Song Scenarios
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Primary Song: EXO- Don't Go

Genre: Primarily fluff and slightly angst

Characters: Luhan/ Female OC (Unnamed)

The gentle spring breeze tickled me awake, and my eyes fluttered open slowly because of the sunlight. It took all my willpower not to yawn. I looked around at the spring party I was at which was anything but one. It was too boring and not as exciting as a party is supposed to be. Then again, it was hosted by a wealthy woman addressed as simply Mrs. Oh, and any event hosted by a rich person tended to be boring.

I glanced at my mom chatting with Mrs. Oh. They were by the snack table, and although I wanted something to eat and drink, I'd have to walk by them, and I definitely didn't want to do that. Knowing my mom, she would drag me into a conversation I would not want to be a part of. She'd probably begin boasting about me, her precious daughter who managed to get into one of the most prestigious universities around. Actually, judging from her animated, proud face, her pointing finger directed at me, and Mrs. Oh's curious glances towards me, I think my mom already is talking about me.

I groaned and leaned back on my lawn chair. How did my mom drag me into this situation again? Oh, that's right. She promised me any favor in return which sounded like a great idea at the time she asked, but now that I'm actually here, I regret it so, so much. I have absolutely nothing to do except sleep because there was no one to talk to.

Just as my eyes grew heavy and began to close, a rustle in the bushes nearby made them snap open again. Curious, I got up from my seat and walked to the nearby bushes. They were huge, tall and thick, almost like hedges. I attempted to peer through the bush, but the thick brambles didn't allow me to.

Pressing my lips into a thin line, I went back to my seat, thinking I imagined the sound. But once I closed my eyes, the same rustling sound returned, and I jumped to my feet. I managed to open my eyes quickly enough to see the bushes across from me rustle.

I scanned my surroundings to make sure no one was watching before crossing the lawn to the bushes where I swore I heard the sound from. To my disappointment, nothing was there. I was about to return to my seat for the second time when I heard the darn rustling sound from a distance away. It sounds close, but farther than before. I run around the corner of the bush hedges and am shocked to see the hedge go on for a long while. I knew Mrs. Oh was rich and that this property was large, but the hedge seemed to go on for miles.  When I peeked back to the party, no one seemed to notice that I was gone. I grinned because that I meant I was free to go on an adventure.

I followed the hedge for a while before coming across a wooden door. The top half of it was covered with hanging tendrils of vines and blooming flowers while the bottom half was just the plain wooden surface of the door.

Should I open it? I thought about the consequences. What could be behind this door? What if something dangerous lied behind this door? For some reason, my instincts told me no. Instead, I got the feeling I would encounter something magical. Something that would change my life.

I bent down to the door and looked for the latch with my fingers. When they felt a metal object, I hastened to unlock it, fumbling along the way, and with a click, the door was unlocked. Slowly, I pushed open the door, and to my relief, it was silent as it swung open. I didn't want anybody finding me because I'm pretty sure I was trespassing on Mrs.Oh's property.

Bracing myself, I brushed the curtain of vines and flowers aside and stepped into a garden. My gasp is caught in my throat when my eyes take in the beautiful landscape before me. Pinks, blues, greens, purples, reds, oranges and all different sorts of colors mix and blend together to create a masterpiece. I didn't even know that this many species of flowers existed.

I closed the door behind me and took a tentative step onto the stone pathway which forked to the left and the right. I noticed a small cottage a few meters away that I didn't notice when I first came in. Then again, the cottage is partially covered by a willow tree's hanging branches.

The scene before me is so scenic and serene, it took my breath away. I closed my eyes, just enjoying the sunlight on my skin and the spring zephyr dancing amongst the flowers. It was only when I relaxed and closed my eyes, I could hear the faint voice of someone singing. I opened my eyes in wonder and surprise. Whoever was singing had a lovely voice, one that was so soothing and calming.

I opened my eyes but didn't see anyone else in the garden. I knew it was wrong of me to do so, but I decided to follow the voice and hopefully find out who is singing. A voice that sweet couldn't belong to a monster, could it?

It was worth it, I decided. The voice was calling to me, almost entrancing me. I strolled through the majestic garden which I realized was small but almost cozy. The huge walls of the hedges surrounded the garden and the cottage giving the place a sense of protection from the ugliness of the outside world. It was still large enough for me to have to walk a bit to find the source of the singing. And when I did, what I saw amazed me even more than...well, anything else ever before.

Under the willow tree behind the house sat a man with a youthful face. His eyes were closed which was why he didn't see me immediately, and his short, light brown hair was swept to the right. He had dressed rather nicely and smartly with the collars of a dress shirt peeking over his sweater. The most entrancing thing about him however, were his wings.

They were a pair of butterfly wings, but more majestic than any I've ever seen. The wings were mainly a pastel blue then mixed with an iridescent purple towards the tips until fading into a light lavender at the rims. The intricate designs looked as if they had been inked with the darkest black ink. In the sunlight, the wings sparkled and glittered, and you could see how delicate and thin they were.

