
yoongi has this weird habbit of closing his eyes and thinking of a particular word, to have a visual in his head. for example; when yoongi thinks of music, he imagines the countless sheets of paper with self composed lyrics.

this habbit began ages ago when yoongi was terrible with imagining what words look like physically (yoongi now knows that some words aren't physical objects, animals or things). "close your eyes and when i say caterpillar, imagine it yoongi, it always works for me."

his teacher (mrs. lee, bless her soul) was true to her word, and now whenever yoongi wants to visualise something he just closes his eyes and leaves his mind to think of an image.

it works 9 out of 10 times.

the reason for this is because of the situation happenening at the moment. "are you even listening?" his best friend namjoon asks as he begins to slow down his walking pace (he thinks that he's this badass rapper, and he is but 57% of his raps are about love these days).

 "no," he answers bluntly and namjoon laughs because his best friend has always been like this.

"i was telling you about jin," yoongi makes a face of confusion "who the hell is jin?" "my crush," namjoon replies with a giggle, making yoongi stare at him with wide eyes because what the hell he just giggled. 

kim namjoon has never ever in his whole existence giggled. this jin person must really mean something to his best friend.

"tell me about him," and yoongi wishes that he never even bothered to ask because now namjoon's babbling; 

his hair is amazing and his eyes oh my freakin' gosh they're such a rich brown that twinkle no matter what (personally yoongi thinks that brown eyes, are just plain brown eyes) his smile and when he winks or tries to be badass and ugh yoongi i'm in too deep.

"he's perfect," namjoon says dreamily and yoongi can literally see the hearts in his eyes. perfect huh? yoongi closes his eyes for a moment.

perfect he echoes in his mind. but no image appears in his mind, he opens his eyes and blinks a numerous amount of times.

perfect he thinks again when he closes is eyes, but to no avail, his mind is still blank. it's just a bunch of darkness with the light spot things.

yoongi is terribly confused for different reasons, the first being that this hasn't happened to him before. the other being the fact that yoongi has always believed that his image of perfect would be him being a ceo of an extremely popluar entertainment company, where ordinary people who want to become stars go to.

he's incredibly stumped.

when he opens his eyes namjoon is still talking, "i'm pretty sure i'm in love with him," oh. love huh? yoongi closes his eyes and thinks solely about love.

he pictures the affection and care that was (and still is) given by his parents and relatives. but yoongi knows that namjoon is talking about a different kind of love, the kind of love that isn't given by parents and relatives.

he's talking about a more intimate and physical kind of love.

yoongi opens his eyes just when they stop in front of a café located in their campus. "oh and did i tell you," namjoon begins as he pushes the door, which opens with a small twinkling sound, "he's a barista at this very café."

he says it with so much excitement and pride that yoongi doesn't have the heart to tell him off because he's been coming here since he started attending this university.

"take a seat, i'll order!" namjoon tells him as he pushes yoongi towards a table by the large table. he does what he's told and waits.

when the younger comes back he rushes towards the seat next to yoongi, "guess what!" "hmm," "jin talked to me!" yoongi gives him a look as he grabs his caramel macchiato.

"he's the one taking orders, of course he'd have to talk to you," namjoon makes a noise which sounds like a cross between a sigh and a scoff. "no! he spoke in a different type of voice!"

"so?" he asks as he blows his steaming hot beverage, namjoon just rolls his eyes "you don't get it," yoongi hums "but he also said and i quote, "come by any time namjoon see you in our next business lecture." he notices me yoongi!"

the older hates to burst namjoon's bubble of happiness but he unfortunately yoongi likes other peoples misery (even if it is his best friends).

but yoongi doesn't get a chance to burst the bubble of happiness (and he's sorta glad because namjoon is kinda cute when he's all lovesick and giggling) because his other best friend, hoseok, arrives.

"guys you can never believe what just happened to me!" he says with a large grin (well, larger than usual) "same!" namjoon squeals and yoongi feels a bit out of place because nothing exciting happened to him.

