'We Are One' My

We Are One My

"Are you sure this is what you want to do?" I look up at the speaker. My lawyer.

"Yes, I can't stand this anymore. I trust that you can help me."

"I can, I just want to reassure. Are you sure you want to do this. To leave this life." I smile. A fake smile.

"Yes, of course. Please proceed."

I walk out of the office that belong's to the SM boss. I'm finally done. I'm finally out. I-

"So you're done. You're done with us." I turn to my side, to find Xiumin there. My first Korean friend. My best friend. My crush. My love.

I smile. "Yeah, I guess I am. I'm not Luhan from the world famous Exo-M anymore. Just a chinese boy with the name of Xi Luhan."

"No. Liar. You're joining a chinese music company in China. Don't lie. I know. We all know. You know, we thought Kris would be the only one. If not, we thought Tao would leave, considering their relationship. We did NOT expect our cute little visual, Luhan, to leave. We are all very disappointed in you." Minseok did have a very disappointed and pissed off expression. My smile turns sad. Not that it wasn't already.

"So you guys know. Ye-"

"That's it? That's your answer? 'So you know'? What kind of ty answer is that? After this were you just gonna go straight to the airport and leave? Not even bother to say good bye to us even though you know we'll just give you cold glares? At least attempt? Maybe some of us would be different. Maybe some of us, no. Maybe one of us would... ha. I am at loss of words, Luhan. I hate you Luhan. I hate you so much, don't even think of us being friends after leaving." Minseok's pissed off expression turns to a cold glare. Wait. Why is Minseok alone?

"I came alone because no one wanted to see you. Not even your fellow chinese friends, Tao and Lay. Let's just hope they won't go back to China like you and Kris. What would become of me and Chen if you guys all leave? You know, Luhan, you are such a disappointment. Not only because you are leaving, but because you are setting a very bad example. You are the second oldest in this entire group, and Kris is just a few months younger than you, yet you two are the first to leave the group. And for what reason? Because you want to join a chinese group. Back at your homecountry. China. I understand you can be homesick, but what about those other idols? What about Jackson and Mark from Got7? What about Krystal from F(x)? They all get homesick, but they aren't leaving their group back to LA or China just because they are homesick. Or just because they want to be famous back at their home country. You backstabbing ." Ouch. That hurts a lot, especially because Minseok cusses little to never.


"I'm not done." Minseok continues to give me the cold glare. Which scares me, Minseok is never angry. I wait for him to continue.

"What about 'We are one'? The thing we always say when we introduce ourselves? Huh? You always yelled it out the loudest. And now you leave us to what. 'We are now scattered all around the world, from Korea to China, not one anymore'? You ! Because of you now we only have 4 members in Exo-M!"

"Well there are always replacem-"

"Replacements my ! Don't you dare say that! Because Exo is not Exo without you and Kris! We are still trying to get over the fact that Kris left us for good and now you leave? First you don't come to our concert and now you leave. We should've all seen this coming, we are the idiots. I can't belive we never noticed. I thought you didn't join us on our concert because you were too shy after confessing. Because I rejected you. But, you don't know what your confession did to me. Your confession lead to my confession. Well, my near confession until SOMEBODY decided to leave! What happened to 'I will wait forever until you accept my love for you'? Huh? Was that all just a joke to mess with my feelings? If it was congratulations because you succeeded in destroying my heart!" Minseok's eyes start to get wet from tears. I stay quiet from the shock. He... likes me? He likes me... back? But I thought...

"But you rejected me." Even though it's hard, for both me and him, I look him straight in the eyes, and he looks me back with those cold, brown eyes.

"Have you been listening? Your stupid confession did weird things to me, and I started to develope feelings back towards you! I became gay for you! I was never gay until you confessed! That was the main reason why I rejected you, you ! I bet you don't even love me anymore! You've been distancing yourself from me lately, I tried to ignore it. But I guess my thoughts were just me, you really do just think of me as a friend now. I turend gay for no-" I shut him up with a kiss. Even though I could feel his warm tears falling down onto my cheeks, even though he is resisting me, trying to get me off him, I hold him tight, and keep myself pressed onto him.

I pull away. I look up only to see Minseok still glaring at me with those cold, round eyes.

" you traitor. Don't you dare touch me without my permission. You think that's gonna change anything? No! It's not! You're still out of Exo, you left me alone with Chen, which everyone knows has the biggest crush on me since I don't even remember when! At least he knew you liked me and that I started to like you back, unlike you. Now that you're gone, he'll use this chance to 'confess' to me! I have no feelings for him, I'mvnot gay for him! I'm ing gay for you, but you're not here anymore. You're going to China, to be famous there as a singer. Just another singer in China. Meanwhile Exo is here being broken down because of you ing chinese people. So don't make a move on me, I know that kiss was just another joke to give me false hope. No, you're gone from Exo now, and I'll never see you again, nor will I keep contact with you." Minseok keeps glaring at me, and it breaks it heart to know that he doesn't want anything to do with me. But it is all my fault. It is true that I am leaving because of Minseok, because of the rejection. I know, such a stupid reason to leave a world famous group that depended on me right? But that's just how strong my love for him was.

"Minseok... I-"

"Don't say my name. It makes me want to change my name when you say it." Minseok stays strong, not breaking down crying, when I'm just about to fall crying. Which I do. But I can tell Minseok thinks this is all an act.

"I-I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry! I... I didn't k-know what to d-do! I... I-I-I love... Love yo-u too much! S-sooo I deci-ded to leave you, because I knew you would never fall for the stupid, retarded me, who is only successful from being pretty and singing! I'm really sorry... I left for a stupid reason but it's because I love you too much!!" I keep my head down in my hands, but I've calmed down a bit. I stay in this position, sniffling, feeling bad for myself when I feel someone tugging on my arm. 

"M-minseok?" He keeps his glare on, but I can see worry in his glare.

"Get up. Don't make a show in front of everyone." I get up, with Minseok helping. We move to a seperate room, so we can speak privately.

"Luhan, I-" And Minseok breaks down crying. He starts crying really hard, and I can't help but cry along with him. This is all my fault. This is all my fault. Is this only thing that is in my head right now.

I hug him, and he hugs me back really tight.

"Luhan... I-I tried. I really t-triied-d hard t-to keeeep Ex-o calm... to n-not get angry at you... But I c-couldn't hel-lp get angrrry myssself a-and..." He continues to cry, and I pat his back. I deserve this. I deserve this. This is all my fault. I deserve this. Keeps replaying in my head.

"Luhan... please... don't go... I... I love you. We all do, please stay. Please don't leave. Please continue as our visual and lead vocal, as our cute Luhan, and start anew as my boyfriend." I hug Minseok tighter.

"Minseok... I'm... I'm really sorry..." I hug him tighter, so he won't leave. He doesn't, but he whispers in my ear,

"We are one my ."

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wow, i'm surprised i even have comments or readers for this. I thank you all. -Star


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Chapter 1: oh my god, i find it so true holy . It seems so realistic my god... this is mindblowing...
rokputih #2
Chapter 1: Hahaha I think it's cute.-.
bananaicecream #3
Chapter 1: haha. yeah. we are one my . (i'm not even kidding here)