Chpater 10 - Kangteuk

Demon Appraiser

I am starting to believe that the security guard of the Internal Security Department was a saint. I was told that he never skived at work, alway alert and diligent, no bad habits and he looked pleasant and okay.... But why did he allow weird persons to enter and worst still allowing them to see me!

I think I should send a hamper to his family, thanking them for bringing up such a good son who contributed greatly to the Nation!

Leeteuk was here again.

Normally, I would not be able to remember the names of all the visitors to my office because of the limited storage space in my brain. However, Leteuk was different because at the first meeting, he left a deep impression on me.

--- Flash back -----

A voice reached me before the owner appeared," You are the Demon Appraiser? Leteuk wants to be certified."

How am I going to describe his voice? It was the smoothening type, gentle and soft and a bit smitten feel. I felt that letting Leteuk to be in mortal realm would cause havoc  among the girls and so I had to settle him.

Despite the nice voice, I was rushing to meet the dateline for an urgent report. I rolled my eyes and snorted,"  There is no such thing as assisting other to get certification. Get Leteuk himself to come down personally!"

The voice sounded again," I am Leteuk."

I was pissed off," What the hell are you addressing yourself as Leteuk? And not using I?"

..... He is not a young sweet girl to call himself with his name!

He spoke slowly," Leteuk is free to call himself as what he likes. It is none of your business!"

I was really pissed off now. I looked up to see who this Leteuk was, acting so arrogant here.

I had my special len with me and I saw his true form. I saw a huge rooster at my door with 3 heads and 6 feet. However, it had 3 wings which grew in between the heads.

The moment that I saw it, I recalled seeing the online rumour : ' Certain famed fried chicken fast food restaurant used mutated chicken, each chicken had 6 wings and 6 drum sticks........'

I was feeling even vexed as my inspiration for my report was gone after seeing it. I waved my hand," I am busy now, extremely busy that I had no time to eat and sleep. I will speak to you tomorrow."

I had anticipated that it would not be happy with my respond but I did not expect it to spread it's tail?! Come on, it was a rooster and not a peacock! It looked very hideous with its 3 heads.

I had seen intidimating Demons and I became immune after being scared for numerous times. At most, I would be shocked at  the first few seconds before I felt nothing.

Leteuk rewrote my own Guinness book of record! It turned thrice and did a dance, flapping it's wings," Leteuk wants to be certified! Leteuk wants to be certified!"

I was dumbfounded at  Leteuk's actions.

If Minwoo was a classic example of a lunatic among the Mankind, Leteuk would definitely be the lunatic representative of the Demons.

Given his antics, I am unable to concentrate and continue with my report. While Leteuk was dancing and chanting away in my office, I browsed through my database to check which type of Demon spiece he was. I only heard about this type of rooster Demon in the classical book of Demons. I had no idea how powerful Leteuk was but he was first of its kind that I saw.

Well I was slightly curious about new things and I decided to study Leteuk. I became more friendly and spoke," Please calm down. Why don't we talk over a cup of coffee?"

Leteuk stopped his dancing only after 3 minutes of my speech. When he did, he plonked his butts on the chair in front of my desk. "Where is Leteuk's cup of coffee?"

WTF!!! He spoke as if I owed him and I had to serve him as a maid for his cup of coffee!

I took off my glasses and stared at Leteuk. It did not occurr to me that such a cranky Leteuk had such an attractive human form. He was a handsome man with dimples, soft hair and milky white complexion.

I liked to reiterate that the Demon's form had no relation with the Human form that they were in!

Well, Human were attractive to pretty or handsome looks and that included me. Seeing that he was handsome, I stood up and went over to get my precious 'Blue Mountain' coffee powder and started to pour hot water to make the coffee.

The moment that I brought the cup of coffee to Leteuk, he rolled his eyes at me," Leteuk does not like to drink this."

"...... " In my mind, I felt like bashing him up! I placed the cup with a loud bang on the table and rolled my eyes back at him," I only have this and I loved to drink coffee."

I wanted to shoo Leteuk away or get the great security guard to come and him away. But seeing his innocent, pouty and yet devilish looks, I decided to chat a bit with him.

"How old are you?"

"Leteuk can't remember."

"Where were you born?"

"Leteuk can't remember."

"..... Why did you come here to the mortal realm?"

"Leteuk can't remember."

I slammed my hand on my desk," Leteuk, are you playing prank on me and wasting my time! You can't remember this and that. So tell me, why can you remember."

Leteuk side glanced me," If Leteuk can remember, Leteuk will not be here."

I felt like banging my head on my desk. Leteuk was a huge rooster Demon who suffered from memories loss.

Leteuk sat in my office for the entire morning and he blabbered the entire morning. The only thing that he said was," Leteuk wants to be certified because Leteuk will regain memories once Leteuk had his power."

I snorted, " Curing memories loss had nothing to do with gaining Demonic power. Pabo."

Leteuk glared at me," How would you know if Leteuk does not try it out."

I was losing my patience," If you are just naively wanting to gain your Demonic power, you have to walk out of the barrier shield. Easy as a piece of cake. The country is not that big and you do not have to use your brain to think of which direction to go.  You simply just walk in one direction and you are out of it."

"Leteuk knows this." Leteuk continued glaring at me," But the problem is Leteuk can't walk out of the barrier!"

Leteuk told me that he had tried walking out of the barrier several times but the weird thing was that, each time that he was reaching the destination; he would unknowingly lost consciousness. By the time that he woke up, Leteuk found himself in his bedroom.