"you go first!" namjoon encourages hoseok who nods happily "you guys are now looking at the new leader of the dance club!" yoongi and namjoon cheer, "well done hobi!"

"thanks guys! oh man can you just imagine it? I'm gonna be showing choreography to freshmen and all!" yoongi ruffles his hair when he sits down.

hoseok's are so, so bright and yoongi is happy and excitrd for his best friend. namjoon then launches into his story.

"he talked to you and notices you!" hoseok exclaims and namjoon shushes him with so much force that he spits on hoseok and yoongi's faces.

they wipe the spit from their faces disgustedly, "do you want the whole world to know!? and he's right there for crying out loud!"

"wow i think he might like you!" hoseok excitedly states and yoongi fights the urge to roll his eyes "you really think so?" namjoon's eye sparkle with hope "well he notices you and talked to you so why not?" the latter answers with a grin.

this time yoongi does roll his eyes as he takes a gulp of his sweet beverage, just how is he best friends with these two idiots again?

the following week, yoongi is still annoyed that he can't picture the object, animal, thing or scenario of perfection. he tries not to dwell on it though.

yoongi's lecture has just finished and he receives a text from hoseok just as he's packing up his stuff. 

it's telling him to meet the latter in the dance studio because he wants his best friends there on his first day and all the other days (if they'd like to of course).

and it also says that namjoon can't make it because he had the balls to talk to jin and invite him to lunch. 

yoongi can hear the incoherent nonsense and squeals that namjoon's mouth would be sprouting when he reads that part of the message.

yoongi takes his time when he begins his walk to the dance studio.


because he doesn't really feel like being in a room of amazing dancers who all dance better than him. this is a fact, because yoongi cannot dance to save his dinner.

this is a tested fact that yoongi definitely does not want to relive let alone think about. it was all hoseok's fault really, he provoked yoongi knowing fully well that he cannot dance.

oh and namjoon participated by filming the whole thing, and yeah, sometimes yoongi hates his best friends.

when he reaches the studio, he pulls open the door and is greeted by the sight of people stretching. and hoseok is nowhere to be found. great.

he shuffles inside and walks to a corner, sits there and looks around. yoongi notices this short, tan kid reaching his fingertips towards his toes in front of yoongi. and wow he has a fine .

suddenly the kid beside him, he has moppy brown hair and his fringe doesn't look too great (perhaps a self hair cut??), stops stretching and nudges towards the one with the fine while pointing at yoongi.

yoongi is sure that he should stop staring because he doesn't want to be known as a creep by a couple of freshmen, (he knows that they're freshmen because not once has yoongi seen them before), so he settles for watching a video on his phone.

"hi~!" a voice suddenly greets cheerfully and yoongi jumps making the latter laugh, it's this high pitched laugh that yoongi finds strange yet when he stops yoongi wants to hear it again.

he looks up and sees the kid with the fine crouching in front of him, "hi i'm jimin!" he extends his hand towards yoongi who merely blinks "o-kay." he says as he drops his arm back to his side.

a moment of silence passes "so, are you uh-" the kid- jimin, raises his left hand to look at his palm "-yoongi?" he continues and yoongi nods dumbly.

why? well because jimin has the most adorable chubby cheeks that yoongi has ever seen and he wants to squish them so bad and ugh where's hoseok? 

he won't be able to stop himself from abusing those cheeks if he doesn't arrive at this moment.

jimin smiles, his eyes disappearing while creating an eye smile and yoongi thinks that they look like the cresent moon. "yay! i got the right person!" he cheers, "hoseok hyung said you'll be easy to find since you're really pale and taller than me."

the kid suddenly pouts "then he said that everyone's taller than me!" and wow yoongi doesn't think that this kid can get anymore adorable or cuter.

"anyway-" jimin's smile returns and it knocks the oxygen outta yoongi "-he told me to tell you that he'll be right back, he's just bringing in some equipment." he says with a look so full of concentration.

