but by the time they got there, Rose had almost fallen asleep sitting where she was.

“Are you sure you’re okay, Meoki-chan?” Aiko asked her, leaning over with a small frown. “You really don’t look well, do you want to skip practice and go home?”

Rose smiled back at him, trying to be reassuring. “Honestly, Aiko-kun, I’m alright, just feeling a little sleepy. Besides, I can’t afford to skip practice, we’re working on stage presence today after all.”

Aiko seemed hesitant, but nodded his head, getting out the car after his sister. “If you’re sure…”

She smiled back at him. “Yeah, I’m sure.”

The three said goodbye to Mr Kawaguchi, Rose thanking him once again and bowing respectfully, to which the man just laughed and patted her on the head, before they turned around and made their way into the practice room.

Inside, Hitomi, their manager, was waiting, leaning by the piano. The room had been completely changed, the Piano now in the dead centre of the practice room instead of out the way at the side, the lights dimmed and spot lights instead, pointed at various spots of the room. Their Trainer, who had yet to give them his name, he insisted on being called the Trainer for their sessions, walked over, smiling at them.

“Welcome back, everyone, good day at school?” He asked, at the nods he received, he turned and walked towards the piano. “Aiko, over here please?”

Aiko nodded, walking over to the piano and sitting on the familiar stool, running his fingers along the keys to familiarise himself with his favourite instrument. “Now, I want you to play that song we’ve been working on, alright? The one that’s most likely going to be your debut track when we get to it?”

Aiko nodded again to show he understood, playing the first few notes to assure himself and the Trainer that he was thinking of the correct song. When the Trainer grinned at him, he smiled back, settling him down.

“Alright, that’s the one. Airi, Rose, come over here?” The two girls walked over to him. “Rose, you go in the left spot light, Airi, you in the right. Hatake will be in the middle when he gets here.”

As if following a cue, Hatake came running in, throwing his school bag to the side and hurrying over to them. “Sorry I’m late! Class overran!” He panted out as he got into the middle spotlight. “Here, right?”

The Trainer laughed slightly. “That’s right, Hatake. And don’t worry about it, just don’t make a habit of being late, okay?” At Hatake’s nod, he turned back to the group as a whole, handing Rose her acoustic guitar. “Now, we’re going to be working on the song, synchronizing your voices and the music so we’re all completely in time. Ready?”

At the four nods he received, the Trainer counted down from 5, Aiko beginning to play the notes and chords on the piano as the Trainer hit 1.

One by one, they began to sing, Rose playing along with the song when her fingers slipped, playing the wrong chord. Panicking slightly and trying to get it right, Rose felt her head spin, her hands beginning to shake and her chest tightening painfully.

“Rose?” She heard someone question as her head swam worse, dropping the guitar and falling to her knees. She began to panic, gripping at her chest as she struggled to pull air into her lungs, black was beginning to creep into her vision.

“Rose-chan, are you okay?”

She tried to nod, tried to reassure the worried voice that she was fine, but her body just wouldn’t respond to her, wouldn’t allow her to do it.

“Rose-chan, you need to calm down, you’re panicking.”

Finally, the fog surrounding Rose’s head began to clear, the tightness in her chest loosening up. Her hands didn’t stop their tremors, nor did the dizziness stop, but she could breathe.

“I-I don’t feel well,” she stuttered out, tears springing to her eyes. Hitomo knelt in front of her, placing both hands on her face and stabilizing her.

“You don’t look well either, come on, let’s get you to the emergency room.”

“E-Emergency room?” Aiko squeaked from beside her. Rose hadn’t even realised he was there with his hands on her back. “W-why?”

“Because I’m not sure what just happened, I think she almost fainted which sprung an anxiety attack… I just want to get her checked in case something is really wrong. Don’t worry. Practice is dismissed early, you can all go home while I take Rose to the hospital.”

“I-I’m fine,” Rose whimpered, slowly straightening out and trying to get to her feet again. At the dots that suddenly spawned in her vision, she decided that standing wasn’t the best idea right now.

“You’re not fine, silly.” Airi scolded. “You just told us you don’t feel well, then you say you’re fine?”

“You don’t need to worry about me, okay..? I’m fine…”

Airi sighed. “Fine, whatever you say.”