Forgetting I was in plain sight, I watched him as he finished his song, but when he did, he opened his eyes and spotted me. His dark coffee eyes nailed me to my spot, and my surprised gasp died in my throat. For some reason, I just couldn’t look away from his sharp yet soft gaze that asked me why I was here and watching him. I gulped nervously but shakily raised my hand and waved a tiny bit . “H-hi,” I managed to say, my voice wavering.

When he didn't respond, I lowered my eyes from his and hid my hand behind my back to join the other hand in fidgeting. I bit my lip out of embarrassment and cleared my throat before meekly saying, "I'll-I'll go now."

Just as I whirled around to head back to the entrance and get out of that embarrassing situation, I heard a voice- his voice- say, "Wait a minute." Instantly, I spun back around to see him stand up and fly towards me, his wings lazily fluttering. At the spectacular sight of this phenomenon, I could only gape unattractively at him.

When he landed in front of me, with a frown he said, "You can't suddenly leave like this."

I wondered if it's because I saw his wings, and he needs to exterminate me. At that thought, I became terrified. "Why-why not?" I bravely asked.

He suddenly smiled, and for a split second my heart stopped. He extended his hand, and I looked at it apprehensively. "Because I don't know your name," his grin grew wider. "I'm Luhan."

Bewildered, I stared at him. "My-my name?" I hated how I couldn't stopped stuttering. I cleared my throat and said firmly, "Why do you want to know my name?"

Luhan inspected me for a moment before shrugging. "Alright, don't tell me. I know it already," he claimed.

I frowned at his statement. “Huh?”

He grinned at me. “I said I know your name already.” Just as I was about to ask how he knew and why he asked in the first place, he continued, “I looked up your profile. I even know your age, schools you’ve attended, your parents, and other small details.”

I crossed my arms in defiance. “Prove it,” I dared. He leaned in, and suddenly I couldn’t breathe.

When I heard him whisper all the details about me that I never told him, I took a step back and looked at him with a horrified face because how does he know so much about me without me actually telling me? “Telekinesis,” he answered me even when I didn’t ask. “I can read your mind and your background.”  

“How-?” my voice faltered when he suddenly spread his wings to their full length, and because he was right in front of the sun, the light caused them to sparkle brilliantly. I almost facepalmed myself when I realized how stupid I was. If wings existed, why couldn’t superpowers?

“Does that answer your question?” He smirked.

Dazed, I only nodded. “You didn’t tell me why you asked for my name even though you could easily find out?” I reminded him.

He retracted his wings so they were behind him rather than spread horizontally. “I just wanted to see how you would respond,” is all he said. What the heck did that mean? I waited for him to say more, but he didn’t.

“So you’re not going to kill me or anything because I know about your wings?” I gestured to them. Luhan looked at me strangely before bursting into laughter, a rather beautiful sound. Taken aback by his sudden laughter, it was my turn to look at him strangely, waiting for him to calm down.

“I would never do that. I don’t even need to. When you step out of this garden, your memories will be erased. You won’t remember me or this garden,” he explained.

Although I nodded in understanding, deep inside I was saddened. Don’t remember him? For some reason, I didn’t want to forget him. Or this garden. I must have had an upset look on my face because Luhan placed a comforting hand on my shoulder, and gave an understanding smile. “Hey, would you like to stay for a while and talk? I haven’t had a visitor in forever, so I’d love to chat with you,” he offered.

As tempting as the suggestion sounded, at that moment, I happened to remember my mom and the spring party I was supposed to be at. Regret filled me when I realized I should probably head back as to not worry them. Just as I was about to explain that to Luhan, he immediately said, “You don’t have to worry about your mom. Time in the outside world is stilled when you’re in here. When you step outside the garden, time will resume as usual.”

I immediately brightened at that. “Really? Okay then, I’d love to have a chat with you,” I said cheerfully. He smiled and took my hand. When he did, my breath hitched.

“Come on, let’s sit under the shade,” he led me to the shadows of the willow tree.

Even where we sat, we could still see the beautiful flowers. Once we settled down, I couldn’t help but ask, “Can you tell me more about yourself Luhan?”

As if he anticipated that question, which he probably did since he most likely read my mind, he smiled knowingly. “Well, what would you like to know?”

I thought for a moment. I had so many questions, where do I begin? “What are you? How do you have wings? Why are you here? How can you read my mind? Why haven’t you had a visitor in forever? Who lives-” Luhan cut off my barrage of questions with a hand in the air.

“Whoa there, one question at a time,” he laughed at my eagerness.

“Sorry, I meant to only ask one question, but when I once I asked the first question, the rest just followed,” I blushed sheepishly.

“It’s fine,” he smiled. “Now let’s see. What am I? That’s a question I get almost always,” he said amusedly. “I’m, well, I’m a Prince of Butterflies.”

I stared at him because of his answer before peeling into wild laughter. I attempted to muffle my laughter with my hands without success.

Luhan just patiently waited for me to stop, and when I did, I apologized. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have laughed, but really? Prince of Butterflies?”

He grinned at me, “Sounds ridiculous doesn’t it? But it’s true.”

