Starting today you are the host clubs dog!

Kaoru Hitachiin Love Story
As the day went by and every girl that passed me swooned, the end of it seemed the best. As I was walking down the hallway I heard two sets of feet barreling towards me at a ridiculously high speed. Before I could even turn around I felt two pairs of hands grab my arms and forcefully drag me somewhere. As I realized it was Hikaru and Kaoru kidnapping me I sighed knowing I wouldn't get anywhere with these two morons. As we finally slowed to a normal pace, and stopped I turned to mt two ' kidnappers' and sighed with an anger mark on my forehead. I hit them on their pretty little faces, making them hit the lockers on the other side of the hall. " Oohhhh...ngh" groaned Hikaru and Kaoru simultaneously. As I was about to walk away I heard Kaoru say " I thought you said you would come to our club today." I slowly and awkward made a 360 degree turn and rubbed the back of my head saying " Oops, hehe, well, it's just that I don't, you know, like being FORCEFULLY BEING DRAGGED TO SOME PLACE I DON'T KNOW." I yelled at them making Kaoru pout like a five year old not being able to get the toy he wanted. I had to say it was the most adorable thing I've ever seen. As I was walking to the so called "music room 3" The boys asked me what I was doing, so o said, " I'm going into your club room, duh." I said pointing out the most obvious thing in the world. Hikaru then said " That might not be a good idea. Do you even know what our club does?" I smiled and said " I guess I'll just have to wait and find out then." I opened the doors to music room 3 and, man was I not prepared for what I saw. Rose petals flew into my mouth causing me to choke. As that was happening the twins got into position. When Kaoru left Sam's side, he longed to just go back over to her, but this was all apart of the plan. Operation: Get Sam to join the host club was a go. The only thing the twins didn't tell the club was that Sam was a girl, but they'll figure it out eventually. As soon as Sam regained her balance and stopped choking on rose petals she opened her eyes to be met with handsome men and a chorus of " Welcome"s as she just stood there. Soon after she heard a boy with dark hair and glasses speak. " Hikaru Kaoru isn't this young man in your class?" The twins nodded and said " Yup, he's our new toy. A lady killer too." Kaoru said slinging an arm over her shoulder making her slightly uncomfortable, abd trying to move into a beetter position as Hikaru put an arm around her waist. Though she could have sworn she heard a slight growl erupt from Kaoru she just shrugged it off. Then a certain blonde and violet eyed second year came into view saying " So your the exceptional honor student, Mr. Yoshikono." The glasses boy's glasses glared and said, " Well that wasn't very nice was it?" another light bulb went off. Blondie then started going on about some thing I wasn't paying attention to when suddenly I felt pressure being propelled ay my arm twirling me around. " Sammy-chan, do you want to have cake with me and Usa-chan? " I don't really like...cake..." I said trying not to puke all over the adorable boy. " Then would you like to hold Usa-chan?" he asked " I'm not into bunnies either." He pouted then said " Does that mean you don't like Usa-chan?" he looked like he was about to cry pocked up the stuffed bunny and said " Huh, I guess he is kind of cute." Fourth light bulb went off. Then Blondie got in my face and said." I didn't think the honor student would be so openly gay." He said. I scoffed and said " And why do you suppose that?" I said taking offence, because it was rude to judge people by how the look or act. He completely ignored my question saying" So, what type are you into?" I gave a confused ' huh?' Just before he told me " There's the silent type, the boy lolita, the mischievous twins, and the cool type." I was about to ask what he was when he grabbed my face in his hands, pulled me close and said " Or maybe your into a guy like me? What do you say?" Kaoru got a weird feeling as he saw his boss do that. How could he do that and he couldn't l? His thoughts were cut short by hearing a thud and seeing the boss lying with his face in the ground. As soon as the thud was heard, there was a slow motion version of what was happening right then and there. A blue vase swirled off of a pedestal and shattering before Sam could catch it. As soon as I heard the crack, I turned around facing glasses dude, knowing that he did all the financial aid in this joint. " Hehe, I'm gonna have to pay you back.' I said my voice melancholy. " How much is it?" I said afraid of the answer. " Eight million ¥ " Glasses dude's glasses glared. I literally felt my heart break when he said that. I started trying to calculate how long it would take to pay off my dept. " Well Tamaki, what should we do?" Blon- I mean Tamaki then said " there's a famous saying you may have heard of, Mr. Yoshikono. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Since you can not pay with money, you'll pay with your body. Starting to day you are the host clubs dog!"
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Chapter 2: Nice chapter~
Can't wait to read this story ^^