"yoongi hyung~" he calls and yoongi's pretty sure that his name never sound that amazing before, "can i take a selca with you, please?~" jimin pouts

did yoongi say that he can't get anymore adorable or cute? he did? well he was wrong!

jimin posing for selcas has officially just made yoongi's day, no week- maybe even month! 

yoongi wants to do a pose in which jimin smiles and yoongi bites his cheek as if it were a marshmallow.

but of course he doesn't voice out the idea and it's too late anyways since hoseok comes barging in with a huge boombox, putting an end to their selca session.

yoongi doesn't mind that he has to sit and watch the dance club anymore, even if it is taking up like 2 hours of his time. 

who cares? yoongi definitely doesn't, because it's worth it when he sees jimin flash him a bright smile or making faces at him.

damn, yoongi's gonna kill hoseok because that little knows. 

he knows that yoongi has a soft spot for anything cute and adorable (he won't admit it to anyone but namjoon or hoseok). 

and that's why hoseok sent jimin, because he knew that he would get an earfull from yoongi for leaving him alone with a bunch of freshmen. 

sometimes yoongi forgets how sly hoseok can be and begins plotting his revenge, but all his revenge plans melt away when jimin imitates hoseok behind his back.

yoongi laughs quietly before taking his phone from his lap to continue the video that he was watching earlier, occasionally glancing up to catch a glimpse of jimin from time to time.

"so how was i?" hoseok asks as they leave the studio, making yoongi stop thinking that perhaps he just experienced 'love at first sight' with jimin.

"surprisingly," yoongi purposely hesitates before answering just so hoseok starts to feel anxious "pretty well-" yoongi gives him a -eating grin "-i never doubted your skills hobi."

"yah! for a moment i thought that you were gonna say that i did ty!" hoseok exclaims before shoving yoongi to the side. "so," now hoseok is giving him a -eating grin of his own, "what did you think of jimin?"

yoongi smacks the back of his head and refuses to say anything. "aw c'mon! you have to at least admit that you thought that he was cute!" yoongi doesn't, and hoseok is left rambling on by himself;

you should be thanking me yoongi! i am such a great friend for letting you meet jimin! if you'd like to make it up to me, the next time you meet jimin, tell him to tell his friend taehyung that i said that he has good muscle flow.

eventually yoongi has enough and shoves hoseok away using his right palm to push his face away. he then rushes back to his dorm, leaving an annoyed hoseok yelling from behind him.

when yoongi meets jimin the second time, it has nothing to do with hoseok. 

yoongi just left a club meeting and jimin just happened to be passig by.

yoongi thought that the younger wouldn't notice him so he started to briskly walk away but then he heard a "yoongi hyung~!" and he just couldn't ignore it.

so here they are, talking about everything, nothing and all the things in bewteen. jimin reminds yoongi of this corgi that he wanted as a child (but he never got it).

and those are yoongi's favorite breed of dogs.

"you space out a lot hyung, what do you think of?" jimin asks not bothered by the fact that yoongi does happen to space out a lot. 

yoongi shrugs "i think of anything that comes to my mind," jimin makes a humming noise, "hyung! why don't we go there?"

the older looks at where the younger is pointing and internally groans, "jimin i do-" yoongi's mouth shuts when he sees the most adorable puppy look on jimin's face.

yoongi's weak and he doesn't have the heart to say no.

they walk up to the little shop. it's a shop where one can take photos in sully costumes and there's even a little café for when you're waiting to get your photos.

"it's gonna be so much fun hyung!" jimin smiles brightly as he grabs yoongi's hand and leads them inside, "we can keep these photos for memories of when we became friends!"

jimin suddenly stops walking and turns his head to face yoongi, "we are friends, right hyung?" yoongi gives him a smile and ruffles his hair "of course we are."

yoongi can feel the happiness radiating from jimin as they walk into the shop. 

they both pick random sets of costumes and clothes before walking into a changing room. they have to share because the seperate ones are full and they were forced to go into a family changing room.

yoongi tries his best not to stare at jimin as he changes, but he makes it difficult because yoongi hyung help me with this, hyung how do you tie this? i'm stuck hyung, help!

