New Home

Home 홈

When will this end? The fear I have, I don't want to meet my new master. My famliy is gone after the fire in my village, Starlight. Starlight is now gone. All the villages are gone, but legend says that there is a hidden village called Moonstone. Moonstone Village, where everybody is equal. As legend says it's hidden deep in one of the forests. Only certain people are to find it, unless the barrier is broken. I am scared. My brother 'disappeared' when I was younger. I am told he is dead. My brother, Kim Junmyeon. We were playing in the forest and we seperated from him when the storm suddenly hit. When the storm was over, we all expected him to come home. After hours we decided to search for him. We searched till it was dark. My family, they gave up searching. But I had faith he would return, but reality is I didn't want to face the fact that he's dead. After sneaking out to search for him in the village, he was no where to be found. He is no longer here unless he found a new village to live in. I want to atleast know what happened to him. Is he dead or Alive? I----


WHOAH what happened? I look up from the corner where I'm tyed up, Seems like the horse carriaged stopped, I notice the other captured kids are sleeping, no wait... this little boy in the opposite corner, he seems lonely, hes crying.. Is he alright? I carefully slide over without trying to make a sound. Suddenly the carriage moves making me slam into the boy.

"I'm so sorry, are you okay?" I whisper. The boy nods his head. That was the end of our conversation. It was very awkward. I decided to try and talk to him again. "Hey." I say, but he keeps quiet, and sends me a glare. Great, it seems like he hates me. Fine I will ignore him now, I was just trying to be nice.




It sounded like thunder. I am indeed afraiid of thunder. Without knowing I grabbed onto and hugged the boy. It was, I didn't know or realize that the boy also hugged meand was crying silently. I guess we are both afraid of thunder.





The soldier drags me and the boy out of the carriage. He tosses us to the ground like we are useless animals. The boy hugs me tight as we get thrown.


"Y--ou okay?" the boy asks, I look at myself, jusdt a slight bruise on my arm, but the boy, he  is bleeding around the elbow.

"I'm okay, but you are bleeding, here let me help you stop the blood."

"N--o, it's fine, I can deal with it."

"No you are hurt just let me do it."


Before he could say anymore, I started tending to his arm, I used a cloth in my pocket and wrapped it around his elbow.



"Baekhyun." he muttered


"Name. Is. Baekhyun." he says casually.

"Ah, I see, nice to meet you Baekhyun, I'm Nami." I smile at him.


"I'm sorry, I didnt hear that, can you repeat that please?"



"Come on, get up you two!" The soldier drags us infront of a well dressed couple. So this is how Monophomians dressed. The silk and lace on the clothing, my it must be expensive.


"These are your new masters."

Me and Baekhyun instantly bow to them.

"Good Come In." Madame says.

"Yes masters." We both say.


We follow Madame down a hallway. We arrive infront of a door.

"I have someone, I want you to meet after you two change into new clothes. So please hurry up and change, I will meet you two in the dining room at the end of the hall. You two will be sharing a room together."

"Yes, we understand Madame."

"I guess you and I are sharing one rom then."

Baekhyun keeps quiet as we walk into our new room. On the bed were two sets of outfits. This room looked pretty decent. I touched the fabric of my clothes, it was silky smooth, but it didnt look like the silk and lace madame was wearing. It was prettier than I thought.

"You change first, I will face the wall." Baekhyun suggest, more like demands.


"Hurry Up."

After we both changed, we go to the dining toom at the end of the hallway. We see our new masters sitting there amd a boy not much older with his back towards me.

"Masters we are here."

"Good you are here, come over here, we would like you to meet our son, Suho."

The boy turned around and to my surprise he looked really familiar, almost like my brother, Junmyeon. The boy now basically known as Suho had the same shocked face as me, I couldnt believe it.. my brother is still alive?



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Fanfictrainee #1
:) the feels
Fanfictrainee #2
Woohoo an update! Yay
SooYeeon #3
Author- nim, I'll be anticipating!
Fanfictrainee #4
I'm looking forward to it! Hwaiting!