“Meoki-sama?” Hatake called from her left. “Are you alright? Really? Because you don’t look alright.”

She smiled at him, leaning on Hitomo as she stood, slower this time. “I’m okay, I’ll go with manager-unnie to get checked out, okay?”

Hatake nodded. “Please feel better soon, Meoki-sama.”

“Okay, all of you go home, okay? Practice is on as normal tomorrow, get a lot of sleep, eat well, and I’ll see you in the morning for practice.” Hitomo gently took Rose’s upper arm, making the young leader lean on her as the manager gently led her out of the room towards the exit, helping the girl into the back of her car. “Sit tight, Meoki-san. We’ll get you sorted.”

Meoki couldn’t help but drift off to sleep.


“Meoki-san,” Rose felt a slight shake on her shoulder. Slowly, she opened her eyes, flinching at the light that invaded her eyes.

“Manager-unnie..?” She slurred, trying to focus her gaze despite her spinning head.

“Yeah, it’s me, come on, we’re here. I’ve called your parents, they’re on their way.” She gently took Rose’s shoulders, pulling the shaking and weak girl from the car and helping her into the emergency room. It wasn’t long before a needle was being stuck into Rose’s arm and blood was drawn for testing.

“This is just a precaution, you have nothing to worry about, Nobara-san.” The doctor told Rose with a smile. “We just want to take. Feel free to stay here until we get the results, but take it easy.” He turned and left, taking the blood sample to some sort of lab.

Hitomo sighed from where she sat beside the bed. “You don’t make things easy for me, do you Meoki-san? You haven’t even debuted yet and I’m already waiting in the hospital with you.”

Rose flinched slightly, directing her gaze down to the floor. “I’m sorry, Manager-unnie, you can leave if you wish. My parents will be here soon.”

The woman rolled her eyes. “I’m not leaving you here. You’re my responsibility, alright? I’m staying.”

“If you’re sure…”

Rose swung her legs off the bed, pulling herself up so she was standing.

She barely heard Hitomo shout “The doctor told you to take it easy!” before her head had collided hard with the floor.


When Rose awoke, for the third time that day, she was lying on a bed in a dark room, someone massaging gentle circles into the back of her hand. Her head felt puffy, heavy and a little sore, but for the first time in over a week it wasn’t spinning. Slowly, she turned her aching head to see who was holding her hand.

“Hey there, Meoki-chan.” Jiao-Long smiled from her bedside, his smile growing as she tightened her grip on his hand.

“Hi…” Rose trailed with a slight smile. “What happened?”

“Well,” Jiao-Long smiled, leaning back in the hard plastic chair. You don’t do things by halves, you know that right? Your iron count in your blood was really low, they’ve pretty much diagnosed you with anemia. Of course, this was after you didn’t follow the doctor’s orders to take it easy and you fainted, smacking your head pretty nicely off the floor. I think your manager nearly had a heart attack you know.”

Rose frowned, looking around the darkened room. “Where is everyone else?”

“Hitomo-san had to leave to talk to CEO Lee, and your parents are speaking with the doctor right now, so I’ve been dumped with looking after you. Lucky me, right?”

Rose chuckled slightly, trying to sit upright, only for Jiao-Long to let go of her hand and forcefully hold her down.


“What? Jiao-san, I feel much better.”

“You feel better because they’re giving you iron and nutrients through an IV right now. If you’re not careful, you’ll pull the IV out, not to mention the fact you hit your head pretty hard.”

“Jiao-long, please, I’m fine.”

“I don’t care, stay lying there or I’ll make you.” He said with finality, stomping his foot to make his point. Rose giggled a little at his childish action.

“You’ll make me? I’d like to see you try!”

Jiao-Long raised a shaped, black eye brow, watching her through his one visible eye as the other was hidden behind his bangs. “Really? You’re going to do that?”

“Do what?” She sang back, all the while grinning.

“You’re going to egg me on like that?” He sighed dramatically. “Fine, but you brought this on yourself. Don’t blame me for it!” Getting to his feet, Jiao-Long twisted his body slightly, keeping his hands firmly on her shoulders as he kicked his shoes off before he climbed onto the hospital bed, sitting himself gently down on her stomach and leaning forward, putting his lips right next to her ear. “Looks like I made you stay here, didn’t I? I’d like to see you get up now?”

