Latte Pt. 1


Reading a perfectly composed book without chewing something bothered me. Even though relaxing classical music wondered in and out of my ears, it didn't amuse me.
I called the waitress in a sweet manner and ordered the specials. Not much of a meal but it sure made me full.

After finishing the astonishing meal, I looked around the place to freshen up my dry eyes that have constantly read pages of pages of that romance novel. There weren't lots of handsome men that attracted me but someone walked into the restaurant and widened my eyes.
The blue-striped shirted man sat down in front of me. He was blushing and innocently smiling without making eye contact with me. I've seen him before, right?

Without thinking further, I violently grabbed my mobile phone and called Jimin. 

"Ya, PARK JIMIN! Why the hell is Mark-oppa here!?" I had to exclaim her name in my highest notes. Whether or not she cares, I'm going to be dead if people think I'm dating this guy in front of me.
I waited for an answer. Faint giggling from the other side was loud enough for me to hear but she still didn't say anything. Because I'd cause a ruckus if I'd have to scream again, I closed the call and waited for the senior to explain.

"Um...can I talk now?" so, the man is even more calm than I am. "Jimin didn't make me come here, Yugyeom did. So, please, don't blame her,"

So, it is the huge-assed baby who dragged this senior all the way here. Why Mark anyway? I'd rather fancy Jaebum or Youngjae, but him? Seriously? Yugyeom really doesn't know I'm not into foreign guys. Sticking to my homeboys is better. Besides, I doubt this oppa's korean is understandable.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Mark-oppa. So...where do we start?" 

Changing the topic was weird enough. He's already seen the crazy side of me as I shouted out the brat's full name. I've never felt so humiliated in my intire life. He didn't say anything for a minute and we remained still. Hate to say, but he still didn't dare lay his eyes on me. His face is red all over.
I thought he was sick or something so I took his hand and dragged him out of the place. Walking would be tiring so I took the bus with him. 
As we arrived at his dorm, I stopped in front of the door. He finally looked at me.

"Why did you drag me here?" 

At the point where I was about to open the door, he lost his balance and fell into my arms. I used up all my strength to catch this heavy oppa, and realized I couldn't open the door as both of my hands are used.
Well, I have a huge voice.

Jackson came to the door and helped me bring Mark to his bed. He looked really tired but I don't know why. Asking Jackson a few questions didn't help me much because he didn't know what happened to the poor boy after he left the dorm.
Waiting for Mark to wake up sure was a long time. I've even finished that long love book. 

After walking around the dorm and stealing snacks out of the boys fridge, I went back to check on Mark. Jackson was still inside the room, only now Bhuwakul came to check the boy too.

"To wake Mark up, you have to kiss him." and I don't know who he's saying this to. "He doesn't wake up easily and once when Jinyoung-hyung tried waking him up he tried to kiss him, it somehow worked,"
But Jinyoung is a man. Mark is a man. Why is this surprising?

"So you're saying I have to kiss him?" I moved closer to Mark and looked at him. "Sure, you can try,"

I can't.

After reading tons of useless lovey-dovey novels, I still don't know how to kiss someone. Imagining how you're supposed to do it, the head-tilting, the plump lips, the eye contact, isn't it hard? Especially if it's to wake someone up. Bhuwakul insists so I'd have to do it quick. I wouldn't stand kissing him longer anyway.

I grabbed his long bangs and put it aside so I can see his shining forehead. It's just a kiss right? Nothing more than the touch on my lips on his forehead.

"No, Yerin, kiss his lips." Jackson said.

"O-Oh, I just wanted to see his cute forehead, it's not like I was going to kiss it. I'm definitely kissing his lips, yes."


My face blushed hard as I leaned closer to the guy. I closed my eyes and puckered up my soft lips. I wouldn't want to do this again so I'd have to make the best of it.


And he woke up.

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hmmmmm...i'll take a look at this fafic later!