I was skeptical about what Leteuk had told me but it sounded spooky as well.

I was thinking that this could be an excuse because there were cunning Demons among them who visited me. However, I was not bothered by them.

I rested my chin on my left hand and looked at Leteuk," I am unable to accept what you just told me."

Leteuk was not totally stupid because he saw him rolling my eyes and snorted all the way. I did not respond at all to him and he sort of stopped pestering me further. He stood up and singed his wings and stormed out of my office.

I was jumping for joy when Leteuk left my office willingly, instead of me forcing him to do so or having to call in the security to him should Leteuk turned nasty.

But I was wrong! The moment I left my office, I saw Leteuk waiting on the route that I would have to pass by when I went home.

Leteuk was sitting on the railing and he hopped down when he saw me approaching. He greeted me warmly by shouting," Keke, you are here. I waited for so long"

Yah... what did Leteuk meant that I am here? I did not make any promise to meet him at all. I was cursing and swearing in my heart.

I pretended that I did not see Leteuk, lowered my head and picked up my pace when I was nearing him. Leteuk came close to me and he was so close that I could feel his breathe brushing on my neck," Leteuk really wanted to be certified."

"Leteuk, I repeat one last time. I do not accept your reason."

Leteuk wanted to say something but I did not want to waste my breathe with him. Immediately, I stopped a passing cab and hopped onto it. I decided not to take the subway today. From the side mirror of the cab, I saw Leteuk standing there and his silhouette started to vanish when the cab travelled on.

--- End of Flash back -----

This scenario continued for 2 weeks and Leteuk was really determined. He would either wait for me at the gate of my building, wait outside my office and the most shocking time was that he waited for me at the lift lobby of my apartment block! Anyway, Leteuk's action was no different from a stalker! I started to develop a phobia of chicken which was all thanks to Leteuk.

I was not able to tolerate in the third week because he appeared like a ghost in the toilet while I was finishing some business! The most disgusting thing was that Leteuk did not find it embarrassed to hover over me while I was doing my business and he did not seem to note that his actions was inappropriate. I used a great amount of will power to control myself from shrieking out at Leteuk.

"LETEUK! " I shouted out his name," I can't stand it anymore and I surrendered! Let talk in details in my office."

Leteuk gave me a toothy smile plus a dimple on the side of his mouth.

WTF!  Leteuk had the cheek to smile!

I believed that I spent 2 hours talking to Leteuk. I told him of the tragic outcome of the Demons who were certified. I wanted Leteuk to think through again carefully if he wanted to get certified. I did not know why I spent my precious time on Leteuk and I could only conclude that he might have hypnotised me with his handsome human looks.

After listening to my long speech, Leteuk said," Oh I see."

I assumed that he understood my kind intention but what he said next made my blood boiled," So I say that they are weak Demons. If they are Leteuk, they will not perish so easily. Tsk tsk. "

..... Yah, did this Leteuk understood what I am trying to get across to him. He did not seem to have grasp the gist or the importance of what I was saying to him. I knocked my forehead on my desk and cursed softly.

Subsequently, Leteuk disappeared for a period of time and I was elated that he was no longer stalking me. I went for a short trip for a week, drinking and lazing around while doing nothing. When I returned to my office, I saw my mortal enemy best friend, Lee Minwoo, with a sulky facewaiting outside my office.

Before I said anything, Minwoo cut me off," Look, I am not here to bother you."

"Oh." I nodded," You actually here for official business?"

Minwoo rolled his eyes at me,"Do you think I want to come here. I have not been having much time to sleep and you kept creating trouble for me!"

I smirked. I was happy to irritate the out of Minwoo," Oh this is funny. Please elaborate."

Minwoo stared at me with a very serious face," Be serious Dongwan, I was here because the top Management ordered me! I am to tell you to be impartial and do your job properly."

I frowned," What do you mean?"

"Don't you play dumb with me now." Minwoo narrowed his eyes at me," You kept rejecting and turning away that Leteuk Demon. I did not know how the hell that he befriended someone in the top Management. That Leteuk Demon said that you refused to certify him and he is complaining it up already."

I was shocked. I cursed at Leteuk and I never knew that he was so scheming and evil!

Well, a few days later, my superior called me in for a coffee session. I was under great pressure and I was compelled to sign the certification paper for Leteuk. Leteuk came up up my office one day to collect the document. He snatched away the paper and was beaming away. He grinned," Stupid Human."

"....." I think my blood shot up to my brain and  every drop of my blood was burning up.

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Chapter 19: wow the ending of chapter 18 is lovely. author-nim, may i ask you something. i wander when will you do some story like with the minwoo and dongwan? here i only see ricsyung, jindy,eunhae and kangtuek couple only. hopefully i can see this couple in action. hehhhe. ^_^
Chapter 6: authour-nim,.... i don't know how to say this but I only read until chapter 6, and my tear flow like waterfall. I don't know if i can read for the next chapter. it to heartbreaking. How can you wrote this excellent story as I can feel and see all the character do their part respectively.
Anyway continue update cause I will read it until this story finish. Thank you for this story ^_^
Chapter 4: the first 3 chapter really make me cry so much TT_TT. thank you author-nim for this story.
lunanegra #4
Chapter 19: Omg wookieee... you scared minwoo awayy..
lunanegra #5
Chapter 18: Minwoo!!!❤
Chapter 17: Ooh this sounds scary, especially when dw smell the burning flesh!!
lunanegra #7
Chapter 17: I... i... wish he went on vacation with minwoo instead.. *sorry, cant help it.. major woodong fan here*