짝짓기 (Mating) 1

짝짓기 (Mating)
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짝짓기 (Mating) ..[1]..



Donghae loves his parents so much.


They were the only ones who showered him with care and gave him undivided affection.


He still remembered when his father would bring him to the woods for a morning run. They would often stop by a small stream. There he would be allowed to swim and play until his lithe body becomes tired he couldn’t lift his paws anymore. And then his father would carry him as they go back to their home, where his mother would already be waiting for them in the porch with a warm smile adorning her youthful face.


Those were the times Donghae treasured. The memories he kept in his heart.


Their life maybe simple, but it was worth living because they were together.


But then, everything changed when his father was shot by the human hunters.


It was horrible, having to witness his father take his last breath, knowing it was his entire fault. He shouldn’t have been stubborn. He should’ve listened when his father had told him to stay by his side. It was even more painful to watch his mother’s heart broke for the love of her life. The remorse of losing her beloved mate was too much to take. She had gotten sick, died a few months after. And young Donghae was left alone to deal with the guilt and misery.


He was adopted by a distant relative from another pack. It was indeed, a much prosperous life, having to experience actually living in an Alpha’s house. But everything isn’t the same anymore. It isn’t warm. It isn’t welcoming.



It doesn’t feel like…home.



Donghae had a hard time blending in. Being an Omega is difficult, especially living in a pack that strictly followed a traditional way of life. While the other kids were allowed to go out and play, Donghae is forbidden to join them. He mostly stayed in his room; a small space in the attic with a solitary window where he often sat to watch the other kids of his age ran and played.


He isn’t one to complain. It was so much better to be alone than to be treated with cold stares and unspoken dislikes. He’s an abomination, the sorry kid who brought death upon his parents. He had long gone accepted the fact that he is not deserving of love and affection from anyone else.


Although there were times, when he would cover his body with blanket and just cry, wondering what it would be like if he was given more freedom.


The only friend he ever had in the house was a girl named Mi Young, a cheery girl with pretty eyes and beautiful smile.


It was hard not to like Mi Young. Her positive outlook in life had made Donghae’s dull one a little bit better. Mi Young is barely seventeen, a few months younger than Donghae. They would spend an hour or two of talking, mostly in Mi Young’s part because Donghae would always just listen. Donghae’s lack of response heeded no problem. Mi Young handles one-sided conversations very well.


Mi young would tell exciting stories about her trips to the woods, how great it felt to run and just enjoy the breeze of cool wind caressing her fur. If Donghae is jealous and sad, he wouldn’t show it. But Mi Young knew. And she wished she do something for her friend.


On the midnight of Donghae’s eighteenth birthday, Mi Young knocked on his door.


He opened the door, only to be pulled down the stairs by his eager friend.


“Mi, what are you doing?” he asked nervously, having no clue of what’s going inside the head of his mischievous friend. Mi Young flashed him a grin, hushing him to stay quiet as they sneaked towards the back of the kitchen. He widened his eyes as he saw his friend pull a flash of metal from her pocket, it was a key.


Carefully, Mi Young pushed it to the locked door and it made a clicking noise before it opened. “Come on Hae,” she extends her hand to her friend who seemingly stayed frozen on his feet. “We only have limited time.”


“I don’t think this is a good idea Mi.” Donghae looks at his friend, and then to the opened door that headed a path of trail to the woods. He shakes his head, suddenly becoming scared. Both of them will be severely punished once they get caught.


Mi Young tugs at her friend’s hand, giving him a reassuring smile. “Trust me.”


The coolness of the midnight wind gently caressed his fur, and it gave Donghae a sense of happiness as Mi Young guided him deeper into the forest. He lets his claws press against the crisp leaves and twigs that covered the forest floor. It was the first time in a long while since he phased to his wolf form. He can feel the uncontainable bliss running through his veins.


They stopped by the edge of the mountains.


Mi Young phased back to her human form, she twirls and smiles at her friend.


“Happy Birthday Donghae, this is my gift for you.”


Donghae phased back, walking to where his friend is standing. He gasps, tears forming in his eyes as he watches the breathtaking scenery. The stars are shining brightly, its light reflecting like speckled jewels in the crystal stream.


Donghae was glad he has Mi Young. He had never been

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My hiatus is over! Chapter 6 is coming soon :)


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169 streak #1
Chapter 5: Hi... I hope you haven't forgotten about this 🥺🥺
Chapter 5: I really moss this story.. love hyuk and hae character here <3 hoping that one day u'll be back and update this ?
Chapter 5: I miss this story TT hope you are alright <3
Chapter 5: This is so sweet and well-written. Waiting for you ♡
niceeunhae #5
Chapter 5: My hiatus is over! Chapter 6 is coming soon :)

you said it on 2015, and now is 2018. too bad good story like this got abandoned.
Chapter 5: This is so cute! Is it love at first sight for the alpha? Is that why he chose Donghae?
Chapter 5: I really love this story. Still waiting paeintly for an update.
Chapter 5: :(
nickelcadmium #9
Chapter 5: Oh my....;-; I am so helpless because there is no chapter six....... Thank you for sharing this lovely story♥︎