they do several poses for the camera, laughing while the photographer takes each one. when they're changing for their last one jimin says, "hyung, let's do this one just as ourselves." and yoongi agrees.

as they wait for their photos, they go into the café and jimin orders carrot cake while yoongi orders his usual caramel macchiato.

yoongi tells him hoseok's little message and jimin chuckles and nods, "i'll pass it on."

when they receive their photos jimin squeals in delight and claps his hands rapidly, "i'm gonna hang these!" yoongi gives him a bright smile.

it's been a week since then and yoongi attends the dance club more often. everyone in the dance club now knows him, hoseok gives a knowing look each time. but the younger also thanked him because taehyung talks to him more regularly now.

he and jimin talk more since they took those photos last week. yoongi finds loads more information about jimin and vice versa. 

sometimes their conversations go quiet, and yoongi blames himself for this because he isn't good at talking to people, but it's okay because jimin always finds something to say.

it's been two months since yoongi met jimin and yoongi thinks that he has got a serious problem on his hands. 

why? because he's currently writing lyrics (late in the night because he can't sleep) and they are about liking someone and love and ohfreakin'baconfat is it about jimin!?!

but that isn't a question, yoongi knows that his lyrics are about jimin and so he drops his pen and slumps in his chair. he thinks that he should talk to somebody about this.

yoongi considers his options; he could talk to namjoon about this, which could result in the younger giving him advice but teasing him. or he could talk to hoseok which will potentially result in the dancer laughing while saying 'i knew it!'

and yeah yoongi concludes that he should talk to namjoon instead.

yoongi gets up from his chair and plops on top of his bed, he stares at his ceiling for a moment before closing his eyes.

all he can see is jimin, he can hear the kid's laugh and he can picture the way he dances. yoongi think of different words i.e cute, adorable, amazing, beautiful and all he can see is jimin's face.

he slowly opens his eyes and covers his blanket over himself with a groan. he kicks the blanket, serveral blanket kicks are thrown in the next few minutes and yoongi thinks he should stop because his blankets haven't done anything wrong.

he really needs to talk to namjoon about this. so he closes his eyes forcing himself to think of nothing so that he's able to sleep.

when yoongi hears his alarm ring loudly, he doesn't want to get up. and the alarm may be annoying him but he doesn't feel like shutting it off, his limbs are not responding anyway.

but when he hears someone pounding their wall from the room next door fifteen minutes later, he thinks that he should show them mercy and shut off his alarm.

he takes his time of course, but then he doesn't feel like laying back down so he grabs a towel to take a shower because it's a good time to visit namjoon.

after showering and changing, he looks at his watch and it tells him that it's half one in the afternoon, so he texts namjoon that he's going to his room.

he exits his building and walks to the building ten minutes away from his own. he pushes the door and takes the elevator to namjoon's room.

namjoon never locks his door so yoongi just walks in, and is greeted by the sight of namjoon sprawled out on the floor with his phone in his hands. 

and he thinks that it's great because he can talk to him now. but then jin walks out of the bathroom and yoongi sorta doesn't like life.

"hey yoongi," namjoon greets as he sits up "you know jin," yoongi looks towards jin and gives him a smile and a wave, "hi!" the older says happily,

they sit in a triangle on the floor and yoongi suddenly doesn't want to tell them about his (not so) little crush on jimin. 

ugh he's such a coward.

"so why're you here yoongi?" namjoon asks as he slightly crawls over to jin to cuddle with the latter, and all yoongi can think of is how he wants to do that with jimin.

"uhm well..." he clears his throat, "there's this person that i've taken an interest in," namjoon's left eyebrow lifts "and..?" "and uhm i don't know what to do."

namjoon and jin blink at him, "so you're telling me, that you're here because you've taken an interest in somebody?" "ye- well no, it's because i like this person," namjoon blinks again "aaaah," then a huge grin makes it way onto the younger's face.

