Bus # 0112 and the color Pink

How to Find Your Own Reciprocal: Celine’s Story

Celine’s POV:


May 26, 2014: A week before the first day


“Here’s the deal, mom. You go to the school while I clean the entire surface area of our house? Isn’t that great mom? Right? Aren’t you happy because I’m finally going to clean the entire house just because of me being a lazy ?” I said. I really hate going out on Monday. It might be vacation but after a week, oh hail the lazy Monday’s.


“Dear, I would love to see my daughter to finally clean the house, but you really need to go to school today. Besides, you’re going to school with Min. She volunteered to go with you to school.”


“But mom! I don’t want to go. Why am I going anyway?” I asked confused. Why do I even need to be in school in such an unholy hour?


“You need to attend your first assembly as a junior student and as a transferee in your school. I am not a student anyway so why do I have to go there?” My mom explained. Well, she’s right though. Oh the agony.


I went upstairs and wore my black and white cropped tee together with my black high waist jeans. And for the finale, my old black Chunks. Oh, and my black shoulder bag. That’s it. No make-up, no dangling earrings, no flashy necklace and rings and no heels.


“Dear, Min is at the door. She rejected my offer to let her eat. She said that the two of you are running late. Come down already!” My mom shouted.


I run downstairs and gave my mom a peck in the cheeks and high-fived my little brother who is 6 years old. How cute of you, Kookie. I opened the door and hugged Min. We were best friends since we were in kindergarten in California. Oh, good times.


“Dear, and Min, be careful in your way. Text me if you need help, okay?” My mom said and we both nodded. We rode in a bus and thankfully, there is one empty sit beside a guy reading a book.


Bus # 0112. My mom’s birth date.


“Yah! Min, you can sit beside him okay? I’ll just stand beside you.” I said being generous.


“No way Celine! You should sit beside him. And besides, his really cute.” Min said giggling. Oh the nerve of this girl. I already gave the sit for her but she still insists that I should sit instead of her. I pushed her all the way to the sit forcefully and unfortunately, her forehead collided with the guy’s forehead.


Min really in Korean though.


I’m so sorry mister. My best friend and I was finding a sit for two but I only found one. Sorry for bothering you. I’m going to just stand then.” Min said in English.


Seriously Min? His freaking Korean. He can’t freaking understand what you just said. Why can’t you even say sorry in Korean and have it quits?


It’s okay. You can sit beside me. Oh, and is that your best friend beside you standing? She can sit in my place. My stop is near anyway.” The big-eyed guy responded in English.


Wow. So he can speak in English. How cool for a Korean.


“No, thank you. I can manage.” I said coolly but instead, he grabbed my wrist and he gently makes me sit in his place.


How generous of you.


“Well, thanks.” I said and nodded my head.


“I’ll be going now. Good bye.” He said with a smile and went out of the bus. I glared at Min and suddenly felt something.


What the. What is this spiky thing at my back? Is it perhaps, a knife?


I quickly looked back and saw a book. What a book doing here? I suddenly remembered the guy a while holding a book. Is this book possibly his? I flipped the pages of the book and a piece of paper fell.


“Tell me what is love. –D.O.”  I repeated it twice and maybe, the initial is his name? Well, it really resembles his eyes.


“What’s that Celine?” Min finally knew what is going on and I just showed her the book.


“Is that possibly the cute guy’s book? Cause if that’s his; I’ll return it to him.” She said but I rejected her offer.


“I’ll return it to him.” I said and Min just showed her grumpy face. I laughed. After 5 minutes, our stop’s finally here. I carefully kept the book inside my shoulder bag and entwined my hand with Min’s.


“Welcome to SM High School, Good day! What can I help you?” A student appeared in front of us and greeted us. His probably an officer or something.


We’re here for the first assembly for transferees.” Min said in English yet again. The student gave her a confused expression. Way to go, Min. He obviously doesn’t understand English. His pretty handsome though.


I coughed and said Min’s words in Korean. The guys finally understood and lead us in the place of the assembly.


“Oh, I almost forgot. Hi! I’m Kim Jun Myeon, but you can call me Suho. I am this year’s president of the school’s student council and I am glad to see transferees from abroad. Here’s the venue for today’s assembly. The assembly starts at 10:00 am and you have 15 minutes left in the clock. You can befriend the other transferees. The registration is on the other side and the both of you can get your freebies at the other side. I’m a junior in this school, how about the two of you?” He politely said and we nodded in response.


His not that bad after all.


“Hi. I’m Kim Hye Sung but you can call me Celine, and this is my best friend Min. We both came from California. Min really in Korean, I hope you don’t mind. And yes, we’re both in our junior years.” I replied sounding as friendly as I can.


“I see. Well then, I can leave you guys here. I need to go back and welcome the other students at the gate. Good luck and welcome! Hope that we can be classmates!” He beamed and I just nodded.


Classmates my .


We registered our names and got our freebies on the stalls. A pink hat with the letters “SM” in white, a pink tower with the school’s name in it, a pink shoulder bag with the same initials in it and a pink automatic umbrella with again, “SM” written on it.


“Pink, pink, pink. Why are they all color pink?” I proclaimed in English for the other students to not understand. Min just laughed and we then went to our sit when someone stopped us in our tracks.




Hi guys! Please give lots of love in my new fanfic. :) Italicized words are Celine's thoughts. 

Min seldom speaks in English in this fanfic so I also italicize the words :)

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