Hot Chocolate





Hot Chocolate



There are many things in this life we crave to own. For some of us it is a high amount of money or power. Other seek attention from other people and then there are some who wish for happiness in love and a happy fulfilling life full of fun and friends.
Sooner or later everyone will ask themself what they what for their own happiness. Lately a certain platinum blonde is asking himself this question over and over again without a convincing answer. Going through all these years he tried so many things, hoping to find what he needed to be happy to the fullest. He visited so many different places, Tokyo, London and other cities. It was no help, as much as he liked to travel and meet other cultures he couldn´t find what would make him happy to the core of his heart. After this failed attempt he tried something new, maybe his luck was buried under heavy nights of drinking and going out with friends to have a good time. 

After dozen unpleasant awakenings in bed of various strangers and the loss of trust with his family he decided it was for his own good to end this. Very soon he tried another thing, he was sure this time he could find what could make him happy. He was so sure about it he was ready to throw himself into a sea of work. All alone and locked up in his own designed studio he really found what he was looking for. Music seemed to be the key to unlock the giant lock that kept his happiness away from him. It truly made him happy to be around people who enjoyed music as much as him and after weeks and months he was still happy, still something was missing inside of him and he couldn´t put a finger on it.
Whatever it was, it was lacking in his skill of producing the music he wanted to create. All of his creations sounded the same in his ears. The lyrics always sounded the very same and there was nothing he could do about it. The frustration was just about to come and hit him very hard when he called the day off.
It wouldn´t make any sense to stay in the sticky room for any longer, he had to move a little bit. A coffee or anything to keep his spirits up and for this the young man walked down the crowded street to the next coffee shop he knew about. Living with a coffee addict surely had it´s perks and his roommate was clearly one of this coffee addicts. Sometimes he wondered if the other man lived only off the caffeinated drink. After all it would explain a few things about him and this thought made Jonghyun smile slightly. He was right, it was a good idea to crawl out of his carve to explore the lifefull city. Everyone was getting ready for the upcoming holidays. Decorations was everywhere, advertising for great christmas gifts ideas to surprise their dears and the bright lights somehow managed to warm up the young musician. 

Since he was a little boy he enjoyed watching other people living their life and he found himself once again watching them as they walked by and one couple caught his attention. The man was carrying all of the bags filled with gifts and other things, a tired expression printed on his face. The woman instead was smiling widely, showing her beautiful, white and straight teeth.
It was a question for itself how she still manages to cling to his arm and whisper those sweet nothings in his ear. Both of them seemed very happy even though the bags wer heavy and the man wanted them to disappear so he could embrace his girlfriend.
People like them worked for Jonghyun the best to inspire him to write his lyrics. The odd thing was he never experienced feelings like that for himself. He couldn´t find the right one for himself so he was stuck in a cycle that never breaks.

How could one write about love and breakups when he never experienced one by his own? It was foolish enough to think he could put the right feelings in his lyrics to contain the pain and the emotion of a loving person in it. Jonghyun let out a heavy and long sigh, his eyes now focused on the ground he walked on. The coffee shop was near and he hid his cold face in the big black scarf around his neck. Of course it was useless as he enters the heated coffee shop but he did not care. One thing he hated about the cold season was the numb feeling in his fingers until they start to tickle when they slowly warm up again. Uncomfortable enough he had trouble to fiddle in this pockets for his money as he gave up his order on the counter the get a huge cup of hot chocolate. Coffee was one thing and sometimes he craved it when he was hungover but most of the time he preferred tea or hot chocolate over the black gold his roommate called it.

Hot chocolate was good and the sweet smell already filled his nostrils. What was not that good was the fact he could not find his money in his pockets. One thought crossed his mind and he wanted to slap himself for his forgetful mind. He left his money in his studio. Great, say goodbye to this sweet and delicious hot chocolate. Good enough he had the memory in his head how good it would taste.
„Oh excuse me I forgot my-„

„Never mind. Where is my hot chocolate? I ordered two!“ a voice next to the platinum blonde suddenly blurts out and he turns around to see a young man staring at the barista with a piercing look. The poor barista frowns as she goes back to work to fill another cup with the dark and steamy liquid. The black haired man pays for both of the cups and grabs Jonghyuns arm to drag him along with him.