"who is it?" yoongi doesn't know how to answer, what is he suppose to say, oh it's this freshmen named jimin with the eye smile and chubby cheeks from busan. uhm no.

so he settles with "a person in hoseok's dance club," "ooooo a dancer!" jin says ecstatically as he claps his hands, "why don't we go to see them practice tomorrow?" he suggests.

yoongi can't say no, especially since namjoon will probably agree since jin suggested it. before he can answer however, namjoon already does and jin is happily clapping his hands again.

a loud sound rings and yoongi scrambles to take his phone out of his pocket, "hello?" "hyung~!" "what?" "lets get ice cream!" yoongi tries (and fails) to suppress his smile. 

namjoon and jin stare at him curiously, trying to listen to the voice on the other side. "sure, but you're paying," he hears a noise of complaint "b-but hyung!" he doesn't try to hide his grin this time "see you there."

the couple are left in their state of curiousity and mild confusion as yoongi walks out of the roon with a huge smile etched onto his face.

when yoongi reaches the small ice cream parlour he immediately spots jimin. 

rhe kid is wearing dark fitted jeans, navy shoes, a snapback and a hoodie that yoongi susoects isn't his because he's basically drowning in it.

as a way of greeting, yoongi grabs the snapback from jimin's head and raises his arm in the air.

"hyung!" the younger he jumps to reach his snapback, but his attemps are futile because of the long, slender arms that yoongi is blessed with.

once yoongi finishes teasing jimin as well as choking with laughter, he hands jimin back his snapback while ruffling his hair.

jimin pouts as he crosses hus arm together, huffing as he walks into the store without yoongi. but yoongi could see the amusement twinkling in his eyes.

the ice cream parlour is colorful abd appealing to the eye. there are several cute decorations and plenty of fancy looking chairs with matching tables.

yoongi and jimin line up, jimin's pout disappearing as he chooses which flavour to get. by the tine they're at the till, his arms have uncrossed and he's giving the cashier his usual wide smile.

they choose their flavors; chocolate with marshmallows and chocolate sauce for jimin, while yoongi opts for something not as sweet resulting in him ordering mint flavored ice cream.

jimin is taking out his wallet but yoongi is swifter, placing money on the counter quicker than jimin before taking their ice creams and nudging the younger.

jimin's face is one of shock for a few seconds before he suddenly has this cute delighted expression paint his face.

"and you said you wouldn't pay," jimin says smugly, his tone slightly teasing as he grabs his ice cream cone from yoongi. 

the older refuses to let his normally pale skin turn into a shade of pink. and so he looks out the window to avoid jimin's amused face.

"well what kind of hyung would i be then?" he mutters rhetorically as he continues to avoid jimin's eyes.

the other male just starts laughing, it's melodic and full of joy and yoongi should include something about it in his lyrics, "not a very good one." 

yoongi playfully rolls his eyes, "it was a rhetorical question doofus," he says as he flicks jimin's forehead.

they finish the rest of their ice creams in silence. yoongi can hear a slight 'ting!' go off in his head as he remembers something.

"i like your hoodie," yoongi says as jimin wipes away the dried ice cream on the side of his lips, "where'd you get it?" he casually (or at least that's what he hopes he sounded like) slips in after a short pause.

"huh?" jimin looks yoongi in the eye before smiling brightly, "oh this? it's not mine, it's jungkook's," "oh," who is he? how old is he? what is he to you? yoongi want to ask these questions.

"that was nice of him," yoongi comments, "yeah he's actually going to be in this college in two years," jimin informs. "so .. is he, like, a family friend?" "yeah he is actually! he likes dancing, and his singing voice is amazing, he's really sweet and humble but he can be downright devious when he wants to be." jimin says fondly as he shakes his head slightly.

amazing. yoongi closes his eyes for a split second, thinking solely on that word, and he can imagine jimin's dancing. his clean moves done with such presition that yoongi is always left in awe.

jimin proceeds to babble on about jungkook as they leave the ice cream parlour;  he looks older than he really does hyung and like sometimes he has this mean look, he teases me a lot about my height but always defends me when he needs to, blah, blah, blah.

