Coffee and Cigarettes


Two strangers. That's how it all started, as it usually does. Two seperate entities going through life without knowledge of the other. Until one day their paths cross. That day had soon arrived. The leaves on trees fading from vibrant greens to deep reds, tangy oranges, and subdued yellows fell from their support above. Kyungsoo was dressed in his finest cashmere sweater, an off white colour that suited him,and darkwash jeans. A pair of round specs framed his doe eyes, his hair neatly combed. One hand gripped a travel mug filled with a latte of sorts, topped off with sweet cream. The air around him was welcoming, the scent of pumpkin spice and apple cinamon lingering. A familiar tune hummed out of his heart shaped lips as they were pressed into a faint smile. 

Me who’s looking at you looking at me looking at you
You who’s looking at me, me who’s looking at you

The petite boy continued down the stoned path that lined the edge of the street. His steps light creating a slight hop as he moved translationally. In the distance ahead he spotted a man. His jaw was ever so carefully chisled, his eyes smoldering. Tall, dark, and handsome summarized the man. The stranger held a cigarette in his hand and a puff of smoke escaped his lips. He was enchanting in a way Kyungsoo never thought possible. He stopped in his path, his eyes wistfully wanting him. To know him. Belwilderment consumed him in an instant. One moment, a single second was all it took.  He'd never forget that fall morning. 




Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, the days passed. Kyungsoo returned to the spot where he saw the stranger each day. Each day he saw him and studied his behaviours. He was a profusive smoker, by the looks of it he'd had the habit since he was a teenager. Smoking a cigarette each day and the same time, as consistent as the ticking on a clock.  The stanger was seemingly oblivious to Kyungsoo, never glancing in his direction. As the stanger inhaled a breath of smoke from the blazing tabacco , Kyungsoo would sip from his cup. The black substance flowing through him just as the smoke consumed the insides of the stranger. They were in sync, perfectly in tuned to eachother unknowingly.

Every so often while at the spot Kyungsoo would look up from his book to see the handsome man. The tall figure stood on the street coner between a bakery and a coffee shop every morning. He never understood why the man leaned against the wall of the building each day, no amount of observing seemed to give it away. But if there was one thing for sure it was that he was radiant, not in warmth, but in mystery and distance. It differed from Kyungsoo in every way. The doe eyed man screamed innocence, warmth, and openess. Maybe that's what drew them together. Maybe it was the differences that made it all work. 

Sip. Inhale. Swallow. Puff. Sip. Inhale. Swallow. Puff. Sip. Inhale. Swallow....Puff.

That was their dance, that was their song.




Kyungsoo walked up to his usual spot at the coffee spot, the spot that gave him the perfect view of the stranger. On that fine fall morning he went through the routine he had acquired over the week. Stroll into the coffee shop, order a cup of joe, walk outside and sit under the shade of an umbrella table. Except this time as he went to sit down at his usual spot he noticed something perculiar. There sat the man Kyungsoo observed, smoke emmiting from his lips. 

"You gonna sit?" the man inquired, eyebrow slightly raised.

Gulp.Kyungsoo's eyes widened.Tentatively his head raised then lowered back to place.

"U-uh y-yeah." he stammered

The man nodded to the chair adjacent to himself, the action speaking the words "Sit there."

Upon the closed distance Kyungsoo could see the man's features more clearly. His blustery eyes held the faintest hint of innocence shrouded by the smoldering surface. Framing his almond shaped eyes were archs that were luxuriant; making his countenance welcoming. Continuing to examine the specimen before him he noticed an abraision by his lips.

Looking up the man smirked at Kyungsoo,"Oh, this?" he pointed to the bloodied section of skin. "Its nothing,just a little cut."

"How did that happen?" Kyungsoo asked concerned. 

A small smile, "Just a little fight between friends. Nothing really." a chuckle escaped from his lips.

"I'm Jongin by the way." Jongin stuck out his hand casually, offering a handshake.

"Uhm, I'm Kyungsoo." he grabbed the hand lightly and shook it, his palms perspiring.

"So,uh, come here often?" Kyungsoo inquired, slightly embarassed afterward.

Jongin glanced at Kyungsoo's crimson tinged cheeks.

"Hmm, yeah." smoke exhaled from his mouth , "I work near here."



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songka #1
Chapter 1: Love your writing here, it has a really nice feel to it!