Rose laughed slightly, giving the boy a dazzling smile. “Maybe this was all a ruse to try and get you on top of me? I faked the entire thing.”

“Yeah, that bloody wound on your head and your manager’s poor heart is definitely fake, of course it is.” He deadpanned, but grinned at her. “Besides, since when are you like…this?”

“Like what, Jiao-kun?” She asked with a pout.


“Must be the concussion.”

“Yeah, that’s definitely it,” Jiao-Long sighed before carefully getting off her stomach, sitting himself down in the hard plastic chair again. “Rose-chan, you know we can’t.”

She pouted, but didn’t meet his eye.

“I know Ace Entertainment is great and all… but we can’t date, at least, not until we’re 18.”

“You’re already 17, it’s close!”

“Yeah, but you’re still 16… I’m sorry Meoki-chan.”

She sighed sadly, giving a small nod. “Yeah, I get it… don’t worry about it Jiao-Long, I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry, it’s fine.”

“Meoki-chan!” Rose heard a relieved cry, turning to the doorway where her mother was stood, her father leaning over her shoulder. “Thank the gods you’re alright!” She hurried over, putting her hands on Rose’s face and kissing her all over.

“Mom, mom stop, mom please stop it, I’m fine, I’m fine!”

“You gave us quite a scare there, Meoki-chan, are you sure you’re alright?” Her father asked, smiling slightly at her. Despite his smile, she could see the worry in his eyes.

“I’m fine, Daddy, don’t worry. It… it was nothing.”

“It was nothing?” Jiao-Long asked, raising his eyebrow again. He seemed to pull that face a lot while around her. “You fainted.”

“No big deal.”

“You’re hopeless.”

“I know.”

Rose’s mother laughed slightly at the interaction. “Thank you for looking after Meoki-chan for me while I was talking to the doctor, Jiao-Long-san, it’s much appreciated.”

“Don’t worry about it, Nobara-san, I’m just happy I could help. Thank you for letting me tag along with you when you got the phone call.”

“Well, I figured you’d want to be here if it was anything serious. Are your sisters alright?”

Jiao-Long nodded in confirmation. “They’re find, thank you Nobara-san. I believe Xue is currently trying to poison Fu with her cooking though, so we’ll see how well they are when I get back later on.”

“When can I leave?” Rose asked, turning to look at her mother again.

“Meoki-chan,” Her father scolded. “Stop being in such a rush to do anything. Take it slow, you’ve been quite weak recently.”

“Which you failed to mention, by the way.” Her mother joined in. Rose couldn’t help but groan.

“I’m fine now though, see?”

“Not the point I’m trying to make, you might not have been fine, and we don’t want to take that risk. You now have some pills you have to take every day to stop your iron levels dropping again. Then, in a few weeks, the doctor will check your blood again to see if it was a one time thing or if you’ll have to keep taking the pills.”

“It might have been a one time thing?” Rose’s eyes lit up with anticipation. She hated having to swallow pills.

“Maybe, but unlikely. The doctor was pretty adamant it was anemia and not the fact you haven’t eaten enough iron recently, so this is all pretty much set in stone now.”

Rose sighed, looking down at the IV in her arm.

“But,” her mother continued, grabbing her attention. “You’re free to come home once that IV has finished, so just sit tight and then we’ll take you back, alright?”

“Alright,” She agreed with a smile.


A few days later, they were back at practice. Rose had taken a few days off from her training, as per CEO Lee’s insistence, and was now back and ready to roll.

“Alright,” The Trainer clapped. “Positions! Let’s go through this song one last time.”

Jiao-Long was never meant to be a big part of this story... he just won't leave me alone. He was a background character to appear once or twice, NOT TAKE OVER AND TRY TO DATE THE LEADER. GO AWAY JIAO-LONG.


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Chapter 7: Err I think you posted chapter 7 a bunch of times? XD
Chapter 1: I feel like I'm going to really like Meoki
Chapter 1: MEOKI-CHAN IS SO CUUUTE. And Hatake! And the twins! GAH~. The hype is real. Also Harl-EE is going to treat this group like their little siblings you know.
Sounds good ^^