



In life we all have an unspeakable secret, irreversible regret, an unreachable dream, and an unforgettable love

« Diego Marchi »

Lady was the nick that we named after an old sturdy bridge in our town – the place he often met with his mother before she passed away. If I were to describe him in one word – narcissist. He was the mulish, egoist person I've ever seen. Acted like he was the King, he had one-sidedly throned me as his Queen. 

I had been alive long enough to understand that if you hurt someone, it was only right to receive the same retribution. Perhaps that was the reason why I hadn't cried ever since that day – when he disappeared in that bridge.


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I was not the least amazed by his so-called love confession on that day, nearby the Lady. I stood there like a statue, folded my arms and eyes rolled in exasperation. Screw that. It had been always like that – between us. The fact that I loathed him, and he knew that well was not a mere acceptance by now – it was history.

"Joong Ki yah, let's play a game." My gaze shifted upon him, who was stepping on a road divider that I was leaning at. Again, he was doing something foolish but why didn't he show it to other? But, me? Then what? Trying to impress me with his balance game after saying "I Love You, let's date for real?".

His eyes met with mine but instantly, I turned away. Don't let me start to describe how eery that look that he had been giving me.

"The game that you liked so much, hide and seek." After a long pause, I managed to say it out as I gritted my teeth. "The rule was simple. If you find me, I'll be your girlfriend and if you don't, you'll have to listen to my request."

He chuckled, pocketed his hands and leaned closer until the tip of our nose almost touched. "How about a final kiss then?"

I groaned inwardly and shot a glare at him. "The winner would have to decide that," Then, I hissed and looked away. On a second thought, I should've met up his gaze and proved to him that I wasn't kidding but then I was too afraid that he might noticed the fear in my eyes and laughed me off like what he usually did.

"No kiss, no play." He said in a hushed tone and that was creepier than ever. "Suzy yah, I love you..." his voice softened, as if that would make a difference.

To my surprise, he crushed his lips forcefully against mine and began kissing me like he owned me. I gulped and a scream welled up in my throat. My hands balled into fists as I tipped my head back to inch away from him. He paused to chew on the corner of his mouth before grabbed me by the waist and at my nape to deepen the kiss.

He empowered me. I was helpless, hopeless and worthless whenever he was with me. It was something that I couldn't even afford to shed a tear for, because it was painfully annoying.

"After I win this, we'll kiss again." He told with a smirk. That smirk. I swear I would've ripped it off off his face if only, if only he wasn't holding the card about me.

I have to win no matter what because this was my only chance to get rid of him. Others might not know this, and nor did I care but, one thing for sure, I've always wanted to become more like myself and less like him. 

If only things happened the way I wanted, probably I wouldn't have to live in insecurities for a lifetime. That day had calloused my heart. And yes, my gut feeling was right - I won . He never return ever since. A police report was made. His mysterious incident were discussed everywhere. The picture, his picture that were put at every corner in our town were coincidentally the one that I took not long ago. And instead of questioning where's him, I couldn't lie my conscience into thinking why must they've chosen that picture out of all.

Then, the nightmares started. Every time I closed my eyes, he was there - in front of my mind's eye, as though my brain wouldn't forget.











Joong Ki 




Soo Hyun











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Ius labore impedit docendi no, sea eius molestie facilisi at



Ius labore impedit docendi no, sea eius molestie facilisi at


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Ius labore impedit docendi no, sea eius molestie facilisi at


Ius labore impedit docendi no, sea eius molestie facilisi at





Hello, thanks for stopping by.


I've started this fic back in July but haven't update ever since.  Outlines were done for quite some times already but I just couldn't bring myself to start the first arc!


"Bridge" was the first mystery-thriller that I've written in english. English wasn't my first language, and so, I hope you'll go easy on me upon that matter.


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