Latte Pt. 3


A cup of warm latte was the first thing that popped up in my mind as I walked down the streets. It was horribly cold that night so I had to quickly go to the cafe Mark told me about. Saturday. 
I'm recently into this mystery novel and really can't stop reading. Gosh, I really need a cappucino.

The exterior of the cafe was quite boring, but the interior was splendid. Tables and chairs were in a neat state. The bittersweet aroma of coffee made the place seem like home. Music flew into my ears, drifting me into a new dimension.
After I ordered a cup, I got back into my 156-page novel.
Patiently waiting for my order, I read around 60 pages.

20 minutes passed by and I still haven't received my warm coffee. The night is getting colder by the hour.
My handphone rang, but it was just a missed call from Jimin. She's probably curious about where I am on a night like this.

It's already 10 PM, but the cafe hasn't closed yet. Mark hasn't even arrived yet despite the fact that it was he who told me to come here yet I was the one who arrived early.

Then, a boy wearing a red jacket came inside.

"One americano, please!"

The boy walked to my table and stood right in front of me.

"Yah, Yerin. What are you doing here alone. I miss you."

He revealed his handsome face as he opened up his hood.


"Why do you miss me? We're not even that close, and I thought you were busy with your girlfriend,"

I once took his phone from Jackson and stalked. There was this contact named 'Baby', so I thought it was his girlfriend or someone. Considering he’s such a gentleman, he must have a girlfriend as sweet as him.
Mark laughed and sat down next to me. He took his large mobile phone and showed me his chat history.

"Do you mean this? He's Jinyoung, and I don't like him more than you!"

He likes me?
Since when?
WHY SO SUDDEN???????????????

"Wait...does that mean you like me, eh, but you also like Jinyoung-oppa..."

He took my head and pulled mine closer to his. I felt his warm breath against my face.
I panicked. Wouldn’t it be odd to just randomly kiss someone you just met?
He pinched my cheeks and laughed with joy instead.

"Hey, what was that for!?"

"For not listening to me. Didn’t I tell you that I don't like Jinyoung?"

"No, babo, you said you don't like him more than me, and that kinda means you like him, a little,"

"Anyway, Jinyoung is only for Jaebum, arasseo?"

And I thought I was the only one that shipped JJP.




"Hey, Yerin. I love you,"

I stared into his eyes and fell into a deep spell. His sweet aroma lingered on me.

"You love me? Didn't you just say you like me?"

"No, I love you. I've always loved you since the first time we've became trainees. I was the secret admirer that used to slide anonymous letters underneath your door. I was the one that gave you Valentines' day chocolate through Yugyeomie, well, you didn't know me then."

I can't believe he had to say that now! Why now? I don't really like him anyway......or do I?


He leaned closer to me and closed his eyes. Even so, I still looked at him and waited for something unexpected to happen.
His hand moved up my arm and landed on my head. His long fingers ran through my silky hair and back up to the top.

"Hmm, mwoyaaaa?"

He grinned and continued to do so.

"Do you know how much I love you?"

"No, I don't. Tell me,"

With his hands, he closed my eyes. He tried to make this a surprise, even though I already know where this is going to go.
I knew he was moving closer to me, I felt his heavy breath that clasped on my chest.
And, it happened.
His plump lips that clenched on top of mine was the best thing that happened to me.
My first kiss.
The smooch lasted for a while until he got tired of sticking to my lips.

"Let's go home, it's already 11 PM," I said.

"Wait, don't go now,"


"I want you to be my girlfriend first."

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hmmmmm...i'll take a look at this fafic later!