I shook my head incredulously, “No way.” The look on his face told me that he was serious. I sat there in disbelief. “Okay. So you’re the Prince of Butterflies. Okay,” I repeated to accept the fact.

“I’m not the only prince. I’m one of many,” he corrected me.

“What? There’s more of you?” I blurted.

“Yeah, twelve of us actually, including me.” Wow. Twelve Princes of Butterflies. My mind was baffled.

“Do I need to address you as ‘Your Majesty’ or something?” I questioned.

He shuddered. “Please don’t.” I wondered why he doesn’t like that, but he was already talking about something else.

“Anyways, since we’re royalty, we have special powers. Actually, it’s the other way around. It’s because my family has special powers, we’re royalty. Does that make sense?” He asked to clarify, and I nodded. “So that’s why I can read your mind. And look up your profile and family background. I can even move things around with my mind.”

“You’re kidding, right?” I looked at him incredulously. He shook his head. “Well, what are you waiting for then? Show me,” I demanded.

He grinned at me and said, “I’m doing it already.”

I immediately looked around. “What? Where?” When I couldn’t see anything, I frowned at him. “Aish, Luhan stop fooling around and show me.”

He let out a soft laugh and gestured at the space above my head. “Look up,” he commanded, so I did, and to my amazement, a pile of green leaves was floating. I looked back at him with round eyes.

“Oh my gosh, that’s incredible,” I squealed. Luhan continued smiling before doing something I hadn’t expected. He dropped the pile of leaves on my head.

When I managed to shake the leaves away, I glared at the man on the ground, clutching his sides, howling with laughter. “Not funny Luhan,” I growled.

He managed to sit back up and with tears in his eyes, he snickered, “To me it was.”

I huffed in irritation and impatiently waited for him to finish his last few chuckles. When he caught sight of my angry face, he immediately sobered. “Hey, I’m sorry I pulled that trick on you, and I’m sorry for laughing,” he apologized, and I could feel myself softening. “But you laughed at me earlier, so we’re even.” Never mind, I spoke too soon.

“You’re really immature,” I snorted.

Not offended, he merely shrugged and then grinned, “So I’ve heard from countless others before you. Besides, when you’re as lonely as me, you’d take all the chances possible to pull pranks like these. I’ve done it to the others, so of course I’d do it to you.” That made me realize that I couldn’t have been the only one who met him. I began to think of other people, or more specifically, other women, who met Luhan and held conversations such as the one now. And for some reason, that thought made me uncomfortable.

“Hey, you still there?” Luhan snapped his fingers in my face, and I jolted from my thoughts. “Yeah, I am,” I assured while hurriedly trying to hide my thoughts from him although I had no idea how to do that. Do I just think of other things?

The way that he smirked however, told me that he still read my mind. “Aww, are you jealous?” he teased, and I reddened.

“No, never,” I denied, but his smirk grew wider.

“I never even asked what you were jealous about,” he pointed out much to my embarrassment.

Out of impulse, I slapped him and cried, “Yah!” Consider it my defense mechanism.

“Ow,” he pouted, but I offered no sympathy.

“That didn’t actually hurt,” I rolled my eyes.

“Yeah, it didn’t,” he grinned.

I can’t seem to stay mad at him for long and break out a small grin. We fell into a comfortable silence, just enjoying the sun and the breeze and the view of the garden.  Until I break it of course. “Luhan, can you not leave this place?” I abruptly asked.

He looked at me seriously. “What makes you ask that?” Hearing the hint of surprise in his voice made me realize that he hadn’t read my mind during the period of calmness, so he hadn’t been expecting the question which made me feel a bit bad for asking it.

I hesitated, unsure how to explain. “You said you rarely get visitors and are lonely, so I was wondering why you couldn’t just leave. The only explanat

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maiyuki #1
Chapter 22: Oh, no worries about that authornim :) I'll still be patiently waiting for it. I just realized I had a typo error with the name, it should be Shin Hyun Rin. Its up to you on which POV would be better or easier on your part:) Thank you so much again authornim^^,
maiyuki #2
Hi :) want to request:
1. 1st person POV
2. Name: Shin Hyun Run
3. Partner: Kim Jong in of EXO
4. Genre: angst (please add some fluffs here and there-thanks :)
5. Song: Goodbye Summer by f(x) feat. D.O.
Chapter 20: Kris is so cheesy!!! But I still can't help but squirm in my bed trying to hold my spazzing. Thank you so much, Melody!
mello_marshmallow #4

1. Point of view : 1st person
2.Name: Ahn Lyra
3.Partner: Park Chanyeol
4. Genre: Fluff, Fantasy
5. Song: Fahrenhaidt - Lights Will Guide Me
May I request again?
POV:3rd person
Name:Kwon Sora
Partner:Kris Wu Yi Fan
Song:Bright by Echosmith

Thanks in advance, Melody!
Chapter 18: OMG, Melody! Thank you so much for the scenario. How awesome! When I saw that you updated I was like squealing alone in my room but the tried to shut myself up since I'm afraid my mom will go cuckoo. Anyway, thank you so much!