Dear Diary, Today will Be My Last.

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Dear Diary,

As I am writing this, I am hiding from the Monophomians. They've set our village on fire. Alongside the fire my family died. I am the only  surviving member of my family. Well atleast thats what I think. Beside me is a little girl who is younger than me. We are both hiding from the ones who are trying to capture the remaining. I am really scared. What if they find me. What will they do to me? I wish my brother is still alive. I dont know what to do. 'Alone' in the afternoon. Hidden in the forest near our village. Praying no one will spot us. My surroundings are so dull. When I look up there is trees, when I look on both sides there are bushes and more trees. The little girl is laying in my lap sound asleep. She must be tired. I wonder what happened to her and her family. Are they still alive? Or is she like me? An orphan now, who is desperately hiding from the enemies. From a distance I hear a high pitch scream. Who could that be? It sounds like my bestfriend's scream. No it can--t be him. He couldn't have got killed... No No No. "NAMI I LOVE You." Those are the last words I hear before I can smell my tears coming down my face. H--e's de---ad? Chen... why? You were my only friend.

Chen... I remember that time, when I was about to jump into the fast flowing river. He stopped me. His very words, I still remember them like yesterday. " Baby don’t cry tonight after the darkness passes Baby don’t cry tonight it’ll become as if it never happened You’re not the one to disappear into foam, something you never should’ve known So Baby don’t cry cry my love will protect you" Those were the words that brought me back to reality to realize how stupid I was.Chen, he really is someone special to me. I love him dearly. But after today I don't know what I will do without him. We use to have lots of fun together. Trolling other kids and adults in our village. But acting all innocent when they were looking for the culprit who did it. Now I can never do that with him anymore. All I have is memories of us, never again can I make new ones with him. I will miss him.

Rain is now falling.Drip Drop Drip Drop. As I feel my tears staining my cheek. I can't help it but, realize that all I have left is my diary to express all my thoughts to now. Oh dear. I hear shuffling noise. Could it be... Oh no. Its the Monophomians. They spotted us-- wait where did that girl go? She was laying in lap sleeping just a while ago. I guess it's They spotted me. I guess this is the last time I write in here. Today is my death. Good Bye World..

                                                                                                                                            ~XoXo,Kim Nami





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Fanfictrainee #1
:) the feels
Fanfictrainee #2
Woohoo an update! Yay
SooYeeon #3
Author- nim, I'll be anticipating!
Fanfictrainee #4
I'm looking forward to it! Hwaiting!