"he sounds-" yoongi thinks quickly "-nice," jimin nods enthusiastically but all yoongi can think of is how flowers are nice, hoseok is nice, someone lending him their pen is nice. but jungkook doesn't seem so nice.

yoongi sighs internally. he really needs to let his feelings out instead of leaving them bottled up and fester inside him.

as yoongi is walking jimin back to his dorm jimin spots a couple, "hey hyung," jimin whispers and yoongi shivers slightly, "look at their cute couple clothing." jimin says as his eyes are directing yoongi which way to look.

yoongi moves his head to the left and sure enough he sees a couple in matching shirts and shoes. he smiles, he has secretly always wanted to be able to wear couole clothing with someone.

not that he would admit that to namjoon and hoseok, let alone admit it out loud.

yoongi's shifts his eyes to see directly in front of him, he looks into the distance as his mind wanders off yet again. he thinks that he and jimin would be able to pull off couple clothing, matching beanies and shoes wouldn't be all that bad. yoongi could even buy couple rings.

he doesn't let his thoughts go too far however, just in case he says what he's thinking out loud (it happens sometimes), jimin stops walking and yoongi notices that they've reached his building.

he gives yoongi his typical gorgeous smile before saying his goodbye, "i'll talk to you soon hyung~"

as yoongi is walking back to his own dorm, he pulls his phone out of his pocket and dials namjoon's number. after three rings the latter picks up, "hello?"

yoongi doesn't know what he should say, how should he start? on the other side of the line namjoon is waiting patiently, he noticed yoongi's hesitance immediately, because when yoongi calls he always has something to say.

"uhm-" yoongi inhales deeply, "his name is jimin, he's a freshman and i really, really like him like you have no idea."

yoongi said it so quickly, if namjoon hadn't known yoongi for the amount of years that he has, he most likely wouldn't have understood a single thing that he said.

namjoon smiles, "have i seen him before?" "probably." silence takes over for a moment until namjoon breaks it, "it's good that you've let out your feelings hyung."

they talk for a few more minutes until they both decide to hang up.

yoongi walks inside his building and waites for the elevator (the stairs are too much effort). once he gets inside it and reaches his floor, he walks to his door.

he unlocks it and walks inside before closing the door. he removes his beanie and tosses it somewhere to the side.

he changes into basketball shorts and a t-shirt before plopping face first onto his bed.

when he has difficulty breathing he decideds to flip onto his back. his mind is occupied by the thoughts of jimin.

he closes his eyes and lets the thoughts of jimin flow around in his mind.

yoongi has this weird habbit of closing his eyes and thinking of a particular word, to have a visual in his head. for example; when yoongi thinks of music, he imagines the countless sheets of paper with self composed lyrics.

this habbit began ages ago when yoongi was terrible with imagining what words look like physically (yoongi now knows that some words aren't physical objects, animals or things). "close your eyes and when i say caterpillar, imagine it yoongi, it always works for me."

his teacher (mrs. lee, bless her soul) was true to her word, and now whenever yoongi wants to visualise something he just closes his eyes and leaves his mind to think of an image.

a few months ago it worked 9 out of 10 times, but now it works 10 out of 10 times.

this is because when he thinks of the word perfection he can hear jimin's laugh and high pitched voice, see jimin's smile, and he can picture all the things that jimin does.

and yoongi is satisfied with what he thinks perfection is, he lets himself fall asleep with a smile on his face.

most people say that nobody's perfect, but jimin is perfect to yoongi.

and yoongi thinks that that's all that matters.

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meNmylifestyle #1
Chapter 1: This is so cute! I laughed and giggled silently (because it's late night) while reading xD
They're like girls gossipping about their crushes in hush voice because the crush is there xD
I could only imagine those as girls and I canNOT imagine namjoon and hoseok like that! and NOT yoongi xD
this is a masterpiece!!
LunaElle #2
Chapter 1: This is way to cute!
hyperhopeu #3
Chapter 1: this is really beautifully writen omg i like it!;__; however jiminnie is always being cute little .

can you make sequel pls?;) hehe