The Rhythm and the Beat




You be the rhythm and I'll be the beat

And love the shoreline where we meet

For those nights wen you lay waiting for the morning


Whispers. Laughter. Smiles and gazes. They sat uttering words to eachother as if they had known eachother for a lifetime. The conversation seemingly never ended; their connection ran deeper than any river imaginable. They chatted about life's discrepencies; their differences seeemingly pulling them together like a magnet to metal, a compass needle to the north. From morning till night there they sat enticed by one another. Their gaze never once faltered or strayed. They became iseperable that day. Jongin was pure ectasy and Kyungsoo had became an addict.


"We shouldn't." Kyungsoo stared at the figure infront of him, eyes wide. 

"Take a risk, Kyungsoo! Aren't you tired of being in that huge house alone?" 

"B-but I-" His words were cut off by the feel of Jongin's lips.

The taste something he longed for since they first met that fateful fall day.Winter had rolled in quickly and Jongin and Kyungsoo stood in the middle of the street as crystalized water drifted upon them.Nothing but the street lights illuminating the space they stood on was around them. Their lips touched at first slight brushes across the skin but soon developed slowly into a kiss filled with longing. Their relationship had progressed quickly. Jongin inviting Kyungsoo to his apartment after a few days after they met and soon after he met his parents. It was a whirlwind of events and now they stood in the middle of an empty road at four in the morning, it was the longest Kyungsoo had ever been out. His heart pounded so loudly it ringed in his ears and he could've sworn that Jongin could hear it too. He was afraid. Afraid that he was out so late. Afraid that someone would come to ruin the moment. Afraid to let himself go for once. Kyungsoo was  and spontanity was not his speciality - but it was Jongin's. 

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songka #1
Chapter 1: Love your writing here, it has a really nice feel to it!