„You didn´t have to by me that, still thank you.“ he had to say thank you to the polite stranger who offered him a genuine smile.

„Take it as a early christmas present. Also everyone who orders hot chocolate over coffee is in my favor.“ he chuckles softly and Jonghyun had to admit how easily the stranger could attract his attention. He had to look at him, the full and pinkish lips, the pretty teeth and the big brown eyes.
The red color on his cheeks made his fair skin even prettier and Jonghyun had to ask himself if this was really a person. How could one be so beautiful?

„Well hot chocolate tastes better than coffee.“ he mumbles into his scarf still wrapped tigthly around his neck, a little bit startled as the stranger without a name pulls it down a little bit to expose the lower half of his face. 

„Better it´s not very friendly to not show your face when I spend my money on you.“ the man explains his action though it seems more than an excuse to do so.

Yet it worked very well on the platinum blonde who starts to return the smile.

„I never asked you to do it so.“ he answered quickly back and he liked the easy atmosphere around them. Regardless the words of the black haired man and his response it was easy to talk to him. His nerves were on ease around the young man that was maybe a few years younger than him. Jonghyun was not very good on guessing the age of other people so he mostly was thankful for not having to do so.

„But I had to, you have to help people out you know? Something they try to teach you in school but the whole society is not a big fan of doing so.“ a bitter hint is hiding in his voice and Jonghyun feels sympathy for the man. If he di not felt it before he would do it now. He had critical views on the media and the society. Unfortunately not so many shared his views on the whole situation in the world.

„Then let´s change it. How about we grab my wallet and I treat you for some cookies? I know a place where they offer he best and it is the best match for hot chocolate.“ it comes out of the nowhere but Jonghyun is determined and confident in his words. He really wants to treat the other and to get to know him a little bit better.

„Sure why not? You still owe me one so let´s go. By the way my name is Taemin.“ he smiles and starts walking without knowing where he has to go. Taemin was so carefree and lighthearted it made Jonghyun wonder. The man was special and he found himself watching him instead of correcting him that he had chosen the wrong way to his studio. 

But here he was, staring at the stranger with a huge smile on his face and a warm feeling in his chest although the snow was falling silently down on them. The cold was not bothering him nor the heavy thoughts he had earlier. Somehow this man carried one thing with him that could melt the cold inside of him.
Could it be it was this missing piece of experience he lacked so hard? A variety of emotions only the bond with another person could offer? Only time could tell and right now he had to save Taemin and himself a lot of time.
Quickly he sped up his steps to grab Taemins hand and turn him around, so the other man could face him.
„Wrong, we have to go this way.“ he could let go of his hand but he was in no mood to do so and the taller man had also no problems with holding hands with a not fully stranger.
In the end of the afternoon the description stranger would be pointless when Jonghyun already felt a delicate string that connects him with the other man.

If it was for Jonghyun he strangely had to say it was the very first time he felt so much happiness at once in his life.
Maybe he was wrong about this the whole time, happiness is to be found in the craziest places and times. Always then when you´re not prepared, but still ready to embrace it when it comes to you.




Another short drabble or oneshot however you want to call it hahahaha. Oh my god my feelings for jongtae are very strong lately and of course for upcoming christmas. Please enjoy this short fic and feel the happiness inside of you that only happiness could bring.
Lots of love everyone.
Also I am thinking about turning this whole thing in a collection of various drabbles or short stories I write over the time as the multichaptered fics are eating too much time right now.


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Chapter 1: Aww so cute!!!
Chapter 2: Aww that was lovely ♥︎
Chapter 1: my otps!!! yes, you should also write Minkey's story ♡
Chapter 1: im a jongtae and minkey shipper so go for it!
Engravedintomyskin #5
Chapter 1: minkey and jongtae shipper reading and she says yes!!!! your fic was so cute ^^
kawaling #6
Chapter 1: Oh yes, please do! Jongtae and minkey are my favourite thing in the world!!
Chapter 1: Me me!!
*Raises both hands*