Cheated Out Of Love


It was a marriage out of business and wealth. Hyukjae despised it, being tied down to a man he never loved. But for Donghae, marrying the man of his dreams is one of the happiest memories he'll ever cherished. And he vows to protect him, even if he has to destroy his own self in return.


Title: Cheated Out Of Love

Pairing: EunHae

Genre: Angst, Romance

Rating: NC-17

Summary: It was a marriage out of business and wealth. Hyukjae despised it, being tied down to a man he never loved. But for Donghae, marrying the man of his dreams is one of the happiest memories he'll ever cherished. And he vows to protect him, even if he has to destroy his own self in return.





"Donghae, you don't need to do this. Just let the bastard be responsible for whatever he did. It was his fault and not yours. You don't need to drag your reputation down for someone like him. Not like this." Siwon held his arms weakly, begging for him to change his mind. Pleading for him to stop whatever craziness he's about to do.

But he can't. Because he loved Hyukjae with all his heart and even though the man never reciprocated his feelings and will never be, Donghae would still do this for him because that's what he promised, on the 8-year old Hyukjae who was crying on his grandfather's grave and to the Hyukjae that he married twenty years later.

He gave his anxious friend a broken smile. Feeling sorry for dragging him upon this mess that he would be making. With tears gathered in his eyes he cups Siwon's face.

"I'm sorry." He mouthed before he closes the space in between them.

The elevator door opens and Hyukjae widens his eyes as his mind takes in the scene that unfolded itself before him.


His husband is kissing another man.




A/N: Hey guise, i'm still alive (barely). My laptop's broken for sometime now. The same reason why i can't seem to update any of my stories. But i had my tablet now. Hoping i could do some updates every now and then :)


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Chapter 1: what a strong opening to a story! quite sad to see it's been abandoned, but it seems I share the same sentiments as the comments below mine; I hope you're okay! maybe one day this story will see a continuation. until then, you have me as a sub. ♡
1649 streak #2
Chapter 1: Oh this is such a heartbreaking start and even heartbreaking that this wouldn’t been continued. Leaving Hae hanging like this is so sad. But after six years I don’t think this will get a comeback. A pity but hope you’re ok.
Chapter 1: I hope you will update this story someday. Because I love your story so much author-nim. Please update T_______T
masasama #4
update please......
Please update soon author-nim >_<
Cloudnine7 #6
Chapter 1: Will u update this story? I'll wait :]
Chapter 1: please update author-nim :)))
anna9085 #8
Chapter 1: update please......
Kiomeeka #9
Chapter 1: Update update update. This is a good story so far looking forward to more.
deersiwon #10
Please update!